Active Member
you have not selected for shit, you have not even seen a finished product yet, nor do you even have a selection of genetics from which to pull "the best".
Knowledgeable fellows? 1) They aren't knowledgeable 2) They aren't even all here yet, where's woody? 3) What about the other 30 people who WEREN'T posting but were following my updates (according to my view count on YouTube every time I posted on my old thread)
I didn't need to see a finished product for my selection, I am not cross breeding yet, once I start cross breeding I will need to see a finished product before deciding which seeds I will use. But I plan on mixing in some landrace before stabilizing the Hippy Beater. My goal with these two breedings were: 1) Hippy Beater- Fast Growing, Fast Maturing, Able to grow well and quickly in bad conditions. 2) Short Bus- Small, Yellow, Effeminate males, Slow maturing have not selected for shit, you have not even seen a finished product yet
1) They are not knowledgeable, they just have extensive experience buying things1. allll your consistent advisors are very knowledgeable. 2. you would miss a woody. 3. 30 wowza thats impressive, hopefully theres no duplicates lol
Zvice I hope that gets deleted, That was very foul.
Oh Brother I have a pair. I am just not Satanic Enough to joke about things like that. You are not cool
I grew up and lived most of my life in Africa and saw shit like this daily for a long time
Its not so much a joke as a fact.
this must be why african children with no food and water grow up to be such powerhouses
oh no wait, they don't, they just die.
he looks pretty stressed, he's gonna produce some mad resin
"You gotta bend the saplin in order for it to grow into a proper tree."
Or.. crush the stem partially, not severing flow of liquid and nutes to really make it a massive trunk - there's something informative for you.
a technique I use a lotSupercropping^^
true story gangOr.. crush the stem partially, not severing flow of liquid and nutes to really make it a massive trunk - there's something informative for you.