Burns And Stunted Growth?


Well-Known Member
let me guess MG??? if so I know what the issue is, if not I could be PH.. PH is a huge problem maker. Once PH is off the whole lot is off, from nutes to growth.. The watering is been tuff for myself , As I water well every 5-7 days and my friend water a cup a day and his is doing better go figure you pot heads. Not in a bad way pot head F**(S just kidding. =) but a cup a day and his are doing good, and advice on a cup a day theory?


Well-Known Member
feed it bro(1/4 strength of what ever nute is suggesting) the plaint needs food to grow, and get some more light on it. you can check my plants out, they are a little bit over 2 weeks. i just started to feed them and made a noob mistake, didnt account for nute potency already in the fresh fox farm ocean soil. Hence, i burned them a lil bit, but they all turned around and if i could stress anything it would be LIGHT>
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Well-Known Member
Dilute the little nutrient beads to 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water, it will work wonders.


Well-Known Member
you can get a lifetimes supply (unless u grow big crops) of peace of mind starter fert (its like 4-5-4 or something close to that) for between 5-10 bucks. usually around 6 or 7 but some people charge more than they should. That will get you a box, and you just need 1-2 tablespoons per gallon of soil) There are other brands, probably cheaper. or you could buy Schultz 20-20-20 and use it at 1/4 or 1/8 strength for young starts. Some people think you shouldnt start fertilizing until your in full veg. I don't know why. as long as you don't overfertilize, just be very very careful, fertilizing starts or new clones are fine. as a matter of fact I think new clones SHOULD be fertilized. always be sparing, use liquid ferts at less than 1/4 strength. and as always, if unsure, err on the side of caution. better tp use too little than too much


Well-Known Member
yeah its kind of funny, i spent a lot of $ on foxfarm soil nutes, which to be honest don't care to much for but anyways, I compared my ingrediants to a way cheaper plant food at loews and was amazed at how similar they where. Only i paid a million dollars more for mine:-(


Well-Known Member
underwatering and overwatering look a lot similar I learned that by experimenting. i had 1 plant in my batch that just wanted to droop so i stopped watering it and it just drooped a bit more so i knew it was underwatered not overwatered since it didnt perk back up when i stopped watering,.

the burn looks like possibly from getting water on the tips of the leaves under a hot light.


Well-Known Member
underwatering and overwatering look a lot similar I learned that by experimenting. i had 1 plant in my batch that just wanted to droop so i stopped watering it and it just drooped a bit more so i knew it was underwatered not overwatered since it didnt perk back up when i stopped watering,.

the burn looks like possibly from getting water on the tips of the leaves under a hot light.

I have the same problem, but my tap PH was 6.8 and I felt that would be ok, But after soil test on my MG I found that when I put the tap 6.8 1 time pass throu the MG soil I was amazed to find it 5.0 or lower.

I now am using 7.4 PH water and I will see what happens., The plants also have yellow on the bottom leaves but not the top. I have not added Nutes yet in the 5th week because I am using the MG and it has nutes in it and I dont want to burn them, So I will do nutes the next watering cycle.


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem, but my tap PH was 6.8 and I felt that would be ok, But after soil test on my MG I found that when I put the tap 6.8 1 time pass throu the MG soil I was amazed to find it 5.0 or lower.

I now am using 7.4 PH water and I will see what happens., The plants also have yellow on the bottom leaves but not the top. I have not added Nutes yet in the 5th week because I am using the MG and it has nutes in it and I dont want to burn them, So I will do nutes the next watering cycle.
yeah. from what I have read about MG its still a good idea to add nutes after about 1 month. because you are putting water through the soil and therefore nutes are washing out. just dont go too extreme at first. its easier to fix under nuted plants than it is if you over nute them. I used miracle grow all purpose plant food and did half the recommended dose for indoor plants. i think the full dose was like half a teaspoon so i did half of that. had no problems at all and they continue to grow like crazy.

My tap water is about 6.5 and I let it sit out for 24 hours before using it. My miracle grow before adding any water was at 5.5 ph and adding water has made my soil about 6.5 to 7ph but my plants are thriving in it, so im not too concerned. I had some water burn but thats really been the only thing and that was my own fault for getting water on a leaf. :wall:


Active Member
Overwatering causes yellowing and the leaf tips to droop, whilst underwatering causes the entire leaf structure itself including the branch to droop downward...that is how you tell the difference, your plant looks overwatered.If the leaves branches were pointed down and not just bent like they are, then you would have underwatering. They are bent because of the excess water weight.

Also your internodes appear stretched so I would move the light source closer...the brown is usually caused by overwatering since the plants cells have nowhere to release the excess water, transpiration can only move so much...Also at that age I would transplant, which I guess you did or have decided to do...been a while since a post on this thread...anyway...take care
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Filipino Hooker

Active Member
Wow this helped alot. I had the same problem, and from this thread I can conclude that my plant is rootbound (stunted growth) and that my soil is oversaturated cuz MG blows, (yellowish, brown, crumbly leaves)