Cannabis Ice Cream?


Well-Known Member
With spring / summer right around the corner, I was contemplating this one and couldn't find any recipes on RIU with the search tool. Google has varying recipes, some of which sound like they would cause a party of 6 to be peeled off the floor by the time dessert is over. Any have a personal, or tried/true recipe that they wouldn't mind sharing?

Thanks in advance,

I've never personally combined the two....BUT I used to make cannabis milk all the time. The ice cream method should be fairly straight forward...
get a homemade ice cream recipe...
boil your plant matter with the milk so the THC absorbs into the fat...let it cool..and use the milk in the ice cream recipe...

look up how to make cannabis milk first.... there's a method of how long you want to boil the milk, how much milk/ganja ratio, etc.....
but man, it's some strong stuff!!
I've read on techniques for doing this, am just a bit uncertain about the over-use.. or what I'd consider over-use of cannabis in it for 6 servings... this would be a lil' dessert for friends, not getting everyone floored and passed out in their ice cream dishes. Cooking with cannabis is brand new to me, have never done it but this is on the list of a few things that I will be doing - and am going to pick up the crock pot they have on sale at Kohls tomorrow for the cannabutter as well, I do believe so the wife doesn't scream about me using hers.
How about hash cookie ice cream.

I'm likin' that idea as well, without question - still deciding on the ice cream composition.. but if there's hash cookies in it, I don't believe that visitors will complain.
I used to be a Gelatio and I made some of Michigans finest Gelato .. I have contemplated making it with medicated cream and milk as Gelato would be better than traditional ice cream due to its quality and high milk and cream content .. Besides Gelato tastes better if made traditionally like it is in Italy
I used to be a Gelatio and I made some of Michigans finest Gelato .. I have contemplated making it with medicated cream and milk as Gelato would be better than traditional ice cream due to its quality and high milk and cream content .. Besides Gelato tastes better if made traditionally like it is in Italy

Without question, I remember my great grandmas gelato.. could never get enough of it - used to pound it down and leave no room for dinner hahaha - That's a great plan too, may have to really experiment with frozen desserts this year.
pretty much anything with a high fat content is good with ganja in the kitchen... you just have to render the thc into the fat...
I've made medicated ice cream a bunch! Ive made vanilla with real vanilla bean , peach , cherry, chocolate I even made a Tarragon Grapefruit sherbert with glycerine tincture! Msg me for the recipe!
OOH! Stephanie! A woman with a like-mind! The Grapefruit recipe sounds GREAT!!!

A good French Vanilla Custard recipe using Vanilla Bean and adding Melted Cannabutter to the cream mix as it cools was what I was thinking- but Glycerine sounds much easier!

..... then after freezing, you can add Ghirardelli Chocolate chunks and chunks of Hash Brownies to it!!
Top w/ Hot Fudge & Whipped cream-- and have a KILLER Party dessert!
I frequently make canna cake pops in large batchs. I will save the edges from around the pan, and any of the pops that get messed up and crumble them up and freeze it all. Then when I make a batch of homemade ice cream I just add the crumbles into it. Makes a delicious cookies and cream type ice cream. I couldn't begin to guess on portions/ dosages but thats typically a challenge for me unless I'm making something like the cake pops, cupcakes, or cookies that are easily portioned. My experiment this harvest is going to be making a tincture and making candy with it. if you guys have any good techniques for tinctures feel free to pm them to me.
I frequently make canna cake pops in large batchs. I will save the edges from around the pan, and any of the pops that get messed up and crumble them up and freeze it all. Then when I make a batch of homemade ice cream I just add the crumbles into it. Makes a delicious cookies and cream type ice cream. I couldn't begin to guess on portions/ dosages but thats typically a challenge for me unless I'm making something like the cake pops, cupcakes, or cookies that are easily portioned. My experiment this harvest is going to be making a tincture and making candy with it. if you guys have any good techniques for tinctures feel free to pm them to me.

What type of extraction were you planning for the tincture, out of curiosity? I happened to find a solid discussion on types, reasoning behind each could be selected, times, and methods here: - if you were going for alcohol-type, anyway.
I was figuring on alcohol this first time. I wanna make hard candy and the best recipes I've found all call for an alcohol tincture since the alcohol evaporates instantly in the hot candy and your just left with the good stuff. Thanks for the link I gotta go buy some grain alcohol and give it a try.
I was figuring on alcohol this first time. I wanna make hard candy and the best recipes I've found all call for an alcohol tincture since the alcohol evaporates instantly in the hot candy and your just left with the good stuff. Thanks for the link I gotta go buy some grain alcohol and give it a try.

Not a problem, was considering homemade jolly rancher sheets, and tossing said candy mix into holiday candy molds too.
OOH! Stephanie! A woman with a like-mind! The Grapefruit recipe sounds GREAT!!!

A good French Vanilla Custard recipe using Vanilla Bean and adding Melted Cannabutter to the cream mix as it cools was what I was thinking- but Glycerine sounds much easier!

..... then after freezing, you can add Ghirardelli Chocolate chunks and chunks of Hash Brownies to it!!
Top w/ Hot Fudge & Whipped cream-- and have a KILLER Party dessert!

I made mine with Kief infused cream! lol each 5 oz serving had a gram of keif in it! lol Super potent