Female growers


Pickle Queen
Life seems easier when u pretend to have a penis..

We get just under 18 hours of daylight here starting mid may..This will be tons of fun...hehehe

The real lady to watch is Miss mellokitty.. she knows her shit.


Well-Known Member
lol bisssssh azz niggas 5this goofy sdent me a message n shit . im all man hommie equiped withn a fat dick n haiery nuttsack

aww express, why you gotta be like that. top is new here. don't fuck with him like that.


Well-Known Member
I like long walks on the beach, and play love songs on my guitar.
I love to surf, and pound on my drums...lol...so you could walk the shore, and we could make beautiful music...but alas, music is all we could do, cuz I'm "happily" married...lmao...and as old as I am now, you would probably be looking for a body to wash up on shore. :hump:

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
All this stoner chic talk is really interesting, I love Chics who love weed. totally different vibe getting ripped with a broad!



Well-Known Member
Im literally crying over here. That was a great fucking laugh. I really needed that.