FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

Hahaha Flowas green factory lol, you must be over chopping and trimming by now lol

Thanks again for your advice dude, im going to do a flush this morning and do what you said in my thread. I'll also knock the feeds up to 3hrs during lights on and 4hrs during lights off, hopefully that should work. I'll also top up my res with base bloom during the week. Only reason i hadnt to date is because the ppm and EC has stayed the same through out the week so didn't think it needed it!

Good to hear you got a clone of your amster gold too bro, are you going to try and scrog it this time and see how she goes with that??
absolutely buggered. :p
If you maybe locked out some nutrients, that can cause no uptake in nutes. Ph adjusters can be more trouble than they are worth :( let alone ph/ppm/ec meters, unless you maintain them on a weekly basis and calibrate them with fresh buffer liquid, i doubt the reading will be close to accurate anyway.... I dont use them anymore, i just go by what i'm used to now :)

Awesome, just six more questions before I begin my grow. Flo says :

When you say you top up with fresh water, is this tap water or RO water and is it Ph'd (I'm assuming no)? just plain old tap water :) as long as your source is drinkable!

If no, how to maintain 6 Ph in rez?
If you are buying good brand nutrients, They are doing the ph adjusting for you! :)

When I add all the nutes before a new week of feeding the Ph should read 5.8? or 5 (given it will rise to 5.8 ish soon with fresh water additions and chemical reactions)?
This can differ slightly with everyones nutrient blends, climate conditions, tap water quality, many MANY variables

How much XL do you put in during week 3 of Veg (.5ml?)?
Correct. That is .5ml per litre, so if you have a 40 litre res, you would go 20ml.

After week 5 of Bloom, during week 6 and 7, what is the nut schedule? Drop Bloom A+B, Swell, Silica in half each week? Continue with Suga rush through out flush (week 8-9)?
You need to understand your plants environment, so you know what ones you can drop out, if you go too early according to mine or someones specific schedule, you could bump into issues. I always look for strains that are fast yielding around 6-7 weeks MAXIMUM, Mostly indicas which seem to pack all their weight on really quickly just before finishing, easy to know what to feed when its happening so fast in front of you. Using one nutrient one week and not the next and note the difference if any... That sort of thing will help you towards the finishing time :) not to mention alot of helpers here on RIU :)
But yes usually plants need less if not none at all during the final stages, the plant will not uptake and turn the nutrient to salts. The more water you use, will help carry out problematic salt issues. Also make your plant more hungry :)

Thanks, Growing from Seed, Day one is today!!!

Awesome man!!

Hey man, i did the flush this morning and when i refilled the res i put the silica in first and then added another lot of water. Then added the potash, sugar rush and dr repair in the next lot of water, then added full strength nutes to the last lot of water. So all up 30L of water in 3 lots. I just checked the pH and its sitting on 6.6, should i leave it for a few hours and see if it buffers any lower or should i add some pH down now? I didnt add any B1 Boost or floralicious.
Cheers brother and sorry for all the questions and shit, i know you're a busy man :)

oh yeah and i now have my system watering every 3 hours during lights on and every 4 hours during lights off for 15mins each time...
:) all good, 6.6 is a little on the high side, I would ride this week out, watch the ph closely if it spikes again, you still have too much ph down in your system, and will need more time to dilute down, in the meantime go easy on the ph adjusters, try this technique, and hide the bottles!!!!! put just 10 drops of ph down in water filled bottle, this way when you add it, its more dilute already and not going to put the system out of whack!

wow m i stoned lol!! near;y dribbling catching flies in my mouth here :p

By dropping your b1 boost and floralicious you will be able to see which is deficient after a few days. You will either go one way or the other. :) If you HAVE to use ph adjusters make sure they are HYDROPONIC use only, and not for FISH TANKS!!! NO GOOD.


Here's my root bound ending from outdoor Jack Skunk!!!

she needed a bit bigger pot and she would of shocked me even more :) A nice Memento eh ;)


Out the pot, and into the ground!!! She broke through a bit!!! :p


before washing the soil out to see the density of the roots!



