Question on my Plant


Active Member
one of my plants just sprouted...i have a 150watt CFL light on it in my closet...its about 3 inches tall(the plant) if that enough light for it or do i need more?


Active Member
im pretty sure its soft that bad???

and i cant take pictures right now idk where the camera is


Well-Known Member
I would get a couple and then you will be fine for a while but in time you will want more. You can never have too much light I have one 18" plant going to flower and there is 14 26w cfls on it and i am probably almost going to double that over the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
that's probably good for that size. those put out about 2700 lumens. put it real close-like.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah how far is it from your plant you should be like 1"-2" away no more, Yeah it sounds crazy but a rule of thumb i have heard and seems to have worked for me is if you hold your hand where your plant is for 1 min and feel heat it is too close. hope that helps


Well-Known Member
yea as everyone has said 45 is good! daylight is much better it has blue spectrum and the cool white has more red.. the plants perfer blue in veg and red in flower.. but that said it wont hurt ya... With light more is better so if can add do so. put them as close to a inch. they dont burn hot another thing that makes them great for a budget grow... check my journal and you will see where I went from florecent tube to cfl and how many I had by the end of my veg... Post some pics and we will try to help ya get the best setup you can do with what ya got.


Active Member
oh yeah how far is it from your plant you should be like 1"-2" away no more, Yeah it sounds crazy but a rule of thumb i have heard and seems to have worked for me is if you hold your hand where your plant is for 1 min and feel heat it is too close. hope that helps
i just did that hole hand thing....its no more then 3 1/2" away from the plant....i can feel alil warmth if i keep my hand there


Well-Known Member
If you have a fan you can get a little bit closer oscillating though other wise you will blow the mother down even on low lol. Some people don't relize most cfls don't give off much heat but there are a few brands/models that do get a bit hotter i have some lights that if i rest my arm on them while i am working in there i get a little surprise i mean no where near as hot as a reg light but ya know what i mean

Oh yeah you dont want your lights too far away for any grow anyways yeah your plant will get bigger but umm not good big more like omg the is the steamiest bag i ever f'n had lol
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Well-Known Member
I would get a couple and then you will be fine for a while but in time you will want more. You can never have too much light I have one 18" plant going to flower and there is 14 26w cfls on it and i am probably almost going to double that over the next few weeks.
you realize how ridiculous that is?

14 x 26W = 364W . for one plant? you could have a 250W MH that would give you the same light output with much less heat! not to mention it'd be cheaper.

Or you could get a 400W that would still put out less heat than 364W of fluoro and put the ballast outside the grow room, jack up the light output and really cool things off.


Well-Known Member
you realize how ridiculous that is?

14 x 26W = 364W . for one plant? you could have a 250W MH that would give you the same light output with much less heat! not to mention it'd be cheaper.

Or you could get a 400W that would still put out less heat than 364W of fluoro and put the ballast outside the grow room, jack up the light output and really cool things off.
It is a bit crazy but I just cant get over the little buggers they're neat for one, i started with 3 plants and had two guys and it was my first grow sooooo i didnt wanna invest in hps or mh systems i think some day i will but for now just wanted to see if i could do it. I mean the price wasn't bad i got all 14 for 30 cause there was some brought to you by com ed bs goin on with them


Well-Known Member
yeah i guess for that price you can make an argument ... normally you would easily spend what you would on a small HPS or MH system for that many CFLs. how're the temps with all that shit running?


Well-Known Member
... and be careful with your breaker if you end up doubling. that's 720W ! too much else on the circuit, extension cord, or outlet could be bad news.


Active Member
yeah i hope this fucker grows....i still have a few more seeds germinating.

this is my first grow but not my first plants...
me and a few of my friends had some already grown plants that we 7 or 8 of them and about 4 or 5 of them were budding.

thanks for your guys help, and once this baby gets bigger ill post some pics cause i still got to find this camera


Well-Known Member
see that is another good part about cfls 728w/120v is like 6 amps if you run a 400w mh or hps light that is I am pretty sure gonna be like 400w/100v so like 4 amps i am pretty sure though cause most mh and hps lights are 100v. That was a bit rambly but i meant you get the point i have dank light coverage. My temps are good good good night time lows are about 68-70 day time highs 75-80 i have never seen it higher than 80 and i have had some hot ass days here and well to tell you the truth her night time is the hot time of the day and day time is the cold time of the day

Oh yeah the outlet is a heavy duty one and i ran wires from a fuse that wasn't use it is all up to code lol for the most part but part of my every day check is touching plugs outlets and wires lol mainly paranoia
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