Yellow leaves


Active Member
My plants aren't very old but one of the plant's leaves are yellow. They aren't fully yellow and it's not just the tips. The yellow is scattered all across the leaf. I am using Miracle Grow potting soil. I'm trying to figure out if it is nut burn from the nutrients in the soil or deficiency. If I have to take a picture I'll see if I can get one on here. Thanks


Well-Known Member
maybe the issue is your MG soil..... that shit has lots of nutes in it. a pic would really help, I've heard nothing but bad things about MG soil........ whats the PH, nutes could be locked out too.


Active Member
Actually I have been reading more and I am pretty sure its a Magnesium deficiency. I also read that having over nuts of nitrogen can cause magnesium deficiency. I'll try and water with some epsom salts and see if it goes away.


Active Member
that MG soil is evil, theres no way of telling when the plant has used up all the available nutes the soil comes pre mixed with, so nute burn is common if you add nutes even a month into the grow. i would be safe and keep with the water only until u see obvious N def. which is the yellowing of the leaves.


Active Member
It's leaves have been yellowish for a little while now, at least a week or two. I haven't added any additional fertilizer so I am thinking its not nut burn, but idk.


Well-Known Member
It's leaves have been yellowish for a little while now, at least a week or two. I haven't added any additional fertilizer so I am thinking its not nut burn, but idk.
I bet they are hungry. What size pot are they in and what is the size of the plant?


Well-Known Member
I have a grow at 3 weeks going on with MG organic soil and yellowing beginning on the bottom leaves. A quick test showed i was lacking nitrogen. After adding some diluted nutes, everything is looking greener. Hope this helps!:mrgreen:


Active Member
I bet they are hungry. What size pot are they in and what is the size of the plant?
They aren't in pots they are in the ground. The plant with the problem is about 8 inches tall. I recently moved them out into more sun because they were stretching.


Active Member
Cool I found some 9-17-9 would that be ok? Or should I look for something a little more balanced and with more nitrogen? Also I assume it's ok to take some fertilizer that I have in pellet form and let the pellets dissolve in water and then fertilize with that? I know I'd have to use a much smaller amount. Actually I just checked, it is Preen weed preventer plus fertilizer. I did manage to get a picture but it's really small, sorry I took it with my phone.


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Well-Known Member
Hahahaha "weed preventer." Yea, I'm not an expert but I would assume weed preventer would mean weed killer. Just a thought:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
same problem, used miracle gro organic and see yellowing, where can i get those diluted nutes?
I went to my local grow shop and got some 5-1-1 fish extract fertilizer. About 8 bucks and put 1 teaspoon per gallon. Work with what you can get though. Find something with higher nitrogen and slowly feed it to the plants. The yellowing is going away and the stems are finally thickening up quick. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
that MG soil is evil, theres no way of telling when the plant has used up all the available nutes the soil comes pre mixed with, so nute burn is common if you add nutes even a month into the grow. i would be safe and keep with the water only until u see obvious N def. which is the yellowing of the leaves.
well thats a giant squirel on your avatar man :D