Random Jibber Jabber Thread


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Kick their asses! I don't think I'm better than anyone, probably quite a bit worse, as I play games not to be epic or own, but just to chillax and have fun. I level really slow and stuff, people get mad at me...but hey, it's my cash so I'll play how the heck I want :P.
yeah thats how i am with like console its my downtime gaming like im only level 55 prestige 2 on blops 2. LOL but ijust play for fun and i love it. however WoW I take more seriously,
dont get me wrong though i aint like one of those dicks who like screams into the mic or types out dumb shit i just laugh to myself being like
"haha yall suck" hahaha. The thing is pvp to me is more fun because when i was in a hardcore 25 m pve guild it was like a second fucking job i couldnt handle it after so many years, to seriously sit there 5 nights a week for 4 hours, it gets redundant with little to no pay off


Well-Known Member
Ha ha im sure the trolls on blops 2 take there practice here! lmao, i sold that game because of the asshats it attracts! It's a shame they shut down arcade's like we used to have those were tha shit! It's nice to know there's folks playing to have fun and be chill especially on x-box live, everything costs money and to be honest the last thing anyone wants to listen to or deal with is punks in the penis olympics with headsets! Dont even get me started on wow, when i was active we had 4 damn guilds those guys can be just as bad there insults are just more intelligent in origin lmao!


Well-Known Member
yeah thats how i am with like console its my downtime gaming like im only level 55 prestige 2 on blops 2. LOL but ijust play for fun and i love it. however WoW I take more seriously,
dont get me wrong though i aint like one of those dicks who like screams into the mic or types out dumb shit i just laugh to myself being like
"haha yall suck" hahaha
I played that once upon a time, I never did cap out. I think my highest was 72 or something. I stopped playing a little bit after WotLK. Just got bored with it. I've got GW2, because you know, I don't play it all the time so it works for me in a fiscal way. I'm a bit bouncy with my games, I'll play NBA2k13 for a few hours, jump to ME3 for a few hours, hop over to XCOM for a few hours, play some Walking Dead or Walking Dead : Survival Instinct, maybe get in some NFS HP or MW, check in on my GW2 stuff, hop over and play some Total War...I'm just like that.


Well-Known Member
I played that once upon a time, I never did cap out. I think my highest was 72 or something. I stopped playing a little bit after WotLK. Just got bored with it. I've got GW2, because you know, I don't play it all the time so it works for me in a fiscal way. I'm a bit bouncy with my games, I'll play NBA2k13 for a few hours, jump to ME3 for a few hours, hop over to XCOM for a few hours, play some Walking Dead or Walking Dead : Survival Instinct, maybe get in some NFS HP or MW, check in on my GW2 stuff, hop over and play some Total War...I'm just like that.
whats gw2? Im more a fifa 13 and organised sports withco-op playing availibility. Have you tried anything in the halo format? if so whats the scoop?


Staff member
guild wars 2= gw2. Didnt like it much, i mean everywhere in the world is filled with assholes, thats why we have ignore, mute, and personal ignore mode, i dont pay attention to anyone and their bullshit. honestly, though ive met like my best friends playing wow, theyre really cool people irl, so i cant hate the game too much,
I pay for the xbox live and i dont mind its like i pay for wow time too, i also pay for netflix, some of its shitty some of it is good, LOL


Well-Known Member
whats gw2? Im more a fifa 13 and organised sports withco-op playing availibility. Have you tried anything in the halo format? if so whats the scoop?
GW2 is Guild Wars 2, I also still occasionally play the original. I'll play single player shooters, but I won't play online. There was one back in the day that had cooperative play -vs- bots on a massive scale I played called Joint Operations, but I've pretty much left shooting-centric gaming behind.


Well-Known Member
I like GW2 alright for what it is. This past week it's been mostly ME3, but now I've got RE6 and Tomb Raider, so I'll probably be on those pretty hard this week.


Well-Known Member
hmmmm i had a undead warrior dual wield with some bone arbiter axes he was pretty badass actually! This was when they were converting to level 85 at wow. I wonder if i could get access to my old toons or if they've been deleted? I had a few 80's actually but got hooked on doing dungeon runs with my guild. then we all got detached and seperated via jobs and life, havent tried or even looked at wow since. Had tons of fun playing that game tho! In fact i was doing a raid one time and my towers fan caught fire lmao, was a super nice fan too, but i got stupid and tried to clean my computer without being sterile, my brother said i did something to the ati board with a static electricity charge or something whacky like that. I didnt realize they still played honestly!


Staff member
hmmmm i had a undead warrior dual wield with some bone arbiter axes he was pretty badass actually! This was when they were converting to level 85 at wow. I wonder if i could get access to my old toons or if they've been deleted? I had a few 80's actually but got hooked on doing dungeon runs with my guild. then we all got detached and seperated via jobs and life, havent tried or even looked at wow since. Had tons of fun playing that game tho! In fact i was doing a raid one time and my towers fan caught fire lmao, was a super nice fan too, but i got stupid and tried to clean my computer without being sterile, my brother said i did something to the ati board with a static electricity charge or something whacky like that. I didnt realize they still played honestly!
unless your account was hacked, i dont see why they would be deleted?


Well-Known Member
Dagga plantation disappears

"Pretoria - A large dagga plantation discovered in Saulsville, Pretoria West, has seen scores of residents rushing to harvest the banned plant, The Times reported on Wednesday.
When the dagga field was discovered growing behind a park on Sunday both smokers and non-smokers flocked to gather the illicit plant.
According to The Times, most of the dagga was gone by Tuesday. Only three bushes which were in deep undergrowth and inaccessible remained.
One man, 32, who did not want to be named, told The Times he filled two refuse bags with dagga.
"I am set for at least a year if I smoke alone," he was quoted as saying.
"All I need now is a concealed spot where I can dry it...."

Incase you didn't know dagga is what cannabis is called in south africa.



Well-Known Member
Just been along time is all, that and this computer would choke if i tried to run wow thru it lol! I had an alienware tower then, ive since downgraded horridly lol! Playing wow and growing cannabis not a bad life actually!


Staff member
Just been along time is all, that and this computer would choke if i tried to run wow thru it lol! I had an alienware tower then, ive since downgraded horridly lol! Playing wow and growing cannabis not a bad life actually!
yeah theyd still be there, just waiting frozen in time ,..being all like "vtmi'kmaq...come raise us from the dead and play with ussssssssss"


Well-Known Member
I've got a slightly older rig, myself. Only packing an AMD Phenom II X6 1045T with 8 gigs of DDR3 and an ATI Radeon HD5770 1 gig. I think the time to upgrade is approaching rapidly.