can't even move my body after last nights mission

Trippy Stix

Active Member
hauled around 400lbs of bales of soil bout 1000 yards to my spot from 1am-6am
this morning and my body feels like its about to crumble.. I had a scare after everything was done and
finished mixing up the soil in my smart pots, was about an 100 acre property that I went to that had a bunch
of woods and nice brush to hide in with a large empty field in the middle of it.. So as I finished up filling
each pot there was a large dog barking at the corner for like 10 minutes straight of the field before the woods s
tarted about 50yrds away, was around 5am and i'm guessing the owner just lets their dogs out in the morning and
roam around and? happened to smell the soils and me and also heard me all the way out there so thank god I was done
I grabbed everything and ran out of there leaving a few empy bags of soil behind (i know...) but I didn't hear any voices
or anything. Im kinda spooked about going back there... it could of been two things that happened,
1.) property owner took an early walk around at 5am (wtf?), heard somebody fiddling with bags in the woods, grabbed a dog, came back and didn't make an effort to find out who it was, and to not say anything or yell something like.. whos that?!
2.) owners let the dogs out and they heard and smelled me so the dog stayed at the edge of the woods and continued barking, don't know why the dog wouldnt have came in to the woods to investgate being that I was only 50 yrs away ?

I guess ill make an effort in a few days or next weekend to go check out the spot again and see if someone saw all my shit and if they ruined all my pots..
only thing spooky is that damn dog and idk wtf it was doing out at 5am and wether it was with an owner or not...

is this spot compromised?

The Red

Active Member
Well the only person that would know if the spot was compromised is you. There is a lot more you would need to tell us for us to consider. But that wouldn't be too wise to tell us. Go out and check it out in a few days. Right now the worst that could happen is a trespassing or vandalism charge. Don't go out there with anything incriminating on you.


Well-Known Member
hauled around 400lbs of bales of soil bout 1000 yards to my spot from 1am-6am
this morning and my body feels like its about to crumble.. I had a scare after everything was done and
finished mixing up the soil in my smart pots, was about an 100 acre property that I went to that had a bunch
of woods and nice brush to hide in with a large empty field in the middle of it.. So as I finished up filling
each pot there was a large dog barking at the corner for like 10 minutes straight of the field before the woods s
tarted about 50yrds away, was around 5am and i'm guessing the owner just lets their dogs out in the morning and
roam around and? happened to smell the soils and me and also heard me all the way out there so thank god I was done
I grabbed everything and ran out of there leaving a few empy bags of soil behind (i know...) but I didn't hear any voices
or anything. Im kinda spooked about going back there... it could of been two things that happened,
1.) property owner took an early walk around at 5am (wtf?), heard somebody fiddling with bags in the woods, grabbed a dog, came back and didn't make an effort to find out who it was, and to not say anything or yell something like.. whos that?!
2.) owners let the dogs out and they heard and smelled me so the dog stayed at the edge of the woods and continued barking, don't know why the dog wouldnt have came in to the woods to investgate being that I was only 50 yrs away ?

I guess ill make an effort in a few days or next weekend to go check out the spot again and see if someone saw all my shit and if they ruined all my pots..
only thing spooky is that damn dog and idk wtf it was doing out at 5am and wether it was with an owner or not...

is this spot compromised?

the old saying goes PARINOA WILL DESTROY YA my dogs will bark at stupid shit all the time drive ya nuts lol..


Well-Known Member
lol a guy walking in the forest early morning with his dog? Maybe he is just being cautious of his Territory, lol as in, he is a pot grower and your growing in his area. In my experiences, pot growers think alike, if your area you are growing in is any good, chances are theres already other people growing there. Thats just one thing to keep in the back of your mind.


Active Member
I wouldn't want to plant on someone's property, period. Even if they know about it - they may rip you off. Unless its very remote and not visited by people. Otherwise you're risking it being discovered by the owner or other people.

Also, if this sort of incident happened on your first time there, chances are this may happen again. Or worse, the curious owner may investigate - if he's a hunter or a concerned farmer.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
I visited back today and everything was exactly where I left it, couple bags laying around and my nice set of gloves
were in the same spot. So I cleaned everything up with a trash bag and left the pots filled with the soil to ripen up
to get ready for next months transplant. bring on the season ! also looking into acouple 75$ camo trail cams for each
of my spots considering I already have much invested in this project, miswel be as safe as I can and take all precautions


Well-Known Member
lol a guy walking in the forest early morning with his dog? Maybe he is just being cautious of his Territory, lol as in, he is a pot grower and your growing in his area. In my experiences, pot growers think alike, if your area you are growing in is any good, chances are theres already other people growing there. Thats just one thing to keep in the back of your mind.
the other thing is they might just let ya grow and they wait just until ? then gone with the wind ya buds go


Active Member
That'd be awesome do little check in's make sure the kids got it covered then blam. Not in my yard you get used to noises in the woods man 50 yards really? I'm thinkin all the benes no watering,carrying soil nothin.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
Nah these type of people are the old rich people type with a barn and such that ride horses and shit.. 9 times out of 10 even if they were to stumble upon
these things I highly doubt they would even know what the plants are.. also considering this patch is surrounded by basically
50ft x 50ft of pickie bushes. just going to try to keep em under 5-6 feet tall each


Well-Known Member
i would say be as stealth as possible in this spot. Only work at night ect.

Be carfeul and maybe dont put all your ladies in that 1 spot jus in case.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
i would say be as stealth as possible in this spot. Only work at night ect.

Be carfeul and maybe dont put all your ladies in that 1 spot jus in case.
Of course, that's only patch 1 of 3.. each with 5
like I said even if something does happen to those i'm really not going to give
a shit cuz I know Im gonna have 10 more in other spots that are wellll hidden..


Active Member
these people arent stupid...they will see the smart pots...its just bad to do this on someone else property...i can only wish your ass gets busted


Well-Known Member
Nah these type of people are the old rich people type with a barn and such that ride horses and shit.. 9 times out of 10 even if they were to stumble upon
these things I highly doubt they would even know what the plants are.. also considering this patch is surrounded by basically
50ft x 50ft of pickie bushes. just going to try to keep em under 5-6 feet tall each
OK by reading this you're showing your age..." A barn and such??? ". "Ride horses and shit" you're selling us "old folks" kinda short here and that's what will get you in trouble or busted IMO. DON'T DO IT


Active Member
OK by reading this you're showing your age..." A barn and such??? ". "Ride horses and shit" you're selling us "old folks" kinda short here and that's what will get you in trouble or busted IMO. DON'T DO IT
Listen to walter. they " ride horses and shit ". They travel a large area on horses and your way too close. Pack your bags and get out before you invest anymore time.


Active Member
OK by reading this you're showing your age..." A barn and such??? ". "Ride horses and shit" you're selling us "old folks" kinda short here and that's what will get you in trouble or busted IMO. DON'T DO IT
yep probably another 19 year-old college kid again.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
Go ahead and say all you'd like, i'll be starting the journal in about a two weeks so follow it if u doubt me..