i need major help


Well-Known Member
no go away, your too young to be growing, and you dont have your own place thats not cool at all... theres way too much involved to just "help you", after reading over the WHOLE GROW FAQ, then ask if yourself if this is something your going to be able to pull off in your "upstairs bedroom"... I mean bro, where do you think your going to hide a 10-15 inch plant that stinks like da chronic for ~50-60 days?????


Well-Known Member
i started selling when i was 13 so i'll give a bit
go gurilla growing depending where you live but dont get caught or could be shot
i thought u had to be 18 to be on this site


Well-Known Member
lol fdd2blk what a nice thing to walk back to ha?,sum 16year old saying i wann grow weed lol


New Member
LOL Ill Help, Im 15 Been Growin For Two Years And sellin For Three. Geurilla Growin Is The way To Go And Grow. Read Some Guides On The Internet. You Got Seeds. Buy Marijuana Outdoors : Guerilla Growing by Jorge Cervantes. Growing Is A Lucrative Bussiness.

Dont get caught!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey fdd i was lookin through some old posts and i found one that said somethings wrong help,and it was a badass pic of a cannabus suntiva..or something .way fucking kool.....Peace:joint::mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
All I see here are two underage teens that are both about to get banned.

Haha...you would think they would be smarter, maybe lurk for a little while and realize how many of these things happen on a regular basis.

Damn stoner kids these days. :cuss: :clap:

:peace: out.


New Member
Storm! You Guys Have Helped Me With So Much And Ive Followed Your Grow Journal! They Didnt Look So Good In The Beginning But They Sure Grew! Stoners Have To Look After EachOther!