Flowa Is that a Drywall saw???? :) Thought I could post up another testament to your method... Another 8 day comparison... Barring me burning the shit out of them with some foliar spray when the lights were on a week back (DRUNK ASS), they are chuggin along. Did some extensive research and they are supposedly Mastodon Kush (Pre98 BubbaXMaster Kush) PO calls it XXX but it isnt. Time will tell how many bubba traits show....so far they have been almost hands off, so there is one. Ive been letting my reservoir run for about 10 days between changes:dunce: so Im glad they are not that temperamental. Ive been emailing different nutrient companies all day requesting free shit (Bored) most of them give out free samples by the way if not they hook you up with samples if you pay the shipping (Botanicare, any 4 bottles for the 15$ shipping rate!) But anyways I specifically asked Cyco for the XL (I dont think they are gonna go for it but here is hoping!). I would like to get my hands on some other wise Im gonna have to VEG for like 5 more weeks to yield what I want to (The 200w/sq. foot wont hurt either though;-)) This method really is easy and fast Flowa! Its crazy that A First time grower could follow loose guidelines and pump out an outstanding finished product and guys like me who have been playing in the dirt for the last ten years can still learn something new after all this time. I think I had too.....many...........cocktails.-S0uP 20130322_204408.jpg20130329_182416.jpg
absolutely buggered. :p
If you maybe locked out some nutrients, that can cause no uptake in nutes. Ph adjusters can be more trouble than they are worth :( let alone ph/ppm/ec meters, unless you maintain them on a weekly basis and calibrate them with fresh buffer liquid, i doubt the reading will be close to accurate anyway.... I dont use them anymore, i just go by what i'm used to now :)

Awesome man!!

:) all good, 6.6 is a little on the high side, I would ride this week out, watch the ph closely if it spikes again, you still have too much ph down in your system, and will need more time to dilute down, in the meantime go easy on the ph adjusters, try this technique, and hide the bottles!!!!! put just 10 drops of ph down in water filled bottle, this way when you add it, its more dilute already and not going to put the system out of whack!

wow m i stoned lol!! near;y dribbling catching flies in my mouth here :p

By dropping your b1 boost and floralicious you will be able to see which is deficient after a few days. You will either go one way or the other. :) If you HAVE to use ph adjusters make sure they are HYDROPONIC use only, and not for FISH TANKS!!! NO GOOD.



hey man, cheers for the detailed reply once again hey! You have helped me so much already, i feel bad for taking up your time!

I checked the pH last night and its gone from 6.2 on friday to 6.4 yesterday so im not sure whats going on. I havent added any more pH down since i did the flush on friday. I'll try ride it out and do what you have said :) the only thing i can think thats making it rise may be the rockwool. I never flushed out the basic tendencies to begin with as i had no idea i needed to. This may be why it keeps rising slowly...either that or as you said it may be the locking out of some nutes that is also causing it to rise. I also noticed some nute burn on the tips of the leaves last night also, so i think going from 2mL per litre to 3mL per litre of base bloom may have ben a bit too much. I'll keep an eye on the pH and hope it doesnt go any higher as it will likely lock out more nutes now! The pH down i have is phosphoric acid from the hydro shop too, theres no way i use fish tank stuff ;)

thanks again bro, you rock as always :D

And damn, look at the size of the root ball of your jack, that is humungous!! No wonder you got a lot out of her ;)
Here's my root bound ending from outdoor Jack Skunk!!!

she needed a bit bigger pot and she would of shocked me even more :) A nice Memento eh ;)


Out the pot, and into the ground!!! She broke through a bit!!! :p


before washing the soil out to see the density of the roots!



