The Car Talk Thread

the town over from me is often voted one of the top 10 towns to live in in the country, so they're obviously loaded, and well, my town isn't, lol..
anyhoo's, i often have to drive through it to go anywhere and was just driving through today, and this jag was sitting at a red light waiting to turn green and i was trying to squeeze by it to get past, i have to say it was nice... not sure what model, but idk, i liked it..
plus, i've always loved the older xjs' from the 80s that the one person in my town with money had when i was a teen.. jags remind me a lot of aston martin's in the styling for some odd reason.

haha jags, masaratis, and astons all look the same to me and all their models look similar as well which i why i dont care much for those companies. BUT i think it would be pretty fun to get a old v12 jag, put dual straight pipes on it for exhaust, cold air intake, and like a 200 shot of nitrous. then just give it hell till it breaks! lol
i was at me nephews hockey game last saturday out having a smoke when i saw one of these pull up... :D

they also had these when i was at the monza circuit in italy as well... got me drink on on saturday when the girls walked around handing out free redbulls though.. :D

i was at me nephews hockey game last saturday out having a smoke when i saw one of these pull up... :D

they also had these when i was at the monza circuit in italy as well... got me drink on on saturday when the girls walked around handing out free redbulls though.. :D


lol they are all over where im from in florida as well :p
Top Gear said it was a "W16".
I'd call that a "V16"

nah, look at the shape of the piston bores.. they're not straight across, 8 per bank like a typical v would be, but rather more in a w shape, hence the name w16...
i was just coming on to say that the classic film, le mans, starring steve mcqueen is just starting on the turner classic movie channel.. of course i own it, but gonna sit down and watch it as i haven't in awhile...
really great film with tons of great footage of the cars of that time period.. gotta love it ... good stuffs...:D:D:D:D:D
Top Gear said it was a "W16".
I'd call that a "V16"

Look at the arrangement of the cylinders, there isn't one straight row, but two staggered rows. Hence 'W'.
Its my favorite cylinder arrangement, ESP the VW Phaeton with a W8...power of an 8cyl that fits in the space of a V6... Awesome.

EDIT. ^what racerboy said^
i just get so excited... Like the dunce who, for once, actually knows the answer...
*waving hands frantically in the bad of the classroom* Pick me! Pick me!
Sorry Racer lol you totally win
No. Fucking. Way.
I just finished watch LeMans an hour ago LMFAO! No word of lie.
Apparently Racerboy and I live the EXACT SAME WAY lol
Its one of my favorite movies not just because of the EPIC CARS, but because most of the movie is just footage of the cars running.