Random Jibber Jabber Thread

up since 3 something.. posted 2x's in wake in bake.. already before 4:20 am... time for TMZ

TMZ stands for thirty mile zone an area where the "celebs play"

Ms Berning was looking hot too and she actually sat up in the chair more....

Has anyone herd of biting a blunt? Some kid bit my blunt on st.pattys day and I completely forgot about it until last night when some girls I was with asked if I wanted to smoke.. They had "bit some kids blunt" I told them I was going to go home to drink NyQuil that sounded more fun. But yeah it's just what it sounds like you bite the end off and hold it in your cheek like in lockup with pills, and yes it's grimy and no I don't usually hangout with these "girls"
I toss them now when i smoke joints (not often), but back in the day I swallowed them like a pill yuck!!!

Ha, yea I use to swallow them to a long long time ago. Dunno why I ever did that. Guess it was before I realized you could cut em up and smoke em again...
Man I wish you guys could see what I dump from my pipe!
The guy next door came by oneday and made a comment about it when
he put out a cig. in my ashtray full of ash from my pipe, he said, shit man you can smoke this ash LOL!!
Man I wish you guys could see what I dump from my pipe!
The guy next door came by oneday and made a comment about it when
he put out a cig. in my ashtray full of ash from my pipe, he said, shit man you can smoke this ash LOL!!

I'm the same way there tho, I don't like to smoke that last little bit before it turns to straight ash. The smoke taste like shit, and you end up eating most of the ash.