Obama is destroying the economy

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Listen Cheese, I'm no fan of either party, Obama, Bush, Reid, Boehner, any fucking politician with the exception of Bernie Sanders and maybe a few others. I'm also not a fan of unregulated capitalism, regulated capitalism ect ect ect. I hate our system altogether.

But I do find it ironic that you post this great "wallstreet" gain info knowing very well that this has little to nothing to do with how well the poor and middle-class are fairing financially. If your point is to put the fact that wallstreet can fair well under Obama then well done, but how wallstreet is doing financially does not reflect how most of us are doing financially.

This would be the same under a republican president. It would be like NLXSK1 posting this same graph while Bush was in office trying to prove how great we are doing. Well you're both wrong. Wallstreet prospering with high gains rarely is positive news for the majority unless it is a continuing trend for a year or more.

Off-subject---Medbox stocks are dropping like a rock.


Well-Known Member
haha what a loser, gets called on misleading and then goes full retard with it. Yeah Bucky we get it, you're a hack that is allergic to the truth.
show me where i mislead people by posting historical data along with a link to said data in full.

go ahead, clown toy.


Well-Known Member
show me where i mislead people by posting historical data along with a link to said data in full.

go ahead, clown toy.
2001$127.3 Billion Surplus$164.9 Billion SurplusRDR
2002$157.8 Billion Deficit$201.02 Billion DeficitRDR
2003$377.6 Billion Deficit$470.82 Billion DeficitRRR
2004$413 Billion Deficit$501.21 Billion DeficitRRR
2005$318 Billion Deficit$373.24 Billion DeficitRRR
2006$248 Billion Deficit$282.14 Billion DeficitRRR
2007$161 Billion Deficit$178.1 Billion DeficitRDD
2008$459 Billion Deficit$488.82 Billion DeficitRDD
2009$1413 Billion Deficit$1509.62 Billion DeficitDDD
2010$1294 Billion Deficit$1360.67 Billion DeficitDDD
2011$1299 Billion Deficit$1324.16 Billion DeficitDDR
2012$1100 Billion Deficit$1100 Billion DeficitDDR
2013$900 Billion Deficit$884.96 Billion DeficitDDR

sure all it takes is posting it without editing to show how much a fucking moron you are.


Well-Known Member
show me where i mislead people by posting historical data along with a link to said data in full.

go ahead, clown toy.
Werent you the guy who stated that all data is manipulated?

Try to get your story straight, you have lied so much you dont even remember what you have posted...


Well-Known Member
you said deficit, you pitiful retard.

it's not my fault that you're retarded, that has to do with chromosome 21. blame that.

obama is lowering the deficit, ya poor thing. go cry.
In your graph there was a surplus under clinton yet the debt went up that year just like all the others. Is that new math??


Well-Known Member
In your graph there was a surplus under clinton yet the debt went up that year just like all the others. Is that new math??
No use in even debating him he will just compound lies and half truths and go full retard when you expose it.


Well-Known Member
2001$127.3 Billion Surplus$164.9 Billion SurplusRDR
2002$157.8 Billion Deficit$201.02 Billion DeficitRDR
2003$377.6 Billion Deficit$470.82 Billion DeficitRRR
2004$413 Billion Deficit$501.21 Billion DeficitRRR
2005$318 Billion Deficit$373.24 Billion DeficitRRR
2006$248 Billion Deficit$282.14 Billion DeficitRRR
2007$161 Billion Deficit$178.1 Billion DeficitRDD
2008$459 Billion Deficit$488.82 Billion DeficitRDD
2009$1413 Billion Deficit$1509.62 Billion DeficitDDD
2010$1294 Billion Deficit$1360.67 Billion DeficitDDD
2011$1299 Billion Deficit$1324.16 Billion DeficitDDR
2012$1100 Billion Deficit$1100 Billion DeficitDDR
2013$900 Billion Deficit$884.96 Billion DeficitDDR

sure all it takes is posting it without editing to show how much a fucking moron you are.
nitro asked for the before and after, and my info shows the exact same thing that yours does:

bush turned a decent surplus and turned it into a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit, obama has turned that 1.4 trillion dollar deficit into a sizably smaller deficit.

hurrrrr. durrr.


