Water question?


bud bootlegger
this is just my opinion of course, but i think people tend to get freaked out over water a bit too much...

again, imo, if it's safe enough for me to drink, then it's good enough for me girls...


Active Member
The majority of tap water around the US is just fine and in fact often GOOD for your plant (minerals).

I have only used tap for years, lived in several states and tap water has NEVER been an issue.. well, with the addendum that those who soften their water with salt might think of a better long term watering strategy.


bud bootlegger
What would be the right feed for hard water? I'm running the FF lineup right now?
i got super hard water, and the ph is about 8,6 out of the tap... i've used ff and still do in addition to other crap, but anyhoo's, the ff stuff drops my water ph by about 2 points..


bud bootlegger
What would be the right feed for hard water? I'm running the FF lineup right now?
i got super hard water, and the ph is about 8,6 out of the tap... i've used ff and still do in addition to other crap, but anyhoo's, the ff stuff drops my water ph by about 2 points..


Well-Known Member
What would be the right feed for hard water? I'm running the FF lineup right now?
there are hard and soft water nutrients on the market. your local hydro shop will sell nutrients that run well with water in that area so you can't go wrong getting them there really.


Well-Known Member
there are hard and soft water nutrients on the market. your local hydro shop will sell nutrients that run well with water in that area so you can't go wrong getting them there really.
Hey had the typical line of nutes, nothing that jumped. From my reading the FF Happy Frog and nute line was my pick for this grow. i'm nailing the water ph at 6.5 with the nutes. Girls are very happy so far. Is Hard water going to cause more build up in the soil?

Bong Wizard

Active Member
I too use my tap water. However, I only have one faucet in my basement that is not fed by my water softener. So obviously this is the only place I get the girls their water.


Chlorine in tap water kills beneficial bacteria that lots of growers use.so if you use those products and dont get rid of the chlorine then you are wasting money.


Well-Known Member
Chlorine in tap water kills beneficial bacteria that lots of growers use.so if you use those products and dont get rid of the chlorine then you are wasting money.
Most municipalities these days use Chloramine, not chlorine. It has completely different properties and can't be evaporated off like chlorine. Doesn't matter because it is not harmful anyway.