Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Active Member

This incident took place in Punjab, India when two puppies fell inside a well. The mother of the two puppies kept barking at the well which probed the owner of the dogs to peep inside. To his amazement he found that a King Cobra silently stayed by the side of these 2 puppies and didn’t pose any threat to them. As a matter of fact the King Cobra guided the puppies to stay by the safe end of the well which further prevented them from drowning in water.

The puppies and the snake remained in the well for 48 hours. When help arrived from the forest department the snake moved to the other end of the pool. The puppies are safe and sound at this moment. The snake was later removed from the well and released in the woods.

Even the deadliest and fiercest of animals learned their lessons of co-existence and empathy. We are still lacking behind all of them. It’s actually a shame on our intelligence.


Well-Known Member
I ran out of pepsi..so now I'm on to what I call a "Sour Tangerine" OJ and Jagermeister. Fuck the world. It's pretty funny to be drinking, I had almost forgotten what it was like.


Well-Known Member
Why would we draft? No way in hell we'd go in on the ground - that'd be pure suicide given the size of their ground army.
I looked around, and am willing to admit im wrong. Forgot about their ground forces and how they handed out all that camo to the people . I alsp found this, so good call :)

" No. The machinery and infrastructure needed for the US to set-up and start working would take too long to be of value in a war with N. Korea. Additionally, we don't have the military set-up to receive, train, house, feed, and otherwise deal with all the draftees. I recall of specific individuals with critical skills from IRR is not out of the realm of possibility, though"


Well-Known Member
Why not just wipe out their chem, nuke, and bio sites w/launch pads? What will they do then? continue to threaten us?


Well-Known Member
If they have the same ability as us to see what enters the atmosphere as soon as they see we lainched anything at them theyll launch theirs, its the same thing we would do

In any case we cant do more subtle things either, we need to tread very carefully. As soon as we do anything offensive it can provoke them to attack. They got pissed at is after performing deffensive drills in s korea claiming it was offensive, just blowing smoke, but it may not be the same if we do actually start going on the offensive


Well-Known Member
If they have the same ability as us to see what enters the atmosphere as soon as they see we lainched anything at them theyll launch theirs, its the same thing we would do
They dont, nor do they have warhead size, or range we do - want to see a map, or cities with GPS coords and facility types? hahaha


Staff member
So I woke up this morning and look outside and see Spike, my deer, grooming my German Shepard.

Guess they worked out their differences and are friends now.:)
soooooooooo cute thanks for the morning awesomeness


Well-Known Member
So I'm sitting in the turn lane and I spot this little chubby guy wearing a backpack doing the most awesome Michael Jackson imitation. He is just killing it!!! splits, moonwalk, hat tricks and all. So I turn the corner and notice he will be walking right past me in about 1 minute. I am thinking "Nerd with backpack does michael J should be worth some money on youtube" I get my camera all cued up and he walks by all normal............. My dreams were crushed :-(


Well-Known Member
I have both sides of the family coming to the house for Easter. Think I should start getting high now. :eyesmoke:

At least I finished my grow a couple weeks ago. Otherwise I would be scrambling to hide my green eggs!


Well-Known Member
PLEEEEASE tell me you caught that on camera!
Spike jumped the fence when I opened the door so I couldn't get a pic.

Caught them playing together some time ago and posted a short video.



Staff member
whyyyyyyy is everyone having babies around my age? its been like this for like 6 years now either im getting old or people need to wear a fucking condom. ima go with the latter