Where you at rep wise?

So unless I approve of the gay/lesbian lifestyle it's clear that I don't like reading or learning?? Nice; I'll tell my professors that when I go back for my Masters.

No, it's your inaccurate assertion that prompted me to say this. It is completely your right to approve or disapprove. It is also completely in your right to speak up about it. But then is it not sunni's right, or my right, or Carne's right to call you a fucking douche-bag? Freedom of Speech is Freedom of Speech man. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

Congrats on getting your Masters.
No, he did apologize; it's "prima facie". He got jumped all over because of his opposition to gay/lesbian marriage - by gays and lesbians, so the vested interest was due to their proclivities, not to any other matter.

Sure, why not? He apologized, and then expected to immediately be accepting? No. thats not how life works man, and is very presumptive. And low and behold.. not but 30 minutes later he showed us all that he has not changed. I see he is trying, but he is not doing a very good job.

And why single sunni out on this? Why not pick on me? Shit, I give him shit all the time. In fact, I give all dumb fucks shit all the time.
potpimp, im not calling you specifically a dumb-ass, im merely making an example. you cool with me in my book. i sometimes like healthy debate.
No, it's your inaccurate assertion that prompted me to say this. It is completely your right to approve or disapprove. It is also completely in your right to speak up about it. But then is it not sunni's right, or my right, or Carne's right to call you a fucking douche-bag? Freedom of Speech is Freedom of Speech man. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

Congrats on getting your Masters.

Carne has never called me a douche bag; he and I have always gotten along very well. Just for the record, I don't care what someone does as long as it does not interfere with the rights of others. I have lesbian friends and some gay friends too but they don't flaunt it. I don't care if they are screwing the pooch behind closed doors, just don't force it on me or my kids. There are different kinds of rights, some are given by the state and can be rescinded at their pleasure - such as "civil rights". I just have a strong tendency to take up for underdogs and the weak and helpless.
Sure, why not? He apologized, and then expected to immediately be accepting? No. thats not how life works man, and is very presumptive. And low and behold.. not but 30 minutes later he showed us all that he has not changed. I see he is trying, but he is not doing a very good job.

And why single sunni out on this? Why not pick on me? Shit, I give him shit all the time. In fact, I give all dumb fucks shit all the time.

I don't know where the damn "like" button has gone. I didn't really single Sunni out; it's just the spouting whale gets the harpoon, LOL. She's all *in your face* lesbian and said she would love to bash all straight people in the face. Freedom is a two edged sword. I enjoy debating with civil, rational people like you; it's the morons that I can't handle. Like Ron White said "You can't fix stupid".
Carne has never called me a douche bag; he and I have always gotten along very well. Just for the record, I don't care what someone does as long as it does not interfere with the rights of others. I have lesbian friends and some gay friends too but they don't flaunt it. I don't care if they are screwing the pooch behind closed doors, just don't force it on me or my kids. There are different kinds of rights, some are given by the state and can be rescinded at their pleasure - such as "civil rights". I just have a strong tendency to take up for underdogs and the weak and helpless.

Yea man. Totally. I'm actually not debating sexual orientation, rather equal rights for all, including speech. That's all man.
Sure, why not? He apologized, and then expected to immediately be accepting? No. thats not how life works man, and is very presumptive. And low and behold.. not but 30 minutes later he showed us all that he has not changed. I see he is trying, but he is not doing a very good job.

And why single sunni out on this? Why not pick on me? Shit, I give him shit all the time. In fact, I give all dumb fucks shit all the time.

Because she attacks anyone who does not paint a rainbow on their forehead and scream for equal rights, why even defend her u told me u were done with her after knowing the truth, is she stripping for u right now? or is it someone else's turn lol
Damn, no one offers to strip for me here. Though the very cute girl at the bbq spot said I had nice eyes when I picked my food up tonight. That was nice. I should have asked if she wanted to cyber later lol.
If you will notice, he started this thread to apologize for being an asshole. Is that not a proper way to make a new start? Your hatred for straight people is really coming out.

Actually he started this thread for rep. I think you're confusing this thread with his apology thread which I have avoided like the plague. It's not his hatred of gays or his opposition to gay marriage that's the problem. Read through this thread and see what transpired. He will eventually have enough rope to hang himself but my concern is how many folks will he take with him?

Anyway, I know where this is going and it's going to be ugly and unnecessary.
Damn, no one offers to strip for me here. Though the very cute girl at the bbq spot said I had nice eyes when I picked my food up tonight. That was nice. I should have asked if she wanted to cyber later lol.

Seems popularity is the new currency, from the messages i'm getting should not be hard.
Actually he started this thread for rep. I think you're confusing this thread with his apology thread which I have avoided like the plague. It's not his hatred of gays or his opposition to gay marriage that's the problem. Read through this thread and see what transpired. He will eventually have enough rope to hang himself but my concern is how many folks he will he take with him?

Anyway, I know where this is going and it's going to be ugly and unnecessary.

I thought equal rights were about educating and informing not attacking , seems like ur doing exactly what ur bitching about
I thought equal rights were about educating and informing not attacking , seems like ur doing exactly what ur bitching about

I am really disappointed in you. Equal rights are about standing up for yourself and no longer dying in silence. It's all words to you. Just words. With me it's a life or death struggle. You may call that drama but that's my existence and it has always been that way. I've had to fight for every bit of respect I earned. I have not condoned nor advocated censorship. If they want to spout ignorant bullshit then more power to them. But I'll be damned if I'm going to sit by and let someone dictate to me how disgusting I am and that my plea for equality is sick and wrong. I've had a lifetime of that and I'm fucking sick of it. If you can't look past your own drama and bullshit to see what's really going on here then you all deserve the consequences. Look who you're defending.

And April? Not once since the 3 years I've been here have I ever typed a negative word about you in public or in private. Not once.

So thanks for letting me know where you stand. This isn't about you or popularity or who is in and who is out. I couldn't give a rat's patootie about that. It's about standing up to bigotry and hatred. Sunni may have gone a little overboard but at least she stands up for what she believes in no matter what anyone else thinks. Can you say the same, April?

I thought you were better than that.
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