Miracle Grow

Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
Hey all, just started growing and my little baby is a week old seedling. I'm using soil, and the stem is starting to turn red which I think means phosphorus deficiency? Anyway, any thoughts on using Miracle Grow as nutrients? I heard its okay as long as you use something different in flowering...

Thanks in advance,
Grow it and roll it!


Well-Known Member
I doubt you have any deficiency this early on . . . probably gonna turn purple and is genetic. Most of my plants are purple stemmed and they're doing fine! Unless you wanna invest a little dough, MiracleGro is likely no better or worse than any lower priced multi-purpose fert. I've certainly used it.


Well-Known Member
what soil are u using,,purple stems are fine,,i honestly would not use MG fertilizers though there are companys that make fertilizers esepcially for marijuana biology.It doesnt say it,,but we all know which ones..there are some cheapish ones out there,and i highly recommend you get one you will notice a huge differance,,also i would use 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses per a gallon maybe once or twice a week,,,once the plant is like 10 days old ,itl make the stem grow fatter in veg.and in flowering it increases resin levels,,it also provides other great micro nutrients,and its very cheap,,,cheers

Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
Thanks floydfan, I'm using "Miracle-Gro® Garden Soil for Flowers & Vegetables", and the stem isn't purple.. at least yet, it's red.. don't know if that makes a difference:confused: Can you throw out some names for different nut companies please? I've heard miracle grow isn't the best thing to use, so I'd love to use something with better characteristics for mary jane. :mrgreen: Blackstrap Molasses? Is that a food additive?


Well-Known Member
blackstrap molasses is the same thing as a carbo load ,,its proccessed sugar,with vitamins,,good for the plant in major supermarkets its called grandmas molasses unsulphered i belive,,it has the YELLOW LABEL..costs like 3 bucks,,if u have a few plants,,for your first time,i suggest u buy the technaflora starter kitt,,,it has like 8 different things in it,,everything u need for like 25 bucks,,if you got money i suggest buying the fox farm tri pack gro bloom and tiger bloom,,if your broke buy general hydroponics brand go bloom,blossom ect....


Well-Known Member
The last actual "red" stemmed plant I knew was from Santa Marta Gold (Columbian) seed, which would be a good (great!) thing. I miss that pot's flavor.


Well-Known Member
I Grew Some Of Mine Outside They Are Purple Stemed But It Not Cause Of Anything If Anything It Probably Because It So Young And Its Stem Is So Skiny Or Like Dude Sed It Could Be The Genetics


Well-Known Member
I used miracle grow soil and after 3 weeks of vegging used MG all purpose plant food (half the recommended dosage on the bottle because we all know MJ is sensitive.) and I havent had any problems. Im now into flowering so I may consider switching them but seems like all the names of ferts that i see mentioned I cant find. Ive been to fred meyer's, Home depot, and Lowe's. seems like they love scott's and miracle grow. fuckin jerks!


Well-Known Member
I used miracle grow soil and after 3 weeks of vegging used MG all purpose plant food (half the recommended dosage on the bottle because we all know marijuana is sensitive.) and I havent had any problems. Im now into flowering so I may consider switching them but seems like all the names of ferts that i see mentioned I cant find. Ive been to fred meyer's, Home depot, and Lowe's. seems like they love scott's and miracle grow. fuckin jerks!
Its like that where i live also, Have to make mg work i guess.


Well-Known Member
Its like that where i live also, Have to make mg work i guess.

it works just fine. just dont fertilize them for a while because MG feeds for up to 3 months (although i wouldnt trust waiting 3 months to feed them). I let them sit in the MG for about a month without any nutes before i started adding anything at all into the soil. they havent shown any signs of deficiencies or nutrient burns. so i must have done something right.

Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear that miracle grow worked for you. I'm currently using it too, so I'll hope for the best. The only thing about miracle grow that I heard, from outside sources, is that when you go into flowering, the buds start off well but then shrivel up and die. Something about the Urea in the Miracle grow, and lack of other important nutrients. I remember reading that you can add things to the miracle grow to solve this, but I don't remember all of the ingredients. One of them was Epsom Salts I think... ANYWAY, thanks for all the replies/thoughts & answers, I really really appreciate it:mrgreen: This is an awesome, welcoming community!


Well-Known Member
i got 3 weeks left with this grow,i used MG moisture control

MG is ok,,but i would recommend not using it,my new plants grow much bigge i use organic soil and add my own nutes from week 1


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear that miracle grow worked for you. I'm currently using it too, so I'll hope for the best. The only thing about miracle grow that I heard, from outside sources, is that when you go into flowering, the buds start off well but then shrivel up and die. Something about the Urea in the Miracle grow, and lack of other important nutrients. I remember reading that you can add things to the miracle grow to solve this, but I don't remember all of the ingredients. One of them was Epsom Salts I think... ANYWAY, thanks for all the replies/thoughts & answers, I really really appreciate it:mrgreen: This is an awesome, welcoming community!
I switched to Black Gold for flowering because i ended up having to transplant even though i really wanted to avoid transplanting if i didnt have to.