Damn it man!!!! One thing for sure is seeing is freaking believing!!! Flowa I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said my brotha but, bravo my friend!! Freakin amazing!! I'm so blown away by ur knowledge and talent!! Those roots are unstoppable!
Flowa Is that a Drywall saw???? :) Thought I could post up another testament to your method... Another 8 day comparison... Barring me burning the shit out of them with some foliar spray when the lights were on a week back (DRUNK ASS), they are chuggin along. Did some extensive research and they are supposedly Mastodon Kush (Pre98 BubbaXMaster Kush) PO calls it XXX but it isnt. Time will tell how many bubba traits show....so far they have been almost hands off, so there is one. Ive been letting my reservoir run for about 10 days between changes:dunce: so Im glad they are not that temperamental. Ive been emailing different nutrient companies all day requesting free shit (Bored) most of them give out free samples by the way if not they hook you up with samples if you pay the shipping (Botanicare, any 4 bottles for the 15$ shipping rate!) But anyways I specifically asked Cyco for the XL (I dont think they are gonna go for it but here is hoping!). I would like to get my hands on some other wise Im gonna have to VEG for like 5 more weeks to yield what I want to (The 200w/sq. foot wont hurt either though;-)) This method really is easy and fast Flowa! Its crazy that A First time grower could follow loose guidelines and pump out an outstanding finished product and guys like me who have been playing in the dirt for the last ten years can still learn something new after all this time. I think I had too.....many...........cocktails.-S0uP View attachment 2593361View attachment 2593362
Yeah :) she's a drywall saw!, had some trouble hacking the thing down, scissors were not going to cut it! even the cola branches were as thick as my little finger :p
Folliar spray is great, BUT how about when the lights go off ;) that way the room is still warm, and te plants will absorb more sufficiently.
Man they look beautiful and healthy! :) the one on the right looks genetically perfect to me matey! the left one is ace also, looks to be a fast grower, they are going to take off in the next week man, hang on tight :p
Not sure if they'll part with the XL, as its a bit of a secret type product, it is advertised and part of their range in the cyco pro-kit, but not a product that most shop owners will tell you about. They should though! best product by them, and purest on the market out of ANYTHING. I sound like i'm helping them..... i'm trying to help everyone :) I've done plenty of research and some trials prior to publishing my RIU grows ( 3 grows i my pocket before RIU, 7 in total now, 7th being the Amster Gold indoors ). So I'm not as experienced as alot of others, but my research is totally based on growing plants in general, not ideally cannabis, and this i think has given me a small advantage in knowing a little how plants respond to certain elements and nutrients.

Weekly res changes are a better path to travel in this system, ideally you want to use as much fresh nutrient as possible, but still being affordable ofcourse, after 1 week the irons and salts will have been mostly digested by then and need replacing, and th used up insoluble salts need to be washed out so they don't bind with your perlite when things dry up.
Keep it up man! they look like really nice cuts!

hey man, cheers for the detailed reply once again hey! You have helped me so much already, i feel bad for taking up your time!

I checked the pH last night and its gone from 6.2 on friday to 6.4 yesterday so im not sure whats going on. I havent added any more pH down since i did the flush on friday. I'll try ride it out and do what you have said :) the only thing i can think thats making it rise may be the rockwool. I never flushed out the basic tendencies to begin with as i had no idea i needed to. This may be why it keeps rising slowly...either that or as you said it may be the locking out of some nutes that is also causing it to rise. I also noticed some nute burn on the tips of the leaves last night also, so i think going from 2mL per litre to 3mL per litre of base bloom may have ben a bit too much. I'll keep an eye on the pH and hope it doesnt go any higher as it will likely lock out more nutes now! The pH down i have is phosphoric acid from the hydro shop too, theres no way i use fish tank stuff ;)

thanks again bro, you rock as always :D

And damn, look at the size of the root ball of your jack, that is humungous!! No wonder you got a lot out of her ;)
Damn! thats unusual, I cannot pinpoint the issue here, thinking that maybe the perlite has been toxified by the ph adjusters, these things bind as they are toxic chemicals, and can take ALOT of adjustment to get back if gone too far out of whack, My guess is something is locked out, and causing the spike in ph, so if you're using a 30l tub, just replace 10 litres with fresh water, If you HAVE to use ph down do it after you've ran the nutrients through the system, or while its feeding. a small amount!, and also have you calibrated your ph meter? it might be slightly out, and also they will read 2 different readings if you stick too much of the ph meter in. You ONLY want the very TIP of the ph pen/meter. ANY further will give a false readout. ( 1 cm )

Damn it man!!!! One thing for sure is seeing is freaking believing!!! Flowa I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said my brotha but, bravo my friend!! Freakin amazing!! I'm so blown away by ur knowledge and talent!! Those roots are unstoppable!
LOL, legend! Keep the show goin eh? ;)

Here's day 39 Amsterdam Gold










Flash off below




And that raps it up for last night pics anyway! well out of about 80 pics or so.... yes obsessive... My 'other' love affair
Woah man she is truly magnificent hey, so dark green and those colas are just MASSIVE!! Awesome work man!!

