Anybody ever have mice problems?


Well-Known Member
i am Just starting a small closet grow (first grow), not even sprouted yet. feel free to click the link in my sig for pics of the setup. My question is has anybody ever had problems with mice eating the plant or ripping them up, anything like that? the building i live in has a bit of a mouse problem and im just trying to be prepared. if this is has been a problem anybody have any ideas for a possible solution?


Well-Known Member
Outside I've had numerous problems w/mice, packrats, rabbits and even squirrels.

They generally start by digging in the nice soft soil, and or chewing the stems near the groundline. Aluminum foil will put a stop to that shit.

Other than that spraying on hot pepper solution, mothballs around the pots, mouse traps, sticky boards, rodent bait, cat, there are a bunch of possibilities. Yeah and I am a heartless bastard who is not bothered in the least by controlling vermin, by any means necessary.


Virtually Unknown Member
Victor Traps baited with PB. You'll be surprised how many you get. That SNAP in the middle of the night is very satisfying.


Well-Known Member
mice will eat you shit given the chance. i had some mice eat my only blunt once, because i hid it in a box ouside in my garage, came back to a piece of shell and no weed they ate it all.


Active Member
I have mice, I store my water in gallon milk jugs, and the mice will chew my lids up so they can get a drink. they eat any buds that fall on the floor. I never noticed any damage to the plants.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input..ill be sure to put some traps/mothballs around the grow down to try anything besides a cat (i hate them besides i feel like they would do way more dmg to the plants then mice....damn cats)


Active Member
Not really my cat loved my bud trees and only ate dead/dying foilage. She was the Pruner LOL. She even slept with the.plants at night lmao. Every now n then I give her a bug to eat. Guess she enjoys being baked too lbs


Well-Known Member
my x gf had a cat and it shredded my indoor palm tree eventually broke it in half and clawed it till there was nothing left...i was pretty pissed... wouldnt even want to take that risk with me plants... i guess it depends from cat to cat though