Are These Balls?!?

It is time for yet another round of every Newbie's LEAST favorite game: Are These Balls? Below will be three pictures each of two (2 Month Old) contestants who have just recently (4 Days) been introduced to the world of night via: 12/12. I'm hoping someone can tell me whether Contestant Number One or Contestant Number Two is, in fact, showing signs of a necessary DECAPITATION. Okay, all Lulz aside, I have two plants that I believe may be showing me some cojones and I'd like to know if they gotta go or I'm just paranoid cause I'm new. Also, I'd really like to know where you see the first signs of canna-sex appear... Top most nodes, oldest nodes, newest branch nodes... Where Should I Be Looking!!??!! Lol, from your own personal experiences.



Active Member
I'm a newbie too but looks like trouble. Give em a couple more days and if a bunch of little hanging grapes start showing up youll know for sure.


all pictures seem male to me . you can still smoke male plants but everybody seems to stay clear of them. not as strong . happy times .
Five plants of bagseed and only two thus far have shown real signs of being male. And my sativa-blend-look-alike is still showing signs of being female, so if two males have to go that's more light for the girls lol.
Does anyone have an answer as to where the first signs of male or female normally appear? Obviously at the nodes to all you smart-asses about to waste an answer, but I really want to know if the top colas show before the main stem or vice versa, or whether lower branches are the one's to look at, et cetera?


Well-Known Member
And, anyway, Males are only a problem if you have a fe-male near, with Buds on it....
I'd keep the plant as long as no fe-males are near, as a learning tool!
Grow it as you would,with the fe-males, and just keep an eye on him/her...
The Calyxes will first show, the tiny white 2 hairs right where the balls will come from, thats the first sign of female for me...
Calyxes female...
Males no calyxes [so if it aint looking like a developing calyxe, then moost likely a male]
waste of time just toss the males
I need some explanation to your claim, if you can? You're telling me that is Is a complete waste of my time to cure a plant that has cost me about 12 dollars, and then put it in a jar with acetone? How in the Hell could this be a waste of time for anyone?? THC is THC! And its not like males are without CBDs or THC, they are just without flowers.
And, anyway, Males are only a problem if you have a fe-male near, with Buds on it....
I'd keep the plant as long as no fe-males are near, as a learning tool!
Grow it as you would,with the fe-males, and just keep an eye on him/her...
The Calyxes will first show, the tiny white 2 hairs right where the balls will come from, thats the first sign of female for me...
Calyxes female...
Males no calyxes [so if it aint looking like a developing calyxe, then moost likely a male]
One closet, five plants... The males have to die, and as I said earlier: the faster they do, the faster I get those lights to the girls.


Well-Known Member
I need some explanation to your claim, if you can? You're telling me that is Is a complete waste of my time to cure a plant that has cost me about 12 dollars, and then put it in a jar with acetone? How in the Hell could this be a waste of time for anyone?? THC is THC! And its not like males are without CBDs or THC, they are just without flowers.
for one you don't cure it and im not saying they don't have thc just what you will get if anything wont be worth the effort I can 100% guarantee you


Well-Known Member
but do what you want I really don't care just trying to save you some time only thing males are goos for are breeding and the compost pile


Well-Known Member

In this picture i can see open stalked male flowers
a shame, i wouldn't waste anymore time on it, get some others started ASAP


Well-Known Member
males have very low amounts of thc and yeh you dont cure leaves. its up to you if you want to try to get something off of it but in the end more work than what its worth.


Well-Known Member
A fully grown mature male could possibly produce enough thc to get you high
but i would only consider it if it was going to be processed into some kind of concentrated extract
smoking male leaves or flowers is pretty pointless, the high you will get is via lack of oxygen not thc

save time just hold your breath for that light headed feeling

peace :)