please help asap plants in bad shape

  • my plants have all done the exact same thing for 3 harvest they get though 15-20 days of flowering then the edges curl under and it gets N claw look then some of them dry up all the way others just the tips and they twist also the seem to yellow in no particular area but whol leaves will yellow fully very rapidly, big and small. This is a serious problem that has haunted my grow since the beginning ive treated for all major nute disorders im at a point where im changing patterns in feed schedule to see if that helps and flushing more often i flushed today for 4 hours fresh 0 ppm water flushed it till it pulled through at like 220 ppm consistently i use X nutrients and im notcing they are really heavy heavy salt content on the res during cleanings so my a salt build up issue but i treat for salt and for N def and this plant will still most likely not make it full term the strain is a Ceres Skunk original and im really less then pleasd with the results cause this pheno fights me every step of the way but it was the only one that took out of 5 seeds :-/
  • IMG_20130403_021812.jpgIMG_20130403_022243.jpgIMG_20130403_021824.jpg


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is not a complex plant. But many folks will make their grow too complex for the plant. Food for thought, maybe grow organic (harder to over-do-it).


Active Member
You really haven't given any useful information about your set-up, this IS the information that will help others help you. What is your pH? What do the roots look like? If your pH is off, you could have multiple deficiencies.

Have you ever considered that maybe you are treating the wrong deficiency? That appears to be a Copper deficiency... a copper def. can look very similar to a N def.... and too much copper will kill your plants.

The more information you can give to others about the problem you're having can make all the difference.
You really haven't given any useful information about your set-up, this IS the information that will help others help you. What is your pH? What do the roots look like? If your pH is off, you could have multiple deficiencies.

Have you ever considered that maybe you are treating the wrong deficiency? That appears to be a Copper deficiency... a copper def. can look very similar to a N def.... and too much copper will kill your plants.

The more information you can give to others about the problem you're having can make all the difference.
Ive worked in plants for a very very long time i was hoping that people who would respond to this had seen this before in a Ceres Product maybe they knew more its a Hydro setup not soil obviously thus mentioning the salt build up with cleaning the res and its without saying the water is ph balanced to match flowering schedule which is 5.5 5.6 no pythium no slime no brown root its not a nutrient def as i stated above its not a lack there of or an abundance of one its every plant that reaches 30 days does this its the pheno im trying to find out what causes this in a pheno type btw its been done in E&F DWC SOIL and they almost always fall short


Well-Known Member
  • my plants have all done the exact same thing for 3 harvest they get though 15-20 days of flowering then the edges curl under and it gets N claw look then some of them dry up all the way others just the tips and they twist also the seem to yellow in no particular area but whol leaves will yellow fully very rapidly, big and small. This is a serious problem that has haunted my grow since the beginning ive treated for all major nute disorders im at a point where im changing patterns in feed schedule to see if that helps and flushing more often i flushed today for 4 hours fresh 0 ppm water flushed it till it pulled through at like 220 ppm consistently i use X nutrients and im notcing they are really heavy heavy salt content on the res during cleanings so my a salt build up issue but i treat for salt and for N def and this plant will still most likely not make it full term the strain is a Ceres Skunk original and im really less then pleasd with the results cause this pheno fights me every step of the way but it was the only one that took out of 5 seeds :-/
  • View attachment 2598814View attachment 2598815View attachment 2598813
12 lines of text. Not a single period. You may have just constructed the longest run on sentence in history.

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
What kind of medium are you using for your hydro? The one thing that I do know about X Nutes are they're not very concentrated. I'm almost wondering if you are flushing too often as well as feeding them too little.


Well-Known Member
This is a serious problem that has haunted my grow
The plant is so ugly and haunting i think i will have nightmares.

i think its a ph issue, your meter isnt working , ph s/b 5.8 OR its a pathogen issue in the res. Also make sure temps are under 80. The plants are diseased and dying from lack of K.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I have never heard of X nutes try Fox Farm next round. Are the roots bound in whaterever your using buckets? is it a flood table? What temps? Whats humidty? Have good air movement with fans? Have you checked and adjusted your ph pen to make sure its not off? I would say they may not be savable so looking for the cause is the main thing since you said its happen 3 times with the exact same setup nutes and ph tester correct?