Washington State Tips

Going to attempt my first grow outdoors this year! Have a good spot that should be isolated enough so it will be kind of a guerrilla grow.

I am planning on 5-15 plants
10-20+ gallons of soil per plant?? depending on how I pot them (read further down)

I need as much advice as possible I wanna get this right the first time around so I can get some real yeild (and actually make it to harvest)

one thing I cannot decide on is if I should hurry and order some seeds and wait a few weeks (I want to germinate, etc veg them out a little before making the move to the outdoor spot, I also need to figure out a good vegging light cycle before transferring to outdoors any suggestions?)

or should I just use some bag seeds I have (they are dank strains just not sure what is what, but dank nonetheless.)

secondly, should I be making the move to outdoors around may or june 1st? maybe in-between?

and lastly, I was thinking of either buying pots, or just getting 10-20 gallon garbage bags, digging holes in the ground, putting holes into the bags, filling with soil etc and planting into the ground covering the bag with dirt and then leave the top open, plant the vegged plant, etc. I like option 2 but I need suggestions

again all tips are greatly appreciated guys thanks :)

and I am planning on fox farm ocean forest soil with grow big and tiger bloom for nutes, sound decent? maybe get mosquito netting over all the plants to prevent any kind of bugs.


Well-Known Member
Going to attempt my first grow outdoors this year! Have a good spot that should be isolated enough so it will be kind of a guerrilla grow.

I am planning on 5-15 plants
10-20+ gallons of soil per plant?? depending on how I pot them (read further down)

I need as much advice as possible I wanna get this right the first time around so I can get some real yeild (and actually make it to harvest)

one thing I cannot decide on is if I should hurry and order some seeds and wait a few weeks (I want to germinate, etc veg them out a little before making the move to the outdoor spot, I also need to figure out a good vegging light cycle before transferring to outdoors any suggestions?)

or should I just use some bag seeds I have (they are dank strains just not sure what is what, but dank nonetheless.)

secondly, should I be making the move to outdoors around may or june 1st? maybe in-between?

and lastly, I was thinking of either buying pots, or just getting 10-20 gallon garbage bags, digging holes in the ground, putting holes into the bags, filling with soil etc and planting into the ground covering the bag with dirt and then leave the top open, plant the vegged plant, etc. I like option 2 but I need suggestions

again all tips are greatly appreciated guys thanks :)

and I am planning on fox farm ocean forest soil with grow big and tiger bloom for nutes, sound decent? maybe get mosquito netting over all the plants to prevent any kind of bugs.

I'm in North Central Oregon. So it really depends on whether you are east or west of the Cascades as far as rain, frost, etc. Whatever you do get a fairly early finisher 8-9 weeks. I plant outdoors mid-May(this year May 11-12) I'm doing a combonation of above ground DIY smart pots 100 gallon and in ground amended soil in 3 X 3 pre-dug wholes that are cooking now.

Smart pots whether DIY or store bought are a good way to go if you go above ground. IMO you are a bit late if you are going to order seeds now and geminate, if you know someone who has their WMMC ten you should be able to locate a grower who can sell you some clones pretty cheap..The dispenseries in Portland charge about $15 a clone.

Again..look for something that finishes no later than 9 weeks...Last year I was lucky and harvested Oct 10th or so because we didn't get rain till mid-October.