Michigan Forum Mod ?

From what I've read, the opinions Bob gives that cause an uproar are opinions on the interpretation of the mmma. For instance Bob shared the opinion caregivers shouldn't be profiting rather only growing as a hobby. This is an opinion I strongly disagree with for many reasons. A couple being that in principal what hobby/business/occupation is not allowed to be profitable unless they state they're a non profit also I feel the purpose of the mmma was to provide safe, easily accessible, marijuana to people with the qualifying conditions as recommended by a physician. This purpose can be fulfilled if you allow a caregiver to grow and tend to patients as a full time occupation which it is in a garden with a plant count on the middle to higher end of what is legal. Now even with this sentiment we know people in Michigan who we live with as a community, have a wide range of opinions on marijuana. We know some people with a lot of influence who are anti-marijuana and will use any possible leverage they can muster to limit what is allowed under the mmma. The part of the mmma which says caregivers can be compensated for cost to me could be interpreted to mean caregiver can not profit. I don't interpret it that way however I see how someone who would want to limit the scope of the mmma would interpret it that way. So if I were to advise somebody on what is legal I would not be telling them you can for sure profit as a caregiver. So even though I disagree with Bob I see how that is sound advise.

Now just because gives this advise doesn't mean he is anti marijuana, anti caregivers, or anti patients all of which he was accused of. He even stated he is for legalization which I am too. I from my limited experiences on this sub forum see the Bob is against us sentiment stemming from these types of varying view points. The personal attacks and arrogance on both sides don't help to serve any type of cohesion either. They just help to divide us.
Yes you should make a profit , this is America and that is what Americans do ( trying to keep it is a bit of a problem ) Note - As long as you think its fair and the patient agrees that's all that matters .
Frequently Asked Questions for the Michigan Medical Marihuana Registry Program


Can I charge my patients for the marihuana and
the medicinal
assistance I am
Section 4(e) of the MMMA states, “A registered primary caregiver may receive compensation for
costs associated with assisting a registered qualifying patient in the medical use of marihuana. Any such
compensation shall not constitute the sale of controlled substances.”

The amount of compensation agreed upon is between the patient and the caregiver. The MMP is not

authorized to intervene. If there is a disagreement you cannot resolve, you should seek legal counsel

Yes trolls the legal and political threads. Not the medicinal ones. He just mentioned he's working on adding bi-polar as treatable by mj.
He made a joke that many of us should look into it joking that many of us are bi-polar.
There's a few things at work there. WTF kind of doctor talks like that, but also he is a doctor and is working with bi polar people, thinks many
of us have symptoms so instead of trying to help or offering information to us, he decides it would be much more appropriate to talk shit to everyone
and go back to giving legal advice.
PTSD, very minimal input. That's when the biggest warning flags went off and I started worrying that my doctor wasn't what I thought he was at all.

trying to understand why people get banned for the bob bs but a mod comes on here advertising his glass pipes and location isnt that a vialation of tos. big brother potroast thinking a call to riu highers is in order
joe cain?-

welcome to rollitup. we're famous, did you hear? trollitup?

we talk about you all the time, man. not good, for sure. are you experienced? joe?

wait till you meet my friends. they're in my head.

this is some punk tryin to ruin joe's rep. joe shoulda put more sterling in the mix when he was building the thing in the first place and none of this would be happening. i never posted on his site, the lame was too obvious, and i know im violent in the face of stupidity. literally i left him alone.

i been savin up for this joe.
Do you ever hear people arguing with him about medical issues? me neither, cuz he doesn't talk about those.
The few that defend, or used to defend him say things like, he's a doctor-how valuable an asset to have here.
I said it!!! After months of arguments with others, what medical value has he added to this site? That is a question
to anyone and everyone especially the moderators and administrator of this forum. The majority of this forum as a whole
are fed up. It isn't one or two.

100% agreed glad. I was one of those people that thought it was great to have a doctor that writes recommendations participating on the forum. As you pointed out though, he offers very little medical advice and instead chooses to argue with members over legal and political stuff.

Very unprofessional imo