Cannabis All stars competition 3/30 and 3/31

co2 is worth the $, get a good controller. Make a post with all your details in the indoor growing section and one of the gas gurus will dial you in on a plan. Perpetual is the only way to grow if you have the room to set up 4 stages. I run 8 week strains and harvest 12 every 4 weeks. We are allowed 36/36 between my wife and myself but run 24/24 as we both have real jobs and maintaining the 24/24 is already more than enough extra work.

If you want stuff tested, go see Jamie at Know Your Grow in Providence. He has a special intro deal for new customers. Tell him Russ sent u

this event has nothing to do with 1000watt magazine. i know for a fact its not a money grab. its a great time to broaden the horizon. entries are coming from dispensaries and patient growers as well as caregivers. they get a sample back of all entered strains. and can win a lot of great prizes. its not a pissing contest. its like a horse race. who has some good cuts, not to prove anything. its judged on multiple qualites. and "know your grow" is one of the official judges. as well as professional breeders, cannabis professionals and others. i laugh at anyone who thinks this is normal rhode island bologne. glad we wont see anyone like that there. this is going to be a great time. whats $100 for a great two day party. its a great time for patients to meet caregivers and others as well. nothing negative. its gonna be just a good time. i can promise no one else has more official knowledge. and i can be sure that if any patient who was hard under funds wanted to attend they would certainly make exceptions. just ask. love how all the cold bitter hearts in rhode island have nothing better to do than talk down on people enjoying themselves.
one love
enjoy everyone who goes. i will see you there for sure.
Co2 is ALWAYS worth the money... my meds are always rock hard and everyday my leaves are strait upward towards light all spread out. They love the co2. When i had it off i could see the difference in the leaves easily. I honestly think i get me quality and excellent yield from the co2. Know alot of people who estimate what i would yield based off my experience and i always DOUBLE that. This time around i got more than 1 elbow a light which is pretty good for me considering myself a noob still.
To each his own. I personally avoid anything to do with either of the magazines any more, I've seen enough already thanks. I'm 46, those things just aren't my scene, no offense
To each his own. I personally avoid anything to do with either of the magazines any more, I've seen enough already thanks. I'm 46, those things just aren't my scene, no offense

I hear you there... I just became a grandfather on Monday..
What all of these one-post-shills don't realize (assuming they aren't all the same person, which is more likely than not) is that boards like these are communities. If you swoop in and do a drive-by promo of your venture (whatever it is), you will correctly get called out as an outsider trying to pimp us.

So guys, if you're planning on doing this again next year, how about you spend the next 12 months hanging out here, talking with people, answering questions, and becoming part of the group. If even *one* of the regulars here (LBH, NB, etc.) said "Hey, this is legit, I'm excited about going," I'd have sent in my cash to check it out. But when the only promoters are drive-by, don't be surprised when they get told to keep on moving...
The first thing I need to do is apologize to nobarriers for the insults. Regardless of the fact that I was attacked and labeled as a “promoter”, it is no excuse for my behavior in response. Second, I must point out and mention a few things in defense of being labeled as a promoter/spammer. Nobarriers you said my first post started like this “hey I heard about this great product”. In fact my first post started “The guy’s from the grow hut were at the RIPAC”. As I stated before, I did not know proper etiquette around here and therefore did not understand where, how, and when I can voice my opinion. I apologize for adding to a post that was helpful to me. Thanks to franklinstein the rules are now available to all newbie’s, “how about you spend the next 12 months hanging out here, talking with people, answering questions, and becoming part of the group.” Just out of curiosity, did it ever occur to you regulars that people who become new members, and start posting after reading along for months, may think that what they eventually do post, is the kind of stuff they wanted to know about from these forums? I.e. local events. LBH mentioned being 46 and nobarriers you mentioned being a grandfather (congrats in all sincerity). Just so you know I’ve got you guys topped in both areas. I’m 54 and a grandmother of 4. I will no longer post my opinions here, it honestly has been a horrible experience and I won’t miss it. I will continue to read along, and hopefully people like ganjamarley will continue to post things that are useful regardless of being labeled as a spammer. LBH I see why you backed away.
Grandmother of 4,.....they should make that the 9th qualifying condition!! lol I'm sure the majority appreciate you taking the time to explain yourself but that's really not necessary,'s the internet, you'll never make everyone happy. If you have questions about using forums, growing, etc, fell free to come find me, happy to help. Have fun at the shin-dig all!!
Grandmother of 4,.....they should make that the 9th qualifying condition!! lol I'm sure the majority appreciate you taking the time to explain yourself but that's really not necessary,'s the internet, you'll never make everyone happy. If you have questions about using forums, growing, etc, fell free to come find me, happy to help. Have fun at the shin-dig all!!
LBH,I always like your post and tutorials. You and I come from same era...I am in my mids forties too. Shoot me an email at patriots02894 at yahoo. got some good Sativa just harvested. Like to get together and burn :lol:. Disregard my name...wife set up while back and I have been lurker ever since:-(
Thank you cannamissri. I'm sorry if there was a misunderstanding and there is no need to stop posting. Maybe getting involved in some non promotional discussions. Just for the record ganjamarley is a promoter/spammer however he's not saying that he isnt so whatever.

