EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w


Well-Known Member
You be jammin'! You've really got her turned around.
Cheers Yankee :D I swear it's this system and the cyco nutes hey, it's really easy to flush the system of salt buildup and the nutes, because they are all single bottles, its' easy enough to tone them down a bit if needed. I've also been spraying this week with flourish excel which is an organic carbon source for fish tanks. If foliar sprayed it really seems to be working wonders and helping my girl get through any heat stress she may have been going through. I'll be using it in all grows from now on :D I'll cut it out after next week too so i don't lose too much in the way of potency!


Well-Known Member
Update time and things are looking fantastic. Not too happy with the stretch but they'll fill out I hope!!

Toned down the nutes a bit this week to try combat the slight nute burn.
Bloom A & B- 50mL to 30L
Silica- 25mL
B1 Boost- 25mL
Silica- 25mL
Sugar rush- 25mL
Dr Repair- 30mL
Floralicious- 6.25mL

Day 15 of Flower guys :D

Hey man!, i don't think its a temp issue, 29 celcius is minor, i'm running 32-33 every night ;) with the 2 lamps on thats an easy temp to get to in my tent. I'm thinking you've locked out magnesium, I would back off your b1 boost and your floralicious for now, and keep the silica at the rated 1.5-2ml for flowering, this will buffer the ph to your given base blend, Keep running maximum base strength in my opinion I don't think its nutrient burn in my opinion it looks magnesium deficient which is holding back the good food. Silica will help keep the immune system strong during flowering, and keep running Dr. repair at 1 ml while the ph buffers out. I would try to use less ph adjusters and try to adjust using your base Boom A+B Adding ph adjusters early after a flush can cause salts to build up very quickly as the liquid first enters the res this can cause spikes and alot confusion.

The more Bloom A+B you use according to the size of your res will bring <--- down your ph level. Silica will buffer as you will notice it goes cloudy when you add it, always add silica first in the res, mixing it in well, then add your next additives and finally the base ;)

Flo High ;) Perhaps an early flush if your keen, start fresh without the ph adjusters :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks heaps for that info mate, that sounds like a very logical explanation and something i'll sort out when i get home :D legend, thanks again hey!!


Active Member
Finally subbed. Looks really nice; the outdoor sugarhaze is great looking too. Love those long skinny leaves. I agree with the magnesium deficiency; you can see some dark green veining with lighter colored leaf tissue in the last photo. My C'99s stretched like crazy too, but I didn't use a scrog. At least you have a way to control things. Good on ya.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Great Dane :D great to have you here!! I'd hate to see how she'd be if i wasnt using the screen, she's be all over the shop lol

Yeah agree about the mag def. going to flush out again today and put new nutes in as per Flowas advice above, he definitely knows his shit ;)


Well-Known Member
Quick update.
Flushed today to try and sort out the magnesium deficiency.

So nutes added:
Bloom A and B- 90mL to 30L
Silica- 30mL
Dr Repair- 30mL
Sugar rush- 30mL
Potash- 30mL

After adding the silica i made sure it was dissolved in the res before adding the other nutes. I waited a few hours and checked pH and it was sitting on 6.6 so I added 1 capful of phosphoric acid (pH down) to get it to 6. There are some nice buds starting to grow :D pumped!!



Well-Known Member
Quick update.
Flushed today to try and sort out the magnesium deficiency.

So nutes added:
Bloom A and B- 90mL to 30L
Silica- 30mL
Dr Repair- 30mL
Sugar rush- 30mL
Potash- 30mL

After adding the silica i made sure it was dissolved in the res before adding the other nutes. I waited a few hours and checked pH and it was sitting on 6.6 so I added 1 capful of phosphoric acid (pH down) to get it to 6. There are some nice buds starting to grow :D pumped!!

Wow man those plants look BOMB!! I bet the smell is amazing man. They look green and healthy man. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man :D it's actually the one plant hey, just gone the scrog to stretch her out ;)

She smells AMAZING too man, sweet like blueberries :D


Well-Known Member
Lookin good bra! Can't wait to see her pack on... I ph mine down to 5.5 so its got room to rise..

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Shoulda Subbed awhile ago dude sorry.....

Looking better, hope you can sort out that PH??? That makes me wary of the cyco line but Im still very interested in the XL! On that note Ive been bored and emailing nutrient companies all day requesting free shit (most of them all too happy to accommodate, even got one organic company to send me samples of their whole line:lol:) Cyco has yet to get back to me but if they were to offer me samples of like 2-3 of their products which ones would you recommend MO? (I specifically asked for the XL but would doubt they could fork it over at like 60$/100ml) Thanks! -S0uP


Well-Known Member
Lookin good bra! Can't wait to see her pack on... I ph mine down to 5.5 so its got room to rise..
Cheers buddy :) i checked the pH again this morning and its buffered to 6.2. Dunno whether i should add more pH down to get it under 6 or not....


Well-Known Member
Shoulda Subbed awhile ago dude sorry.....

Looking better, hope you can sort out that PH??? That makes me wary of the cyco line but Im still very interested in the XL! On that note Ive been bored and emailing nutrient companies all day requesting free shit (most of them all too happy to accommodate, even got one organic company to send me samples of their whole line:lol:) Cyco has yet to get back to me but if they were to offer me samples of like 2-3 of their products which ones would you recommend MO? (I specifically asked for the XL but would doubt they could fork it over at like 60$/100ml) Thanks! -S0uP
All good man :D good to have you here hey!!

Im unsure of what it is exactly but i have a feeling its due to the amount of limestone and clay where our water comes from that keeps buffering the solution so high..givin me the shits actually! It seems to have stopped for now though...

hmm the three products that stick out for me from cyco are the swell, sugar rush and dr repair! Could always try any of them mate :)


Well-Known Member
Cheers buddy :) i checked the pH again this morning and its buffered to 6.2. Dunno whether i should add more pH down to get it under 6 or not....
Do another test, if the trend is for it to rise, then try to shoot below your target (slightly) and alllow it time to rise to your desired ph..


Well-Known Member
Ok cool man will give it a try hey :) cheers for the help man, been a while since Ive used hydro so still remembering what I used to do lol