gas prices please read!


Active Member
according to reports, americans have significantly cut down on their fuel consumption. this is the only way to break the oil nazi's choke hold on us. we can all do something to keep this awesome momentum going. republicans and dems alike can agree on this i think. many of you probably dislike bill o'reilly, however he has a good idea for how us common folk can let the oil people know we arent messing around and that is to not buy gas on mondays. every person really does count here! $3.95 a gallon is the national average the highest ever! lets do something people!
and dont forget to vote, you cant bitch about the president if you didnt vote for one.
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Active Member
Hmmmm, sorry to say but i don't think that has anything to do with growing except if you drive to your grow location :P


Active Member
Oh come on!!

People have been talking about this kind of gas strike for 3-4 years now. Bill O'reilly my ass. Every American has had this idea, and it is stupid.

Lemme explain.

How many of you actually put off an errand because you don't have gas in your car? No, it doesn't happen. You will still go run that errand and just get gas on your way.
Not buying gas on a certain day does not make any sense?!!! People will drive the same amount either way, they will just buy their gas on a different day, and what does that accomplish? Jack shit. That's what.

The only way to get it done would be to not DRIVE on mondays. Then maybe, just maaaaybe a few less trips would be made from here to there and require us to use less fuel overall, but I doubt it.

UGH, its just frustrating when I hear people say that.."Don't buy gas! we are striking!" So, you better fill up the day before the strike!



Active Member
-its the "gods eye" nebula
-it has everything to do with growing because its gotten to the point where some people have to choose between gas or weed. and that sucks!
-lolipop, gas consumption is down 5% so yes, people are contiously driving less. what i try to do is consolidate tasks that way im driving less. not filling up on mondays is a symbolic gesture telling the oil giants that we arent their puppets. its a very small first step. unfortunately we have too many people like yourself that are too damn lazy and or selfish to do something positive for society. do you have any idea what a small percentage drop can do to a corporation?


Active Member
Oh come on!!

People have been talking about this kind of gas strike for 3-4 years now. Bill O'reilly my ass. Every American has had this idea, and it is stupid.

Lemme explain.

How many of you actually put off an errand because you don't have gas in your car? No, it doesn't happen. You will still go run that errand and just get gas on your way.
Not buying gas on a certain day does not make any sense?!!! People will drive the same amount either way, they will just buy their gas on a different day, and what does that accomplish? Jack shit. That's what.

The only way to get it done would be to not DRIVE on mondays. Then maybe, just maaaaybe a few less trips would be made from here to there and require us to use less fuel overall, but I doubt it.

UGH, its just frustrating when I hear people say that.."Don't buy gas! we are striking!" So, you better fill up the day before the strike!

Agreed. :joint:


Well-Known Member
It does not matter who the president is. He is a puppet putting on a front for the worlds elite who really control everything that goes on.


Well-Known Member
idl is talking Illuminati. lol i think hes right, but its so deep, and not to mention completely crazy to most ordinary people who don't wanna think outside there small box called the tv. however i do think we should get more organized as people we have the right to rally and demonstrate peaceful protests, why not exercise it on something worth while. That actually matters to us as a people and to the world and the sake of humanity itself.


Well-Known Member
when gas is 7.00 a gal you bet your ass people are going to be making big changes. i hope the president can change this trend i heard 10.00 by next summer thats insane?


Active Member
Getta bike...Smoke buds? Dont buy gas from Exon..they make tha most just dont buy from assholes like exon...if we try to narrow it down to mondays, ppl forget, but if you dont buy gas from a company altogether, then that is where tha magic is son...fuck em' feed em beans.


Well-Known Member
people will naturally start to consume less gas when prices are high. i know i have i drive my car like once a week so the gas prices don't really bother me its the fact that gas prices are driving up the cost of food and other shipped goods.:) Peace


Active Member
yea youre right about the pres being a puppet and yea i do think a very select few run the world most likely the heirs to the ass holes that privitized banking. but if the next president is great id like to say i voted for s/him.


Well-Known Member
Well, I like what you are saying and I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade but...I heard on the radio (NPR) that Americans are expected to only use 1% less gas this year than last. I know that 1% is still a significantly large number as far as gallons of oil goes, but it really doesn't seem like any radical shift in behavior to me. I would suspect that it is purely an economic cut back rather than a purposeful protest or anything.

And on this same subject, this has been something that has bothered me ever since I've started growing. I grow inside under a 400w light. Even though I live in a state where medical marijuana is legal, if I had the plants outside, I'm certain that my fence would be jumped and my plants would be gone. I also wonder what my neighbors with children would think seeing and smelling my weed everyday.

It's certain that when I grow inside, I'm not conserving energy. In fact, to replicate the sun in my closet to grow plants is probably one of the most wasteful uses of coal generated electricity that I've ever participated in. I try to offset my use by swapping to cfl's, keeping every light and appliance off whenever I can, and insulating my house better. But no matter what I do, I would use less electricity if I simply didn't grow.

If I buy weed however, I have no idea where it came from, what the grow conditions were like, how much energy was used to grow it, how far it's had to travel to get to me. I'm still wrestling with the morality of the environmental impact of growing. I keep trying to figure out a way I can grow outside in my yard.

I'd like to hear all of your thoughts on this.


Active Member
Do you really think not pumping gas shows our independence of oil to the oil giants? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? people will go right in on tuesday and pump their gas because they NEEED it. We are in a stranglehold by the oil companies and there is nothing we can do about it until we stop oil consumption ALTOGETHER.


Well-Known Member
what happens when people need what they cant afford? It's true people are not using less gas at the moment for now they seem to be cutting other things out of thier life and spending less in general. The economy is falling fast and I live in an place of many second home owners that are trying to sell but nothing is selling right now. I have no idea what will come of all this but i am a bit fearful of whats going to happen.


Well-Known Member
People who talk about conservation are not taking into consideration the increasing fuel needs of India and China. Even if we were able to cut back 10% it would not make a huge difference in the world market.

I dont like all this talk of conserving, cutting back, making sacrifices, etc... These actions directly harm the US economy and have little effect on the world market overall.

What we need to do is invest in clean technology such as nuclear and hydrogen technology moving forward in an attempt to become self sufficient in the future.