Well-Known Member
Werent you the guy who stated that all data is manipulated?

Try to get your story straight, you have lied so much you dont even remember what you have posted...
do enlighten me as to how one would turn that raw data into a graph of any kind.


Well-Known Member
nitro asked for the before and after, and my info shows the exact same thing that yours does:

bush turned a decent surplus and turned it into a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit, obama has turned that 1.4 trillion dollar deficit into a sizably smaller deficit.

hurrrrr. durrr.
He did it by increasing our dept by 60% in 4 years. That is nothing to brag about it will be haunting us very soon.

We have been through this. The democrats turned a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit from running us off the fucking cliff after 7 years of unheeded warning describing exactly what was going to fucking happen. I am sure you don't want to talk about that again do you?


Well-Known Member
He did it by increasing our dept by 60% in 4 years. That is nothing to brag about it will be haunting us very soon.

We have been through this. The democrats turned a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit from running us off the fucking cliff after 7 years of unheeded warning describing exactly what was going to fucking happen. I am sure you don't want to talk about that again do you?
i know someone who not only talked about it, but bragged about it.


remind me again, who controlled the house, senate, and presidency from 2000-2006?


hint: it wasn't the democrats.


Well-Known Member
haha doubling down on fucking bullshit again. Man you're so fucking retarded it's impossible. Everyone please visit bucky's ass clown thread in my sig and witness full retard.


Well-Known Member
haha doubling down on fucking bullshit again. Man you're so fucking retarded it's impossible. Everyone please visit bucky's ass clown thread in my sig and witness full retard.
Thats pretty funny. Seeing as how you look like a full blown retard on this thread already. Why would I go anywhere else to see it, when I've got it first rare here? You're so dumb you make a goldfish look like a MENSA member.


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty funny. Seeing as how you look like a full blown retard on this thread already. Why would I go anywhere else to see it, when I've got it first rare here? You're so dumb you make a goldfish look like a MENSA member.
Hmm seems you make it a habit to venture over and suck buckys cock without adding any substance to the thread at hand.


Well-Known Member
do enlighten me as to how one would turn that raw data into a graph of any kind.
For someone so enamored with graphs it is surprising you dont know how to make one...

Would you like to choose whether you were lying when you said all data was manipulated or whether you are lying now? You cant always have it both ways bucky boy....


Well-Known Member
Listen Cheese, I'm no fan of either party, Obama, Bush, Reid, Boehner, any fucking politician with the exception of Bernie Sanders and maybe a few others. I'm also not a fan of unregulated capitalism, regulated capitalism ect ect ect. I hate our system altogether.

But I do find it ironic that you post this great "wallstreet" gain info knowing very well that this has little to nothing to do with how well the poor and middle-class are fairing financially. If your point is to put the fact that wallstreet can fair well under Obama then well done, but how wallstreet is doing financially does not reflect how most of us are doing financially.

This would be the same under a republican president. It would be like NLXSK1 posting this same graph while Bush was in office trying to prove how great we are doing. Well you're both wrong. Wallstreet prospering with high gains rarely is positive news for the majority unless it is a continuing trend for a year or more.

Off-subject---Medbox stocks are dropping like a rock.
unemployment is down, at least for the people who actually want a job
the housing market is up
GDP is up
Wall street is up
My fucking 401k is up


Well-Known Member
And when he said that was that the 6th or the 7th time the Bush administration asked for a debt ceiling increase?
Are you saying it is ok when Obama does it?

Because the left keeps bringing up that GWB did this and that as an excuse for Obama...

Where is the hope and change? Where is the most transparent government in history? Where is the decreasing premiums promised us by Obamacare? Oh wait, it was all fiction... Same old government yet now on spending steroids...

And shitheads like you are stupid enough to defend it... Obamanation....