Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Virtually Unknown Member
I can schmooze when I need to, I just hate doing it. Makes me feel oily and dirty, putting on a false face to get something done. Other than that, I don't really know anymore. The house isn't local so doing a walkthru is a little impractical, and hiring an inspector is pretty expensive as far as I know.

It's being sold by a real estate company, I mean...don't they have to tell you if it's condemned or uninhabitable?

You do give me things to think about though, I can look into home inspectors in that area, maybe get an idea of what finding out would run me and decide from there.

EDIT : Man I had some massive typos in there.
Either you or someone you can trust needs to look at it. Home Inspections probably run a couple hundred. R.E. companies do have to disclose IF they know. I've looked on internet at houses in Fl. that were cheap 10-20K range but needed tons of work. Also the location/neighborhood is something to consider. R.E. companies don't have to tell you if it's in banger territory. Get lots of pictures of the place and surrounding houses for a start. Have you checked it out on StreetView? And have you decided the place/city/state is exactly where you want to be in terms of infrastructure, assistance, weather? You had mentioned tearing down and building. Demolition/teardowns/removal I suspect would be in the $10,000 range, more if HazMat involved (asbestos).


Well-Known Member
Either you or someone you can trust needs to look at it. Home Inspections probably run a couple hundred. R.E. companies do have to disclose IF they know. I've looked on internet at houses in Fl. that were cheap 10-20K range but needed tons of work. Also the location/neighborhood is something to consider. R.E. companies don't have to tell you if it's in banger territory. Get lots of pictures of the place and surrounding houses for a start. Have you checked it out on StreetView? And have you decided the place/city/state is exactly where you want to be in terms of infrastructure, assistance, weather? You had mentioned tearing down and building. Demolition/teardowns/removal I suspect would be in the $10,000 range, more if HazMat involved (asbestos).
I've streetviewed it, yeah, and I know for a fact it's not in banger territory..there are no bangers there. I used to live just down the road, I'd go there and visit with my mom's friend sometimes.

EDIT : I thought about this and decided I should clarify, for a redneck just down the road is anywhere within a short driving distance. I think It was an actual distance of something like 20 miles.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The cool people from RIU should get together, buy a big tract of land, and set up our own town.

Then maybe the neighbors would be worth getting to know.
No fucking kidding. My neighbors are weird. I invited them to my housewarming barbeque. Free burgers/hotdogs, snacks and beer. They didn't come over... AND THEY WERE HOME!

They aren't very friendly. Except for some neighbors on the corner. They're alright.

I'm not much of a "party" person either, and most of the people my age are.

There are some people I don't mind hanging out with, but I always have to go over to their house. Like wtf? Why not come over to my house? I don't care if yu have kids, bring em!

(My house is ahella lot cleaner than theirs anyways.)


Well-Known Member
I also get along much better with guys than I do girls.

That can be weird at my age if they start to like me.
Weird, I have the same problem but in reverse. I'm a guy that gets along better with girls, but they always seem to think I'm after something else. It's like, really? A dude, a married one at that, is what? Incapable of enjoying company? Sorry ladies, not every guy out there wants to put his hot sauce on your taco.

Some people need to get over themselves.


Well-Known Member
I fly out to Chicago the 5th. If my plane crashes...I want you guys to know I love most of you. :) My doctor gave me enough valium to snow a horse, so I will be drooling on myself the entire flight lol. I don't fly well...


Well-Known Member
I fly out to Chicago the 5th. If my plane crashes...I want you guys to know I love most of you. :) My doctor gave me enough valium to snow a horse, so I will be drooling on myself the entire flight lol. I don't fly well...
Your going the wrong way!! Got some good herb I'd share.


Well-Known Member
I took my daughter with me on a flight from Cali to Denver once. She was breastfeeding and I fell asleep. I slept through the announcement that we were landing, so when we hit the ground I woke up SCREAMING. And to top it off, my daughter had fallen asleep too, so my boob had been hanging out God knows how long while we slept.


Well-Known Member
I fly out to Chicago the 5th. If my plane crashes...I want you guys to know I love most of you. :) My doctor gave me enough valium to snow a horse, so I will be drooling on myself the entire flight lol. I don't fly well...
Enough valium to stone a horse....... but you are so skinny ,:blsmoke: good times ahead

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I took my daughter with me on a flight from Cali to Denver once. She was breastfeeding and I fell asleep. I slept through the announcement that we were landing, so when we hit the ground I woke up SCREAMING. And to top it off, my daughter had fallen asleep too, so my boob had been hanging out God knows how long while we slept.
Pic or it didn't happen.