Having events is cool and I understand there are costs associated with hosting an event but IMO $100 is a swindle. I hope for those who have spent the money that it's a good time.
We should have an over-40 meetup where we sit on someone's front porch, smoke bowls, and throw rocks at kids that venture too close to the lawn...
Last night was a hell of an event. I got exactly what I expected out of it. I met a lot of cool people, learned a lot, smoked a lot, got my ass kicked in basketball by danny danko haha. Seriously though great time and id love to attend another one and hopefully be a large part of setting up one in mass.thank you to everyone who put this on and participated. Im ready for round 2 tnite hope to see you all there
Last night was a hell of an event. I got exactly what I expected out of it.

Surprised nobody else has posted here about this. I've never been to one of these but it seems like there's better ways to network with patients and caregivers than dropping $100 to smoke and shoot hoops and talk with some people. Don't get me wrong, that review just didn't say to me: "sounds like it was well worth the price of admission."
Oh it was def worth it to me I could have gone into more detail but I didnt get home till 330am and tday was real bizzy. I didnt hear any complaining and the amount of meds they handed out easily covered the 100 bucks. I smoked alllllll day and allll night and I came home with enough to last me several days.also for me I personaly think its for a great cause and these people are the ones out there taking the risks for years to make this industry what it is becoming and thats a cause worth my 100 bucks. Not to mention that these guys worked there asses off the whole time. And I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with some of them last night and I can assure you that it was not about making money. They put alot of time and I bet a lot of there own money into it. Hey guys its like I said before it is what you make it. Some people make there own opportunities and now im gonna take a quick nap and head out for round 2 in a bit. honestly if you went and didnt have a blast and get your moneys worth then thats all on you...
Oh it was def worth it to me I could have gone into more detail but I didnt get home till 330am and tday was real bizzy. I didnt hear any complaining and the amount of meds they handed out easily covered the 100 bucks. I smoked alllllll day and allll night and I came home with enough to last me several days.also for me I personaly think its for a great cause and these people are the ones out there taking the risks for years to make this industry what it is becoming and thats a cause worth my 100 bucks. Not to mention that these guys worked there asses off the whole time. And I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with some of them last night and I can assure you that it was not about making money. They put alot of time and I bet a lot of there own money into it. Hey guys its like I said before it is what you make it. Some people make there own opportunities and now im gonna take a quick nap and head out for round 2 in a bit. honestly if you went and didnt have a blast and get your moneys worth then thats all on you...

Just so everyone knows. This shit was dope. Love the haters on here. I'm no promoter. I just have no need to fill these boards daily. Do read it. Read it and been here for years. This was off the hook. Bought a cheapvgavita light from good to grow. Watched glass blowers do it live. Growin crazy gave away light packages. Everyone had free stuff on their tables. Know your grow tested live at the event. Watched Danny Danko and Adam Dunn of THSeeds test strains live. Saw no egos. No arguments. Friendly competition. And every person who entered was fantastic and made a huge donation to the patients who came. No profits were seen to be made. Looks like it cost a lot to put on. And the entries were put out for any patient to go and sample. I was handed a doobtube at 420 to medicate. Saw no one complain that it wasn't worth it. Everyone got along and was super friendly. Everyone who contributed thank you so much. It was about time something like this happened in this boring shithole. Really gave me some optimism for this tiny state. I hung around after and these guys bought everyone dinner who came out. Had dinner with Danny Danko and NOREAGA. Sorry to anyone who decided to not go. That sucks.
Just so everyone knows. This shit was dope. Love the haters on here. I'm no promoter. I just have no need to fill these boards daily. Do read it. Read it and been here for years. This was off the hook. Bought a cheapvgavita light from good to grow. Watched glass blowers do it live. Growin crazy gave away light packages. Everyone had free stuff on their tables. Know your grow tested live at the event. Watched Danny Danko and Adam Dunn of THSeeds test strains live. Saw no egos. No arguments. Friendly competition. And every person who entered was fantastic and made a huge donation to the patients who came. No profits were seen to be made. Looks like it cost a lot to put on. And the entries were put out for any patient to go and sample. I was handed a doobtube at 420 to medicate. Saw no one complain that it wasn't worth it. Everyone got along and was super friendly. Everyone who contributed thank you so much. It was about time something like this happened in this boring shithole. Really gave me some optimism for this tiny state. I hung around after and these guys bought everyone dinner who came out. Had dinner with Danny Danko and NOREAGA. Sorry to anyone who decided to not go. That sucks.

Glad u guys had a good time. Fyi, If watching tests run thru the machine is your thing, Jamie would be happy to let u watch a bit down at the lab, shoot he'd probably put u to work,lol...., just stop in sometime.