I tested the pH in my res this morning and its dropped back to 6.1 so you may be right about locking out some nutrients. Either that or the other thing you said about the perlite and rockwool holding salts from the pH adjuster! At least she's picked right up though man, very happy about that thanks to you ;) Ive been calibrating my pen each week too just to make sure, seems to stay calibrated well too :)
Absolutely epic!!!! FlowaMasta - you need to come to California, Washington or Colorado and start a company doing this. Your medicine would be the best!
those pictures are amazing, better than i see in the magazines
Thanx for your input! I see you're not one to 'post' much, so MUCH appreciated man :mrgreen:

Woah man she is truly magnificent hey, so dark green and those colas are just MASSIVE!! Awesome work man!!

I tested the pH in my res this morning and its dropped back to 6.1 so you may be right about locking out some nutrients. Either that or the other thing you said about the perlite and rockwool holding salts from the pH adjuster! At least she's picked right up though man, very happy about that thanks to you ;) Ive been calibrating my pen each week too just to make sure, seems to stay calibrated well too :)
Yea :) She is gorgeous thanx man, maybe my best yet!!! looking forward to this more than any kids Christmas :p The smell is completely UN-manageable. It has gotten to the point where the entire house is stinking profusely to the point where i'd nearly say did the outdoor smell at all?? in comparison!? barely. As soon as i open the tent, mrs Flowa says , 'aahhh she's awake' ;) and takes a huge breath in :) The smell is closely similar to that of 'White Widow' Very Orange juice type smell that almost stings your senses.

I'm a happy man, and all glad to help man, sounds like she's starting to buffer out now. The perlite indeed will soak up salts... like a sponge , as to why we don't want to drown the roots when feeding. It soaks up plenty enough from the surrounding perlite, and best to stay 50% moist and never let dry out. Which it does automatically anyway. 6.1 is a good number. If it drops even slightly more, it means she's starting to use up some of that food she stored. She should start to feed base again now and you shouldn't see too much sway in the ph level, and don't stress if you see it change 5.8-6.5 in a week, this is still fine and you then get a good balance of nutrients at each ph level. As long as you don't over feed, then its going a little backwards again, the plants will only take up as much as needed, any more and its only going to be detrimental to the plant.

Plant looking sweet as by the way ;) Readers should chime in to Easty's thread to see how someone completely new to my methods does :)

No pressure Easty :p jk You'll do fine. Perlite is your best friend now. She LOVES generosity.

Absolutely epic!!!! FlowaMasta - you need to come to California, Washington or Colorado and start a company doing this. Your medicine would be the best!

lol :) Thats awesome Mo! Thankyou for those kind words! I would love to be doing this for more people, Life takes me many places, and who knows i may just end up in one of those places along the line ;) Especially if laws don't change around here. I would love to spread my knowledge!! It does feel a little wasted here in australia ( by wasted i mean my knowledge ) but yes most of us here ARE wasted, just MOST dont like to admit it. It'd be embarrassing if some Judges, or lawyers, or even doctors and surgeons admitted to smoking the ganja! Bout time Aussies stuck up for themselves. Theres alot more of us than them. Alot of us are annoyed too!! Its hard when the people in power are so blind minded, and refuse to listen to the ACTUAL public. These BIG people in power are sad lonely people who just want their neigbours to be silent and have no fun like them. You know what!? play your music loud, smoke ganja with your windows open, put a sign out the front clearly stating 'honk your horn if you want your rights back!!! You would hear honking all day long. Who tells these judges what to do!? I'd like to. You know who can outsmart all these idiots in power? Every single one of us. We're doing JUST that, but we need more :) :) They can't stop what everyone wants.

Totally agree Mo :)

lol Cheerz Easty
Wow man that's a big call about the smell, for her to be stronger than your jack skunk she must really have a strong female scent lol. She just sounds and looks like a killer strain bro, so so happy for you and so good to watch someone with your awesome knowledge and experience do it full justice..and more! I hang out for your updates more than anyone elses because your methods and care for detail is so professional :) it really is a pleasure to see!

Im almost certain you're right about mine too mate, i wont be touching the pH adjusters from here unless i really HAVE to ;) just needed some of your expert guidance to make me realise it hey :D this setup really has me excited too man, im always out checking things and just really enoying the chemistry side of it too! The only thing im thinking at the moment is to lower the nutes back to 3/4 strength instead of full as i think thats what has caused the slight burn, would you suggest lowering the base bloom or all of the nutes? probably best to lower all a bit yeah?

