Uncle Buck keeps telling people I was raped

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i laugh every time i see the title to this thread.

it's funny because i kept telling people that spammy molested a 14 year old drunk girl, and now he's the one telling people he was raped.

but i'll take the blame. spammy was raped by a 14 year old drunk girl. my bad for saying that.
All you gotta do to stop a chick from raping you is punch her in the titty.

Falcon punch works pretty well, too.


This thread is hilarious!!! Chinslappy, you have reached a new low.

Woody, I'm with you. Shooting someone is too quick, unless you give em a buckwheat. I prefer to slowly torture the deserving. so they can reflect on what they have done and feel the pain they have caused. Seems only fair.
This site would be far better off if both of'em disappeared off of it. Uncle Buck is a complete troll and finshaggy well, he probably deserves UB's trolling, but he's the exception rather than the rule.
I can't imagine WHY this thread is still active- and why such hateful trolling behavior is tolerated when there is a HUGE locked thread from the Mod's against it....?
LZ , please note that not all us mods have power in every area, this thread is specifically the penguins area, if you want him to close it take it up with him. Its hard enough being blamed all the damn time when we have no power of authority in certain areas.
I was going to say the same thing LadyZandra. I'm guessing it's ok for some people to troll others and attack them on this site apparently. UB has been here forever there's no way the mods don't know what he's about but he keeps on rolling along, so... I feel the same way UB does about finshaggy and a couple other people on this site but that doesn't mean I'm gonna troll'em relentlessly either.
Sunni, threads not being closed isn't really the issue. The issue is the behavior of the trolls. It's understandable that mods are on specific forums, but there should be someone who's active on the site who has the ability to control people everywhere otherwise the site really isn't properly modded. UncleBuck has been trolling people since I joined this site.
As far as I can tell, uncle buck is only nasty and rude to those that are nasty to him.

You don't know UncleBuck very well or maybe you just ignore him -- I mean he disses everyone in the state of texas REGULARLY. You must not read his other threads -- he trolls people who aren't even talking to him if they say something he doesn't like or heaven forbid they happen to be from the south, then it's just open season to post retard memes. You'd either have to not know UB or be in complete denial to say what you just said, sorry. I'm gonna assume you haven't read his other threads maybe. It's highly doubtful finshaggy started this dispute either -- more like UB couldn't resist it because he's such an easy target with the things he says :)
Sunni, threads not being closed isn't really the issue. The issue is the behavior of the trolls. It's understandable that mods are on specific forums, but there should be someone who's active on the site who has the ability to control people everywhere otherwise the site really isn't properly modded. UncleBuck has been trolling people since I joined this site.

No,..no, my man, he's been trolling long before you joined this site. He's a fixture, get used to it.
You don't know UncleBuck very well or maybe you just ignore him -- I mean he disses everyone in the state of texas REGULARLY. You must not read his other threads -- he trolls people who aren't even talking to him if they say something he doesn't like or heaven forbid they happen to be from the south, then it's just open season to post retard memes. You'd either have to not know UB or be in complete denial to say what you just said, sorry. I'm gonna assume you haven't read his other threads maybe. It's highly doubtful finshaggy started this dispute either -- more like UB couldn't resist it because he's such an easy target with the things he says :)

maybe if the south cleaned up its act and didn't serve as a stain of bigotry and ignorance upon our otherwise great nation, i wouldn't troll the south so hard.

even your location "occupied amerika" makes me want to troll you. occupied by who? can you name a freer nation than ours?
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