i need major help


Well-Known Member
LOL Ill Help, Im 15 Been Growin For Two Years And sellin For Three. Geurilla Growin Is The way To Go And Grow. Read Some Guides On The Internet. You Got Seeds. Buy Marijuana Outdoors : Guerilla Growing by Jorge Cervantes. Growing Is A Lucrative Bussiness.

Dont get caught!!!



Well-Known Member
Rofl...dont be angry cuz you're stupidity got ya caught.

pretty much its a don't ask don't tell, but when you volunteer the information you're puttin the shell in the shotgun for fdd to lay the smackdown on you.


Well-Known Member
you know i find it really stupid that some of the duschebags wont help isnt that what we want spread the word people get off ur high horse dude.i can almost guarentee that when u where 16 if u did smoke u would have wanted the same knowledge peace is what it is about not bein a jerk


Junior Creatologist
wow... a thread where not only one person was outed for being underaged, and will inevitably have to leave RIU til hes 18, but another minor OUTED hisself, intentionally, in the midst of people telling the other kid that hes underaged and he aint allowed to be here, lol. This is classic.

Guys -- I know you guys wanna grow weed, wether you think its cool to do, or your tired of buyin it(although i cant see how you can be tired of anything yet, on account that you havent lived long enough). But either way, i think you guys need to get a little more experience in the world before you try to dosomething like this. Every single one of us here has had enough life experience, fuckin with middlemen, bein tired of smokin inferior bud, n just outright being annoyed with the way the world works against us potheads in general - and weve all gotten to the point that were saying FUCK THIS, OVERGROW AMERICA. I know that might sound cheesey to you guys, but its comin from the heart. You need to get out there and go through these experiences for yourself, so you become a wiser, more informed smoker, and eventually a grower, if you decide its still something you want to do.

I can appreciate what your trying to do, but i cant condone that your trying to do it. Its just too early for you guys, and i think ya need to bounce. This is an adult forum, n unfortunately your not adults yet.

Move along little stoners....


Junior Creatologist
you know i find it really stupid that some of the duschebags wont help isnt that what we want spread the word people get off ur high horse dude.i can almost guarentee that when u where 16 if u did smoke u would have wanted the same knowledge peace is what it is about not bein a jerk

aint nothin about being a jerk, its about the rules of this forum first n foremost. But secondly, your just too fuckin young man. Aint no high horse about it. if my son came to me at 16 n asked me how to grow pot, i wouldnt fuckin tell him a god damn thing. I may smoke a doobie with him n talk to him about what hes doin with his life, but until hes old enough to understand what hes actually getting himself into, theres no way i would even let him touch a waterbottle fulla nutes.

When i was 16, sure i smoked, and sure i wanted to grow, n thats cool n all - i sympathise with you guys, but now that im older, and i know more about whats goin on, i can honestly say that if ida did some shit like that back then, i probably woulda done somethin stupid to get myself into trouble, or worse, telling the wrong people n got robbed, or a whole bunch of other fucked up shit. Im not saying its completely wrong, i just disagree with it. I dont have any type of solid concrete reasons why you shouldnt be growing yet, other than i personally just think that you guys need to have put some more miles on your lives before you try n get into some shit like that. But reguardless of my personal opinions (n they dont really mean a god damn thing to you guys), the rules is still the rules - your not 18, so go find someone else to help you guys out. Im sure there are other forums around that will help you.

good luck guys, n i hope you make the right descision.


Well-Known Member
aint nothin about being a jerk, its about the rules of this forum first n foremost. But secondly, your just too fuckin young man. Aint no high horse about it. if my son came to me at 16 n asked me how to grow pot, i wouldnt fuckin tell him a god damn thing. I may smoke a doobie with him n talk to him about what hes doin with his life, but until hes old enough to understand what hes actually getting himself into, theres no way i would even let him touch a waterbottle fulla nutes.

When i was 16, sure i smoked, and sure i wanted to grow, n thats cool n all - i sympathise with you guys, but now that im older, and i know more about whats goin on, i can honestly say that if ida did some shit like that back then, i probably woulda done somethin stupid to get myself into trouble, or worse, telling the wrong people n got robbed, or a whole bunch of other fucked up shit. Im not saying its completely wrong, i just disagree with it. I dont have any type of solid concrete reasons why you shouldnt be growing yet, other than i personally just think that you guys need to have put some more miles on your lives before you try n get into some shit like that. But reguardless of my personal opinions (n they dont really mean a god damn thing to you guys), the rules is still the rules - your not 18, so go find someone else to help you guys out. Im sure there are other forums around that will help you.

good luck guys, n i hope you make the right descision.
well i was just refering to how rude it sounded and i am definatly of age or i wouldent be on this site but i have been smokin since i was 7 im very informed thank you for the advice though:bigjoint: