Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
You might enjoy watching the River Monsters series that this guy named Jeremy Wade does. He catches some really awesome fish, but it's not like...a bassmasters type show, it's more educational than all that, and he tends to go after fish considered dangerous.
I got Netflix son! We watched that shit ages ago!!

But you're absolutely right. That show's right up my alley.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
ORITHAL.....NORMAL......what the hell is that....what is normal.....as far as I'm concerned.....your normal....you are who you are....I respect the fact that you choose to live your life based on those convictions within your heart....I totally respect that and I totally agree with you that there are allot of TURDS out there using up valuable oxygen from the planet!!!......I'm sure you remember the proverb that says " for as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is " Its not whats in our minds....its whats in our hearts.....

Thanks for sharing that with us all......now I have some perspective into what makes Orithal tick.....and as far as all those Racist ass holes.....Fuck them all!!!! You just take care of that little lady you got there buddy!!! Dont sweat the jerks.....unfortunatly they exist everywhere!


Well-Known Member
The cool people from RIU should get together, buy a big tract of land, and set up our own town.

Then maybe the neighbors would be worth getting to know.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
It was amazing. We went fishing on this river that skirts the base of an active volcano. well as you can imagine the marine life gets HUGE because there is so much yummy shit swirlin around in that murky water. Im talkin 3-5 KILOS for Chinook Salmon; whole stringer worth. Seriously after a while you just throw em back for fun.

Unfortunately when we were there, the volcano was a little too active and the water was too warm for the big'uns. We still caught our limit tho. You dont hear me complainin, thats all im saying.

As my memory serves me what, what we mostly caught was trout. I think gramps may have picked up a bass or two..
Dam.....thats sweet!!!!! got me motivated


Well-Known Member
Aww hells ya! I just got a purpose for my life for the next 48 hrs. lol
If you go to eztv and look a bit further down the list, episodes 1 & 2 are there, too.

"American Killers" and "Russian Killer".

Edit : Oh, and Bear, man, I'm not modest or shy or easily offended, you want to know just ask man, I got no issues with that. It's when people judge without even bothering to learn that I want to strike them with the nearest hard object.

And by modest I mean, like...I don't shy away from talking about certain topics because they're not polite or whatever...I wear clothes. Well, I wear pants. I hate shirts.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
You might enjoy watching the River Monsters series that this guy named Jeremy Wade does. He catches some really awesome fish, but it's not like...a bassmasters type show, it's more educational than all that, and he tends to go after fish considered dangerous.
I love that show....anything on Discovery, Nat Geo, History and travel.....i'm usually on those


Well-Known Member
The cool people from RIU should get together, buy a big tract of land, and set up our own town.

Then maybe the neighbors would be worth getting to know.
Oh man! you too?!
Miss.Rabbit is always talkin about buyin a big island to grow and live and ride out the imminent zombie apocalypse. lol


Active Member
The cool people from RIU should get together, buy a big tract of land, and set up our own town.

Then maybe the neighbors would be worth getting to know.
lol before you know it we'll own a big ass island in Canada and we can all have a commune!

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
The cool people from RIU should get together, buy a big tract of land, and set up our own town.

Then maybe the neighbors would be worth getting to know.
LOl......I'm blessed....I live on a 200 plus acre tract of mountain/medow/ creeks land......Its awesome


Active Member
Haha it would be a dream! way better than having to go to the trouble of checking out your neighbors! plus a built in moat?! OOOHHH YAHHH!