When did start to toke?


Well-Known Member
So here I am wondering how I went so long before starting to smoke? I never even tried it in high school or college. Now that I have a decent job, bachelor's degree, a house with wife and kids....I take up smoking. I am actually rather happy I waited since I was always in sports or studying. Weed just relaxes me and I am the "backyard" smoker. My wife knows I do and she's completely cool with it. Hiding from the kids is #1 though. Well, please post up how you were introduced to the sweet ganja!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Whoa, now I'm tripping. Brendon420 posts up right after me.....my real name is Brendan. W E I R D haha:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
being high at school tripped me out, so i wasnt so happy with my first time, and yes, i got high...really fucking high, my teacher thought i was a space case!

i luv ladies

Active Member
My first time my friend jacked his mom's "cigarette"
I had a few beers and smoked a joint by accident,, i was 12-13.. cant remember


Well-Known Member
most teachers cheif i would hope, how do they put up with all the smart asses. id have my vap on my desk


Well-Known Member
LOL yea I hear Brandon all the time. I usually try to correct once, and if that doesn't work I just assume the person is not capable of understanding the difference. Oh well, to each their own.

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