Nixon intentionally prolonged Vietnam war to win election, LBJ calls it treason


Well-Known Member
My my how Republicans have lost their way. They went from a party of integrity to a party of stealing elections, spreading hate, and being lackeys for the corporations.

“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things…a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.” Dwight D. Eisenhower - Republican


Well-Known Member
Of course, I can say the same about all Political parties. And I do. A pox on both houses is how we actually operate best I think.

Partisan is foolish and only for the canon fodder, imo.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Pointing out how your hero's steal power in this country is taking sides? Look in the mirror, you've been defending these treasonous thugs from page 1 of this thread. Did I say anything defending dems other than Carter wanted weed legal?
pointing out how youre a douche who thinks anyone under a certain income level (yet to be determined) should be disarmed for the safety of the criminals who might attack them is old news, so i wont bring it up here (i'm just saying it's Out There)

likewise, quoting LBJ on treason is the height of hypocrisy, but thats your stock in trade. quoting LBJ on vietnam is the depths of lunacy since HE is the one who escalated it, HE is the one who was calling audibles on targets from washington, and HE was the one ordering jets ready to launch in the south china sea to be reloaded with new armaments, and re-targeted for political aims rather than military objectives.

but hey, he had a D behind his name so he must be ACES.

you are a sad little whiner with a severe oedipal complex, who just cant get off mommy DNC's teats.

you lash out blindly (and ignorantly) at any imaginary foe and blame the republican party for all the world's ills, ignoring the simple and obvious fact that Democrats are just as conniving and dirty as Republicans.

but youre just a jingoist so who gives a shit. you havent had a thought in your head since your momma took a dump and found you floating in the bowl.

you are insignificant.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Nope, sorry, you are completely wrong... Eisenhower was the media golden child - in other words he was the product of the zionist controlled media. They owed Eisenhower because Eisenhower did their bidding by MURDERING 250,000 German POWs AFTER the end of WWII.

All elections were pretty much decided by voting up until George Bush Jr., But, of course, the zionist media pretty much decided the election in advance. That last TRUELY elected president was Jimmy Carter - and the zionist dropped the ball on that one and decided that will never happen again.

Get ready for 2016... It's gonna be Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush as your two choices - God save us :P

But honestly, it doesn't matter as the President has no real power anyways - as Carter found out. When he became president, he went to then CIA director George Bush Sr. and asked for information related to UFOs. Carter was told that such information was classified and he had to need to know.
yep.... israel did it.

what is with you and the jews? are you scared of yamulkes or something?

everything just winds up back at the feet of the jews in your sad little world. give it a rest, nobody buys that stupid bullshit except your fellow klansmen.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
My my how Republicans have lost their way. They went from a party of integrity to a party of stealing elections, spreading hate, and being lackeys for the corporations.

“Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things…a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.” Dwight D. Eisenhower - Republican
eisenhower is the only republican any democrat likes, since he was a democrat in drag.

nobody cares what you think, since your every post ends the same way, "democrat good, republican bad, and if we all just agree with democrats everything be A-OK".

youre a follower, just one of the herd following blindly wherever the sheep with the bell leads.

nothing matters to you but staying with the flock, not principles, not morality, not economic or political theories, just the close comfort of being surrounded by likeminded individuals all moving together up the ramp for shearing or slaughter, and it doesnt matter which.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I say good. Please include Doer, as well.

and then, remind or not, who cares?
i suspect the line for joining his ignore list would stretch around the block if such list prevented one from exposure to his sad little fantasy world.

i would actually use the ignore list if it prevented the entirety of the post from appearing, leaving instead a post number, and a small blank text box rather than the announcement that some dipshit has said something, and you cant see it due to preferences.

im too naturally curious to resist the urge to peek, and that means i wind up reading their pointless blather anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Not me...It is a very short list of the few people that cannot provide anything but personal spew when they reply.

If they go ignored, they are for good reason. No content, no context and the inability to rise above the scum pond when challenged.


Ursus marijanus
If, by your premise, that Nixon followed his marching orders from the military industrial complex, then yes

LBJ calls it treason? Lyndon Baines Johnson, the very same LBJ who was intricately involved in JFKs assassination?

Don't believe me? The truth is out there
To the recolored: how does one sort it out from all the shite? I don't much care to play "Where's Waldo", which is what the 'Net often feels like. 99.9% of it is scenery and camo, and not Waldo. cn


Well-Known Member
Clinton took a big risk. He sold them advanced missile guidance. And he sold the same to India.

It was sort of get your asses into space or kill each other, one or the other. They are both space faring and both alive to tell.


Well-Known Member
WAIT!!! I have Kennedy blood on my hands!!!

No....false alarm. Just a paper cut.....whew.. I'd hate to have to dig up Kennedy, Nixon and Johnson to settle this.
So do you believe Nixon's corruption was confined to Nixon and has nothing to do with your life now?

Do you think all these politicians are good guys and Nixon was a bad apple?

You don't care about people dead, do you care we no longer back our money with gold making it as worthless as paper and our word? and how good was that word of ares again? Do you trust the "word" of the government of the USA?


Well-Known Member
So, maybe it's not OK with you that I think those questions are meaningless. I've said I don't take sides and i mean that.

None of what you are asking makes a bit of sense to me. I didn't refect that in any of my comments. You refuse me, my ground. I'm not neutral. I care much less than neutral. I think the press teaches us to care about the wrong things.

Caring about this stuff you can't change, for example. And if the answer is, does the past affect the future? What is the question. :)

For each discrete rhetorical question, of yours, I could answer Yes/No/So What? We only Effect the Now.