Awesome, so you can't even keep a coherent thought capable of a real insult.. and back the fuck off of see4 - this is our battle, unless you're going to ignore my comments and run like the bitch you are? Pick a door and guard it halfpint.
looooooooool wtf u talkin about u test tube baby....
looooooooool wtf u talkin about u test tube baby....

If you have to ask what I'm talking about, there's no chance of you winning this round. I run circles around those with the IQ of celery, like yourself. That said, test tube baby insults were around before you were a tingle in your daddy's sack - slow it down before you hurt yourself, shortcake.
When I wanna relax things, I use napalm. Nothing's quite as relaxing as blowing some shit up and watching it burn. Especially people.

I myself use white phosphorus, which also works great for emergency greenhouse plant material removal... spontaneously combusts when exposed to O2. :D
See? talk about blowing shit up and the cockfight switches to wonderment at the variety of ways we can destroy shit.

Humans are so predictable. LOL
girl i wanna use da hair on ur head as a napkin to..... ur gonna start more cock fights den ur gonna stop..... ive give up hustlin for u......JK I LOVE MY MONEY TOO MUCH

I get the feeling the only thing you ever hustled was your tighty-whiteys down to make the rent.
If you have to ask what I'm talking about, there's no chance of you winning this round. I run circles around those with the IQ of celery, like yourself. That said, test tube baby insults were around before you were a tingle in your daddy's sack - slow it down before you hurt yourself, shortcake.

LMAO......emotions are running high today....I bet you Barometric Pressure is elevated today.......I need to go check that.....be right back!