coca seeds

idk if this is against the rules, does anyone know where i could order coca seeds? has anyone here ever done so?

There was discussion a couple of weeks ago on this. You may want to check it out. From what I remember plant was difficult to grow and took some years to mature. Don't remember viable seed availability..Silk Road maybe?
There was discussion a couple of weeks ago on this. You may want to check it out. From what I remember plant was difficult to grow and took some years to mature. Don't remember viable seed availability..Silk Road maybe?

hmm years to mature? i havent studied up on growing them yet, i was just seeing if anyones ordered them before amd where, but is that normal? seems off i thought it would be seasonal like weed
I read a book by Wade Davis, can't remember the name atm, where he talks about the plant being very difficult to start from seed. Apparently most of the cultivation in South America is done via clones.
For some reason my cat ate all my coca plants. I was pissed!

I bet he wasn't unhappy. Did he look like the Chesire cat afterwards?

Anyway, I believe the ceeds themselves are actually legal, and they are available if you look on the internet, though not at all cheap. Actually growing the plant, on the other hand. . .not so legal. . .though in practice, probably 99%+ of adults (including law enforcement) don't even know what this plant looks like, so chances of being detected could be low.

In terms of growing, the plant itself is actually a perennial bush, not an herb like cannabis, and it takes quite a while for it to grow into a plant you could strip leaves from without killing (ie years). The plant is also fairly picky to grow; the ceeds are hard to germinate and don't store well.

The plants themselves don't tolerate frost at all, and are also relatively picky about temperature and humidity, making them difficult or impossible to grow in the ground in most of the USA. You might be able to maintain some potted if you brought them inside during the winter and supplemented with artificial lighting.

So its probably just not practical for most to grow it in the USA, explaining why you almost never hear of people actually doing it.

If you happen to be living in the right place, you probably could grow one of the various cultivars outdoors, though even if you did, you'd probably have to grow a lot of individual plants before you had enough leaf to make a chemical extraction worthwhile.
My cat took off and I didn't see it for a few days after it did that.

I grew Ethroxylum Novagranatense, not Ethroxylum Coca. Both will still get you high. I was told that the E. Coca is only obtainable through cutting and not through seeds. Most of the commercial E. Coca is sterile in seed form and it is propagated through cuttings. Most if not all Coca seeds are really E. Novagranatense. I believe E. Coca is illegal and E. Nova is legal.
If you order these coca seeds online, do they come with 50 children who can stomp the leaves and get all the coca juice out for clandestine production?
My cat took off and I didn't see it for a few days after it did that.

I grew Ethroxylum Novagranatense, not Ethroxylum Coca. Both will still get you high.
IIRC, the latter is more potent, but the former is much easier to grow (if you're not in the mountains of Bolivia, that is!).

I was told that the E. Coca is only obtainable through cutting and not through seeds. Most of the commercial E. Coca is sterile in seed form and it is propagated through cuttings. Most if not all Coca seeds are really E. Novagranatense. I believe E. Coca is illegal and E. Nova is legal.
My understanding is that the law prohibits leaf with active alkaloid, and specifically excludes de-cocainized leaf or other plant parts with no cocaine. So ceeds of either one are legal under Federal law, since neither contains actual cocaine. Non-decocainized leaf from either is illegal without the appropriate Federal license.

On ceeds, I'm quite sure the E. Coca plant can make fertile ceeds, but they don't store well, and for a number of commercial reasons its preferable to grow from cuttings. I've actually seen these listed for sale, though whether or not they are what they are claimed to be is another issue, and whether or not they can actually arrive viable to the USA is another one yet.
People probably already stated but you need altitude and certain conditions + 3 or 4 years for maturity. I really wanted to grow my own too instead of buying processed shit you have to destroy your nose with, but it just wasn't viable. Neither was trying to import leaves. You pay a cartel or you probably die doing something stupid.
Shit man, I know it's an old thread but if it was viable to plant coca in America they would have been on that shit years ago. Same with poppies.
Shit man, I know it's an old thread but if it was viable to plant coca in America they would have been on that shit years ago. Same with poppies.

I disagree. If you can grow poppies in fuckin Afghanistan (go google the parched ground) and grow them just as awesome in Britain with their miserable rain that caused even the Romans to pack up shop and not even bother with, then you can grow it anywhere. With poppies though it is the AMOUNT you need to grow...if you are trying to scrape anyways...I highly suggest drying and boiling though....
I disagree. If you can grow poppies in fuckin Afghanistan (go google the parched ground) and grow them just as awesome in Britain with their miserable rain that caused even the Romans to pack up shop and not even bother with, then you can grow it anywhere. With poppies though it is the AMOUNT you need to grow...if you are trying to scrape anyways...I highly suggest drying and boiling though....
That's kind of what I meant with poppies. You just cant plant enough to profit off of without getting attention/busted.
I looked into this before too. Totally not a viable option to grow your own patsys.

Salvia divinorum makes an alright house plant though. :)
Fuck salvia though, lol. I've only been that high before at the dentist from nitrous.

My buddy had some strong ass salvia that I just hit a bowl once and it fucked me up. Only for a for moments but I'd think I was looking down but would look up. I couldn't speak straight and knew what was going on but just couldn't function.

I'm sure we just were smoking to potent of stuff, it was like 60x or something like that.