Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Oh and to follow up, the do not reload at all, not one person.

After they show a person fire 10 rounds they switch to someone else


Staff member
Is game of thrones a special channel.

And what is walking dead and why do i hate it.

Hey guys lets shoot thousands of zombies like we have unlimited ammo. and everyone has assault rifles with no extra clips but they reload non stop

actually i don't even think i see them reload. ill check again in 5 minuets because apparently that's all they do.

I would rather play dead rising the video game
i watch them both on the internet.
The walking dead was good for the first 2 seasons, this season was really really poorly done.


Well-Known Member
Any men here that pee sitting down? Feel free to make fun of me, but I started peeing sitting down and I find it to be a much more pleasurable way to go to the bathroom than standing, especially if it is my own house. I mean, there is no chance of a shot going wide, it is more relaxing sitting down and sometimes it leads to a number 2 that I never knew was there.
You bring up valid points - bar stance is best if standing... hand on the sink, head against the wall for balance. hahaha


Well-Known Member
The kittens can crawl around pretty well now, their mother keeps putting them back in the bed though lol.
That's how ours were, lil' ones tried to take off.. mom would wrangle them and put them back in.. over and over until they were hungry, then it was feed time.. nap, repeat lol

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Any men here that pee sitting down? Feel free to make fun of me, but I started peeing sitting down and I find it to be a much more pleasurable way to go to the bathroom than standing, especially if it is my own house. I mean, there is no chance of a shot going wide, it is more relaxing sitting down and sometimes it leads to a number 2 that I never knew was there.
I made my husband do it. At least in the shared bathroom. The other bathroom he was free to stand in... With the rule that he had to clean that bathroom.

He eventually didn't want to clean anymore and just sat in both.


Well-Known Member
My boys are so patient with me lol. They're teaching me to play and they're not even frustrated at all. Just like "Mom. Mom follow me. Get on the bus. No, mom....mom the bus is over here. Mom...mom....get on the bus. Mom....just...mom just get on the bus... (I *finally* get on the bus) OK mom. Just...just stand still. We don't want you to fall off the bus..." It feels good to be old today lol.


Well-Known Member
i watch them both on the internet.
The walking dead was good for the first 2 seasons, this season was really really poorly done.

Its probably one of those series you have watch from the beginning to understand.

I tried to get my friend to watch breaking bad but it was the last season and he though it was crap.
only first 2 seasons were good after that they ran out of ideas to incorporate chemistry and then it was all baby mamma drama. Lets sit in this lab all day and complain about having to much money to hide.


Staff member
Its probably one of those series you have watch from the beginning to understand.

I tried to get my friend to watch breaking bad but it was the last season and he though it was crap.
which it was only first 2 seasons where good.
its cause people dont know when to end a good thing.

I mean like , saw was a great horror film , it was awesome, than they made fucking 45 of them. :/ LOL


Staff member
[video=youtube;Jazb24Q2s94]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Jazb24Q2s94[/video] whelp :| thats scary.


Well-Known Member
Walmart has been going down hill recently, they blame cheap internet suppliers like amazon. Because you don't have to pay taxes if you buy online, so it give online suppliers an edge to have lower prices.