Lol about your comment too for others to chime in, thanks heaps for your kind words, it really means a lot and gives me confidence :)

100% agree about us needing some people in power to make a change for the better too, us growers and stoners done cause any harm, we do it for ourselves and our mates to enjoy and medicate. We need judges and people in power to just wake up and realise it! If it ever gets legalised dude, i would seriously love to go into business with you, i reckon we'd have a killer business mate :)

Seriously man, send some of your pics to high times, i reckon they'd be all over them like a fat kid on a cupcake :lol:
I plan on running a 90 liter rez tank for two plants, not 45 liter tank for one, are there any problems this could lead to I'm not aware of?

I imagine a 90 liter tank wouldn't change a thing since the amount of nutrients is the same per plant, both plants are the same strain and age so their runoff would be the same right?

Very excited, I have my CO2 generator (tankless water heater) working just right, now at 800ppm for my young plants. Got a 10,000 BTU dual vent A/C and Dehumidifier in the tent, which is closed off to maintain CO2 levels. Two 200W CFL SunBlaster 6500k bulbs and one 250W LED panel from Hydroponicshut.

Thanks everyone from RIU who helped, and countless others. First ever grow and its always been a life long dream of mine to do this!
Wow man that's a big call about the smell, for her to be stronger than your jack skunk she must really have a strong female scent lol. She just sounds and looks like a killer strain bro, so so happy for you and so good to watch someone with your awesome knowledge and experience do it full justice..and more! I hang out for your updates more than anyone elses because your methods and care for detail is so professional :) it really is a pleasure to see!

Im almost certain you're right about mine too mate, i wont be touching the pH adjusters from here unless i really HAVE to ;) just needed some of your expert guidance to make me realise it hey :D this setup really has me excited too man, im always out checking things and just really enoying the chemistry side of it too! The only thing im thinking at the moment is to lower the nutes back to 3/4 strength instead of full as i think thats what has caused the slight burn, would you suggest lowering the base bloom or all of the nutes? probably best to lower all a bit yeah?

Lol about your comment too for others to chime in, thanks heaps for your kind words, it really means a lot and gives me confidence :)

100% agree about us needing some people in power to make a change for the better too, us growers and stoners done cause any harm, we do it for ourselves and our mates to enjoy and medicate. We need judges and people in power to just wake up and realise it! If it ever gets legalised dude, i would seriously love to go into business with you, i reckon we'd have a killer business mate :)

Seriously man, send some of your pics to high times, i reckon they'd be all over them like a fat kid on a cupcake :lol:

Very much so. I'm in need of some new carbon scrubbing i think. Its a very intoxicating smell, it feels like it drenches the air in it. The Density of this plant is truly remarkable!, i can barely bend a nug out of the way to check, even all the tips are rock solid and very heavy. Things are falling over , and i'm continuously holding these colas up with a ridiculous amount of twine! As you can see, the main 2 colas are twisting both ways, and i really dont know how they are standing up to be honest. Soo tall.

Thanx heaps for the reply man, I think with your nutes, you could back off to 3/4 no worries, i might say its the additives that are burning more than the base, i could be wrong. Your base is what stabilizes the ph, not so much your additives. But individually they change things slightly and using the right ones together brings a nice balance. They will take bloom really well, very soluble, i VERY rarely get nute burn, i would say my tip burn would be from leaving my pump on a couple of weeks ago ;)

Thanx again Easty!!

I plan on running a 90 liter rez tank for two plants, not 45 liter tank for one, are there any problems this could lead to I'm not aware of?

I imagine a 90 liter tank wouldn't change a thing since the amount of nutrients is the same per plant, both plants are the same strain and age so their runoff would be the same right?

Very excited, I have my CO2 generator (tankless water heater) working just right, now at 800ppm for my young plants. Got a 10,000 BTU dual vent A/C and Dehumidifier in the tent, which is closed off to maintain CO2 levels. Two 200W CFL SunBlaster 6500k bulbs and one 250W LED panel from Hydroponicshut.

