Random Jibber Jabber Thread

No one gives 2 shits about fat chicks with mustaches and armpit hair.

For every fat chick with a mustache and armpit hair is a fat guy with a 2" dick and halitosis.

Someone for everyone, as the saying goes. LOL

For the record, I don't discriminate by body type, I just thought this was funny.

Peace and Happiness.
Anyone know what it's like community-wise in Buckley, WA? It's one of the places I'm considering moving to.

Uh, I live in Wa and I don't really know shit about Buckley now that I think of it...not sure if that's good or bad...

A quick demographics check shows that it's a small ass town, 4354 people, 1591 households and 1,049 families (2010 cencus). 93% white, 3% hispanic or latino, 3% other. One would assume that it's either a tight knit community, or it's just riddled with white trailer trash and meth labs. Im betting on the latter, seeing as how it's in Peirce County.
Going out to a bar to meet some fat chicks with mustaches and armpit hair.

Wish me luck.
Mustache and armpit hair can be quickly fixed. Fat, not so much. That takes work.

But see4 is just looking for that special girl to scarf his hot dog in disgust.
Speaking of mustache.. I once saw a woman with a FULL beard!!! It was mostly shaved down but OMG! either she was taking hormones and was pre op, or she was a man who was post op, or just one reeeeeeally unlucky lady.


I was scared that my lip hair was gonna get dark from pregger hormone. (I have read of people getting it dark and getting chin hair yipes!!!) No problems there tho. Thank god.

I didn't get that dark line on my belly either.

Lots of stretch going on the belly tho...I need to stop forgetting the cocoa butter.