Random Jibber Jabber Thread

figong, I have to ask what level of degree do you hold in matters pertaining to the mind and sociology?

That in and of itself is a really good question.. where would you place me, out of curiosity? I'll answer after you take a shot. :)
That in and of itself is a really good question.. where would you place me, out of curiosity? I'll answer after you take a shot. :)
I don't think you can write meds. so Masters. With a few plaques on the wall in a mostly tidy office. Maybe a mental trinket on the desk. Possibly a high back red leather chair with large button depressions. Baldish, with a painting from a foreign country hanging on the wall. If you have a window they have blinds not curtains. There's something about blinds and their lighting you like, or maybe the effect of rapid opening and closing of said blinds.

How's that? Remotely close?
I cant wait to get a outdoor crop going again . gonna start prepping the spot this weekend

i said i wasn't going to keep a journal but i think i might
I don't think you can write meds. so Masters. With a few plaques on the wall in a mostly tidy office. Maybe a mental trinket on the desk. Possibly a high back red leather chair with large button depressions. Baldish, with a painting from a foreign country hanging on the wall. If you have a window they have blinds not curtains. There's something about blinds and their lighting you like, or maybe the effect of rapid opening and closing of said blinds.

How's that? Remotely close?

Bald yes, but the stress is due to genetics and age, moreso than work-related things. That said... nowhere near close on the degree level.. I have about 1.5 years background (from many years ago) studying forensic profiling - the rest is stored in my head as I read, and absorb.. that knowledge is more than 90% self-taught as I'm an INTJ/ENTJ split with photographic memory.. is how I can recall a discussion we had more than a few weeks ago debating FBI terminology until I provided a screenshot from a .pdf guide that you said sounded decent in terms of the definition they'd used. How's that?