Thanks everyone from RIU who helped, and countless others. First ever grow and its always been a life long dream of mine to do this!
I would always recommend 2 res's 1 per plant. The perlite acts as a filter kind of, and each pot will take on different amounts of nutrients. You can do this ofcourse, but 1 plant always seems to come out heaps better. I've seen it too many times. Yes its alot more setting up with 2 reservoirs, 2 pumps, 2 air stones.... but if you want equal rights to both plants, it makes more sense to have 1 each doesn't it? Unless ofcourse both plants are in 1 VERY large tub. You can still have both res's connected via a simple connecting line running from each bottom, then they both go down at the exact same level, and both pumps are working still so both plants get fed at the same time. But this is for having more nutrient available. 2 plants don't always take up twice as much water, as the space taken up will be filled with heat and the evaporation can create a high humidity climate, so the plants take on a little less.

Your climate sounds great so far man! The 2 6500k lamps will be a nice bright white!! but what about the 250w LED?? This has got to put out some serious energy to boost lumens, is it cold where you are lucky man!? I see you got a water heater also!? man never have i ran the heater for hydro lol, she keeps my house nice n warm in winter though!

I'm interested in what you got on the sunblasters, instead of something more high powered? Big buds will come easier from using High power, High meaning 600 watts minimum. Not that there's anything wrong with the given setup. It will grow plants, but i would want a little higher spectrum lamps, especially for flowering.
I would always recommend 2 res's 1 per plant. The perlite acts as a filter kind of, and each pot will take on different amounts of nutrients. You can do this ofcourse, but 1 plant always seems to come out heaps better. I've seen it too many times. Yes its alot more setting up with 2 reservoirs, 2 pumps, 2 air stones.... but if you want equal rights to both plants, it makes more sense to have 1 each doesn't it? Unless ofcourse both plants are in 1 VERY large tub. You can still have both res's connected via a simple connecting line running from each bottom, then they both go down at the exact same level, and both pumps are working still so both plants get fed at the same time. But this is for having more nutrient available. 2 plants don't always take up twice as much water, as the space taken up will be filled with heat and the evaporation can create a high humidity climate, so the plants take on a little less.

Your climate sounds great so far man! The 2 6500k lamps will be a nice bright white!! but what about the 250w LED?? This has got to put out some serious energy to boost lumens, is it cold where you are lucky man!? I see you got a water heater also!? man never have i ran the heater for hydro lol, she keeps my house nice n warm in winter though!

I'm interested in what you got on the sunblasters, instead of something more high powered? Big buds will come easier from using High power, High meaning 600 watts minimum. Not that there's anything wrong with the given setup. It will grow plants, but i would want a little higher spectrum lamps, especially for flowering.

I'll likely go with two rez tanks just in case, like 30 extra bucks for me.

I reside in California and the summers stays cool cause I'm near the ocean. Inside the tent the climate is a perfect 78-82 degrees F, 800-1200 PPM of CO2, the humidity is all over the place from 45% to 90%, mostly 65%.

The SunBlaster is 14,000 lumens each, I have no idea what the lumens are for the LED. As I understand it, CFL's are equivalent to like three times their wattage rating so my 200's are like 600's I think? A 200W CFL is equivalent to a 600 W incandescent? Something like that. I went with the sunblasters because I didn't want to spend so much on electricity, I thought I'd give them a try, and supplement with the LED, which is powerful indeed.
And I will be purchasing two 200W 2700K Sunblaster CFL bulbs when flower time comes around, that was my plan. I'm confident I'll get big buds, I think others will be surprised too.

If I feel the need to move to an HPS in the future after I get experience of growing under my belt I will but I'm trying to use the least energy possible while I learn the art. Earth-minded and all.

The water heater is not to heat any water, that is just a consequence of the heater, its to burn liquid propane for the exhaust fumes, AKA CO2! It is simply a CO2 generator that is water cooled so my tent doesn't get too hot.

I am curious what my rez water temperature should be though? My hardwood floor is cold so I hope cold water is what's required. And is my magnetic driven water pump going to pull iron out of the rez tank?
Very much so. I'm in need of some new carbon scrubbing i think. Its a very intoxicating smell, it feels like it drenches the air in it. The Density of this plant is truly remarkable!, i can barely bend a nug out of the way to check, even all the tips are rock solid and very heavy. Things are falling over , and i'm continuously holding these colas up with a ridiculous amount of twine! As you can see, the main 2 colas are twisting both ways, and i really dont know how they are standing up to be honest. Soo tall.

