This guy is trolling my every move on riu

Yeah but 80% of the people I see posting "OMG what happened to My Babies" do not even have a problem. Got a fleck of brown here or there and a hole in a leaf. Gimmee a fukkin break. You don't have a problem, but hey lets start dumping shit on it to try to correct 6 possible things at once. Now we DO have a problem. What now?

But a poser is a poser.

And Woody, I'm sure you are doing a photoshoot for High Times in your grow today, but just a reminder I await your photos.

they dont return my calls........dunno y
OK Woody, now about those pictures? Of your "grow". I wanna see yours! you wanna see my "burnt up" plants?

Thought not.
i would die happy if i never seen another shitty mg plant

Well I am step one toward your happiness because my plants are anything but shitty. They are robust, green, compact and growing like troopers.

So if I can read between the lines what you are saying:

1) You can offer no proof of any success in growing weed, or a turnip, or anything.
2) MG is terrible, just terrible, because you read it on the internet and it must be true because you read it and then repeated it.
3) You are a fake who knows nothing about anything to do with botany or horticulture. In the 2nd grade your teacher flushed your attempt at germinating a radish seed down the shitter during recess and replanted it for you because you were so far behind the other toddlers.

I get it.
I don't know anybody here from a hole in the wall but the OP sounds extremely feminine. Not that there's anything wrong, but who really starts a whole thread like this? Grow up and put on your big boy/girl pants or get off the site. Can you imagine what would happen if everybody did this for somebody they don't like? And talking about MG like that just sounds ignorant btw. If you need other people to tell you to just ignore a troll, good luck with the farming champ!
Another pussy talking tough on the internet lol, hows about you go f**k yourself nancy?
2cu.ft. MG potting soil + MG perlite(small bag) mixed together in a huge tub
No need for additional nutrients, just plain tapwater every 3-5 days.
No burnt tips > perfect fade late in flowering...
Just don't reuse it (except for maybe garden soil)
Now see the flowering is where I had my problem with mg, too much N during flower you can't flush it out. It vegged beautifully in mg however I must say.
Its funny when idiots point out tip burn as an experienced grower will often do this on purpose to test the plants thresh , like every pot plant is suppose to be picture perfect in the end .. Get real and understand that nothing is perfect lol .. Not even yourself or your own personal methods .. Fuck there is a million ways to skin a cat and to each there own .

Right wrong or inbetween, if my tips arent rusty, I am upping my nutrients. I don't stop until it screams enough, then I back it down just a little.
either way, my plants are healthy, even with some burn on the tips. my buds are frosty and nearing harvest in the next few weeks. im happy
Woody doesn't even know what he is looking @ if he thinks that is burned...the slight yellowing of the big fan leaves means it needs MORE nitrogen/nutrient.

Any "chemicals" in MG is leached out before harvest. Taste/Flavor is mostly in the genes of the plant.
Soil-less is my new fav. because of being able to control the nutrient uptake.
Those tip burns could've been from a transplant+never know unless your the caretaker...
My MG grown plants have 0 burned tips and are darker green until 6-7 wk. flower.
They slowly lose color starting with fan leaves bottom-up until they are finished...Just like the organic soil-less right beside them!
If you have trouble in late flowering with MG not letting plants lose color>
1) Need more perlite added next time
2) Veg plants longer(top+train/bend)

I've personally never had a problem growing ANYTHING in MG...
I've grown the same strain in organic soil-less and MG>No difference in potency.
The organic soil-less does taste better, but yields a few grams less.
Only my 2nd run of soil-less and I'm not done tweaking my recipe yet.
Another pussy talking tough on the internet lol, hows about you go f**k yourself nancy?

LOL you the only tough talking pussy pussy. You sound like a girl, get over it. You can't grow no tree, get over it. Your girl probably aint giving you no lovin no more, get over it. From the sounds of things you a punk who probably couldn't do nothing if she threw it at you anyway, get over it or start another thread pussy.