I love the men and women that fight for our country but don't agree with the people in charge and for that reason I could never do it

We gots to back up those men and women who lay it on the line and wear the greens.....War is not pretty...it really fucken sucks to be frank and I know that there are allot of critics of the military.....but as a soldier....and having lived one hellish time in my life.....seeing the worst possible things anyone could imagine.....you become de-sensitised to it as a matter of survival....your own survival.....when its all said and done you get back ( if your lucky ) and you dont even know what you came back to.....your here but ....where are you...what purpose do i have now....its brutal....the mental anguish is a mother fucker at times.....you fought the bullets that were grazing your head and then you come home and find yourself fighting that DEMON thats still in bedded in your mind. It takes every ounce of energy to fight it off and not let it consume you......you feel isolated and lonley and alienated at times.....you just want it to be over....but its never over....it stays with you for ever....as time goes by.....the memories deminish but I pass a densly wooded area with lush vegetation and the thoughts start coming back.....you think about the countless sleepless nights where you waited second by second for sunrise to appear.....in the distance you hear the gong of a cymble...in the pitch blackness of night....usually burried knee deep in water and mud......and in the far distance you hear the echoing voice that yells out in chopped english......" tonight you die GI Tonight you die " you sit quitely in the still of darkness just listening.....the jungle is teaming with life but suddenly its as silent as silent can be and you know.....its coming......and it comes....the fury of gun fire from every direction.....you shoot blindly into the night.....but that also makes you a target....because you can see the flash bang of each bullet leaving your weapon.....and the sun comes up and you thank god that you live one more day to see another sunrise.....then eve draws near.....and you know and wonder....will tonight be the night that my time comes to its end.....and you do it over and over again......you realize that you just dont give a fuck anymore.....come get me mother fuckers......and thats just a small glimpse into one mans experience

But to get to the real point....then our government has the balls to play with our lives like if we are pawns in a chess game.....and 99% of the population just falls right into thier hand ....like sheep being led to slaughter......Time for people to wake the fuck up and stop being a pawn before you cant do anything without letting them know what your doing.......change is a coming boys and girls......pay attention
Lots of beauties on RIU. Where were you ladies before I was married? Granted my wife is beautiful and amazing, but you know how guys are...we always wonder if the taco's better at the other truck, even when we loves the taco we have.
Lots of beauties on RIU. Where were you ladies before I was married? Granted my wife is beautiful and amazing, but you know how guys are...we always wonder if the taco's better at the other truck, even when we loves the taco we have.

Find one of those swinging taco's and you can try other trucks ;)
Lahada, hereshegrows and rabbit I could show the three of you quite a good time ;) preferably at the same time?

I kid.. but not really :shock:

With your FUCKING 8 PACK...you could probably swing something very close to.

BTW, fuck you and your 8 pack. LOL, j/k man...I don't drink haterade.