Does a prostitute have the right to deny service to some prospective clients he/she would prefer not to do business with? I say yes.
Who owns your property ? Who should be able to make the rules concerning YOUR property and YOUR body ? You should.
Your fuck you, would have more impact if you weren't always insulting and straw manning. I give it a 2.5 on a scale of 10. Now, how come you never answer the questions and run to insults when somebody makes a point you can't intelligently refute?
robbie, the key is whitey.
if awhite guy doesnt date black chicks he is racist, if a white chick doesnt date black guys she is racist, but if any black person, or in fact ANY minority says "i dont date white devils" thats just dandy.
even the phrase "reverse discrimination" implies that there is some justification for discrimination by those who indulge in the "reverse" version.
a casual perusal of the comments and opinions found within this forum makes it clear, whiteness is evil, and can be held in contempt for no other reason than the prejudice of the bigot, and the lefty dream team will support his opinions as if they were holy writ
just think back on how many bigoted statements you read in this forum which would transform from acceptable, approved speech, to a deleted post if you changed "rich white old _______" to any other racial stereotype.
how many times today alone has bucky claimed that others are racist just by virtue of their daring to disagree with his opinion on some trivial matter of government policy? (dont try to count, youll be unable to keep pace.)
why has calling somebody else "Racist" become the new preferred choice in ad hominem for the Butthurt Bunch?
because it works.
nobody want to be That Guy, the guy on the outside, who can be dismissed simply because some asshole claims he is a secret member of some white supremecist forum, or because dsome asshole makes an unfounded allegation of membership in some racist organization (except the black panthers, the nation of islam, the NAACP, the black, asian, filipino, hispanic, pacific islander, etc.. Chamber of Commerce, La Raza or any other "Minority Outreach Program") as always, the seriousness of the charge is all that matters, even if it is entirely untrue.
and thats what the cry of Racist does. it negates a person based on an unfounded allegation. fuck, even if some asshole IS a raving lunatic racist (like smok3y1's rampant anti-semitism...) that doesnt make them entirely wrong on every count, it just means whenever they start screaming about whatever ethnic or cultural group they so visibly hate, you can chalk their ravings up to that firmly established visceral hate.
people like bucky would preferr racists keep their racism SECRET to protect everybody from bruised feelings, while denying us the ability to recognize the lunatics, venomous toads and fools who stalk this forum with their Newspeak and politically correct hate and ideologically acceptable racism, while excommunicating those who hold unpopular views, as if those views are somehow contagious, while the acceptable racial hatred is entirely benign.