Man I understand your argument... But your wrong. I also want to punch the mouth of those who use the term medicate when they are really just, and I hate to say this, addicted to marijuana, and trust me, D.r., Scientist, or w/e, it is
mentally addictive. Marijuana can be miss-used just like anything else, especially where I live, in the very secluded parts of east Texas, where there is no place for medical cannabis,. Most of the people here dont even know that is legal in so many places, even some of the older folks, are so ignorant to cannabis and anything to do with it, it blows my effing mind. Completely oblivious to the fact that what they call reggie, swag or whatever, is covered in mold and, at one time, looked a whole lot like what people call "dro" (also a huge term thats miss-used here). They sit there and smoke, claiming that they medicate, but the shit they are smoking might as well be pure poo lol. Surrounded by rednecks that don't have the ability to understand that they everything they think they know is wrong (about cannabis), and anyone and anything that tries to change their opinion, deserves fist or worse. Cannabis can be used to medicate, and to recreate. I use it for medicine, but I use it for recreation. I agree with the medical front, with so many people getting it for non medical reasons and that don't really understand a single thing about the plant, and I think that the effing decriminalization should go ahead and happen already. But thats hard to do, with something that can't be taxed, think of all the untaxed marijuana that could be grown that the gov will miss out on (pshh, that they
do miss out on, what am I talking about lol).
So yeah your failing to recognize the medicinal value, which in actual truth is very high!!!!
Excuse me while I light my spliff,