Thanx heaps for the reply man, I think with your nutes, you could back off to 3/4 no worries, i might say its the additives that are burning more than the base, i could be wrong. Your base is what stabilizes the ph, not so much your additives. But individually they change things slightly and using the right ones together brings a nice balance. They will take bloom really well, very soluble, i VERY rarely get nute burn, i would say my tip burn would be from leaving my pump on a couple of weeks ago ;)

Thanx again Easty!!.

Shit bro, hope your scrubber helps get rid of the smell, nothing worse than people smelling you out!!

Too easy mate, well I'm thinking i might have a better look tonight and see how the burn is going, if its not too bad i may try keeping the bloom and silica at full strength and the rest slightly lower (30mL to 35L) and see how she goes :)
I'll likely go with two rez tanks just in case, like 30 extra bucks for me.

I reside in California and the summers stays cool cause I'm near the ocean. Inside the tent the climate is a perfect 78-82 degrees F, 800-1200 PPM of CO2, the humidity is all over the place from 45% to 90%, mostly 65%.

The SunBlaster is 14,000 lumens each, I have no idea what the lumens are for the LED. As I understand it, CFL's are equivalent to like three times their wattage rating so my 200's are like 600's I think? A 200W CFL is equivalent to a 600 W incandescent? Something like that. I went with the sunblasters because I didn't want to spend so much on electricity, I thought I'd give them a try, and supplement with the LED, which is powerful indeed.
And I will be purchasing two 200W 2700K Sunblaster CFL bulbs when flower time comes around, that was my plan. I'm confident I'll get big buds, I think others will be surprised too.

If I feel the need to move to an HPS in the future after I get experience of growing under my belt I will but I'm trying to use the least energy possible while I learn the art. Earth-minded and all.

The water heater is not to heat any water, that is just a consequence of the heater, its to burn liquid propane for the exhaust fumes, AKA CO2! It is simply a CO2 generator that is water cooled so my tent doesn't get too hot.

I am curious what my rez water temperature should be though? My hardwood floor is cold so I hope cold water is what's required. And is my magnetic driven water pump going to pull iron out of the rez tank?
cold res temp is fine, as long as its not freezing! but mind you i put enough frozen blocks in sometimes to nearly freeze the line over lol! and that doesn't bother her ;) my theory is she'll pump out more resin to keep her warm :) I think like a plant sometimes and thats what come up. It may have worked. It could of been the UVB lamp also, which is now off. I'm bringing the temps down now by closing the glass slider on my hood a bit more and will also let my humidity come up a tiny bit. 28% is fairly dry, i'm aiming for 40% These buds are a nice density level, man, i gotta get off my stoned dribbling ass and check on her!! getting soo heavy!! i was thinking last night, what day is she on? day 42.... shit!!!! shes almost done!

Shit bro, hope your scrubber helps get rid of the smell, nothing worse than people smelling you out!!

Too easy mate, well I'm thinking i might have a better look tonight and see how the burn is going, if its not too bad i may try keeping the bloom and silica at full strength and the rest slightly lower (30mL to 35L) and see how she goes :)
The smell is super chronic to say the least lol, i will be trimming that plant with that bedroom door shut tight. Very medicated. I'm actually scared to touch her, so i'll pull the largest cola down when shes finished and check her for mould or low light spots, trim her down and decide if i can take the rest and just hang it all as it is, and not trim a single leaf off until shes 3/4 dry I don't want to disturb 1 trichome!!!!
even her leaves arghhhhhh mental.
Here she was last night at day 41!

And Mo i gotta couple of seed shots for you :)






Here's a lower nug on one of the colas, She's real dark in colour, very unusual, very 'tropical' looking indeed.




Show her size off a bit here.....


I'll have a raspberry cupcake with that please.....


and could you roll it in this........


Here's some primo seeds i got so far from my outdoor Jack Skunk. Awesome patterns.


Hahaha oh man that's gold, freakin scary, but gold! I so wish i had a smell app on this phone, would love to smell her in all her glory lol

edit- holy shit bro those colas are freakin MASSIVE! And so god damn frosty with trichs, wow man that is just amazing. Once again mate, thanks so much for the bud porn :D best ive seen in a long time! How do you keep the glare out of the pic with the hps light on?? Im intrigued...do you also have a different light in there just for photos??
Awesome!!! Flowamasta FTW! Long as yo bitches love ya! Shure they do! ;)