can't even move my body after last nights mission


I too believe, it's not a good idea to go for it with all that. You raise willingly the chance for something to go wrong & have troubles (& give troubles to the owner). As you said you have 2 other places (more safe i assume). If i were you i'll stick with them and minimize the chances to get in trouble. I believe this should be your biggest priority. I know it's kinda awfull after all the effort you put, but your safety is much more important.


Well-Known Member
dont be so paranoid my dogs stay out all night thats what people do. If your this worried whats it going to be like when you have stinky buds. You either have to stop now or move forward and forget about the dog. The dog didnt go into the woods likely because there is only one dog and its a pussy. If there is more then one they will likely run into the woods and expose you. Just bring some meat with you a couple times and you and that dog will be pals.
put 20$ in a bag & staple it to a tree near your area, if no one takes it in a week. fuck it. plant some bodacious mothers.


Active Member
put 20$ in a bag & staple it to a tree near your area, if no one takes it in a week. fuck it. plant some bodacious mothers.
lol, that is an interesting idea.

If you found a grow on your property, of some really nice bud, what would do? Would you keep it for yourself, ignore it, try to befriend the grower, or alert the authorities and ask for them to remove it to cover your own ass?... or something else?


I advise that you grow elsewhere. Growing an illegal plant on someone's property brings up a moral issue of putting them at risk. Yes, I know the LAW is wrong, but it's still our reality.

The other thing to consider is your time. You'll be dumping a ton of it into this guerilla deal. I know, I've done it before. Are you in a med state? If so, get a card and do it right. If you don't own property, rent some.
well if he's growing on my property, i would surely try to befriend the person. If that don't work & that persons a dick, well i would have a bunch of really nice bud. i'd never call the authorities.


Well-Known Member
Either your still living at home and Mom won't let you grow or your in a state that is'nt in the program.
You talk about bad karma what is it when you grow on someones property w/o permission leaving the risk of them loosing their land because of you????

Trippy Stix

Active Member
I'm going with this spot regardless anybody says and you guys can follow the progress in the thread i'll be making soon, the stupid mut isn't really of my concern at all anymore considering i'll never be going to this spot at 5am again it just kinda spooked me at the time. I'm going to decrease the number of plants there to 5 because I forgot I'll have one mother plant that will be vegged indoors for 2 months, instead of the rest being 1 month inside, and if I were to put the 2 month old out in May and if harvest is in October.. that would be a HUUUUGEEEE plant, way way way too big for that spot haha. So I will now have 4 different spots, spot 1= 5 in ground vegged indoors for 4 weeks put out beginning of May, spot 2= 5 in ground vegged indoors 4 weeks put out in may, spot 3= 5 in 20gal smarts vegged indoor 4 weeks put out may and spot 4= 1 huge monster that was started March 1 indoor that will get 6 MONTHS veg time AND 2 months to flower.. holy god can't wait to see how big that one will get. Like I said even if one or two of these spots get stumbled upon by some divine intervention I won't give a rats ass considering my lineup !


Well-Known Member
put 20$ in a bag & staple it to a tree near your area, if no one takes it in a week. fuck it. plant some bodacious mothers.
About 5-6 years ago a buddy of mine wanted to grow but his wife wasn't keen on haveing plants at their home. So he says he found this great spot on RR easment land. About a mile hike down the tracks from the nearest road. A swampy area hidden by a big patch of blackberries.
He did the money thing, except he was cheap & hung a $5 bill. He took me back there a few weeks later, just before planting time, and we found the $5 had been replaced with a $1. I asked him if he was sure he used a $5, and he said yes!:shock:
We looked for another spot!
I would say your chances of completing this grow successfully are very slim.
Good luck

Po boy

Well-Known Member
Trippy Six, i will say this, for all the work you did you are a weed warrior. a little more experience and you'll be growing some bad ass weed. GL


They are likely to smell your plants too if you had some dogs 50 yards away already and you suspect the owners of the dogs were around. I know you said they are old rich people, but trust me, a sixty something year old knows what pot smells like regardless of social class. If they get a whiff of your plants (odds are probably good) they are going to either look for them or call leo. I know you're ambitious but really man the odds aren't good if you've only been out to site prep and had dogs nearby.


Well-Known Member
Do what your soul tells you my friend. I have grown some amazing herbalzz in sketchy areas. But then again im like a ninja in the night.... lol

I still never like it, you never feel secure. Your prob better off finding a new spot. BUt if not then jus blend them real nice and be like a ninja assasin in the night.

Leave no tracks or trace , and make them look natural. Ppl would be suprised how much they blend in .


Well-Known Member
Nah these type of people are the old rich people type with a barn and such that ride horses and shit.. 9 times out of 10 even if they were to stumble upon
these things I highly doubt they would even know what the plants are.. also considering this patch is surrounded by basically
50ft x 50ft of pickie bushes. just going to try to keep em under 5-6 feet tall each
what kind of logic is that? Because they are rich old people that have horses means they cannot grow weed? Thats stereotyping people. For your information I own horses and grow weed and am kind of old. Most of the pot growers I know, to have horses, and are old, what a coincidence? And the rich part explains itself lol,

P.S you should be growing much deeper in the woods, 50 yards away from a trail is redundant. If you want to be successful you gotta do more hiking than that and find more remote areas away from people and their backyards.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
16 out of 16 successful :) 003 - Copy.jpg also the girl I've been running since March 1 i'll be putting out in a month as well 005 - Copy.jpg


Well-Known Member
lookin good!

i cant wait to start, unfortunetly were still getting a snowy cold day every couple days so im waiting.

I started a bunch of my veggy garden ( cabbage, dill , ect ect) hardening them things off as we speak. ! lookin good tho man. that one looks wild. it will blend in nicley amongst green vegetation.