Firearms Freindly Collective?

Oh... I get it, your saying gun instead of penis. It ok were all adult. I take may penis with me everywhere too, we are attached. In fact if someone ever asked me to leave it in the car I would be offended too. Sorry about the misunderstanding, I'm sorta slow.
I would rather carry a handgun and not need to use it...... than need a handgun and not have one use.......Murphie's law ....Be messed up watchin a movie at a theatre and some nut try to shoot at me...sound fimiliar
If I were in a place....I mean ANY place and I heard someone say something like this out loud....I would beat the living shit out of you. Who the fuck do you think you are talking to or about a veteran of our country? You have alot of nerve.

People like you come on forums with your little stabs and should be ashamed of yourself.

Your account should be deleted. All you do is cause trouble with every post you put online.

You should be banned from RIU. Having an opposing view is one cross the line like you think shit is a joke. People like you can be found very easily. I would hope you understand this. I'm not one who would look for you but there are people who would snatch you out of your clothes at midnight and beat you to death with your laptop. Watch what you say.

if you got drafted into 'nam, that's one thing. i feel sorry for you if that's the case.

but if you went and signed up for 'nam or anything since then, don't tell me you fought for my freedom. you didn't.

"i'll beat you up" is not a valid rebuttal to this point.
I would rather carry a gun and not need it...... than need a gun and not carry it

That's a fair point, but is it possible that a gun can escalate a situation unnecessarily? Isn't it possible that something could be peacefully resolved with no weapons involved instead of pulling a gun and someone gets shot instead?

What ever happened to the days where if you had a beef with someone you traded some left hooks and the issue was dropped? That's where I come from.
Prodigal, NM Unkle waste of 36,183 posts he just recently realized his parents were related. I would just carry, if it's concealed and they have no metal detectors at the door who's going to know? I carry everywhere period, ya know cuz I'm a gunz nut and im a puranoidz!

OP said he doesn't have concealed carry. so that's at least one helpful post out of 36,185.
That's a fair point, but is it possible that a gun can escalate a situation unnecessarily? Isn't it possible that something could be peacefully resolved with no weapons involved instead of pulling a gun and someone gets shot instead?

What ever happened to the days where if you had a beef with someone you traded some left hooks and the issue was dropped? That's where I come from.

Yes, but at the point that another presents a weapon.. they're intending to use it - if not, they better hope no one else around decides that they're an imminent threat, or there will be a situation going from bad to extremely bad, quickly. If no weapon is presented, I wouldn't draw.. but that wouldn't stop me from going fists vs fists to work out a situation, should they want to push the situation and not leave it alone.
Yes, but at the point that another presents a weapon.. they're intending to use it - if not, they better hope no one else around decides that they're an imminent threat, or there will be a situation going from bad to extremely bad, quickly. If no weapon is presented, I wouldn't draw.. but that wouldn't stop me from going fists vs fists to work out a situation, should they want to push the situation and not leave it alone.

As I've said before, it is my premise that if someone pulls a gun on you, they want your money/phone/watch/etc.

I would choose to give it to them rather than escalate the situation. My cell phone is not worth someone (possibly me) getting killed over.

Sure, there are the "crazed gunman shooting up the mall" scenarios ..... but you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning twice than stumbling upon that situation imo.
As I've said before, it is my premise that if someone pulls a gun on you, they want your money/phone/watch/etc.

I would choose to give it to them rather than escalate the situation. My cell phone is not worth someone (possibly me) getting killed over.

Sure, there are the "crazed gunman shooting up the mall" scenarios ..... but you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning twice than stumbling upon that situation imo.
The problem with this is that the person doing the robbery may not walk away once he or she(god forbid) gets what they want, right? Do you want to be the person who was passive and got smoked anyway when you could have defended your life?
The problem with this is that the person doing the robbery may not walk away once he or she(god forbid) gets what they want, right? Do you want to be the person who was passive and got smoked anyway when you could have defended your life?

You're right, that possibility does exist. It's also possible that you could pull your gun and get shot for doing so when the guy trying to rob you had no intentions of doing that to begin with.
if you got drafted into 'nam, that's one thing. i feel sorry for you if that's the case.

but if you went and signed up for 'nam or anything since then, don't tell me you fought for my freedom. you didn't.

"i'll beat you up" is not a valid rebuttal to this point.

In case you haven't noticed bud...your opinion is not valued here in the MI forums. I don't know if you know this or not but people don't like you. You idolize a Mormon half wit and brandish his face with your avatar like that's something to be proud of. I've witnessed your liberal take on governmental issues. It makes me want to shit in my hand and jam it down your Romney cock sucker quite frankly. You most likely have posters of Al Gore in your bedroom and use Network news as a form of porno to get it up.

Leave the MI forum...are you even from here? People who share your views are short in numbers around my way.

Now go start your car in the garage...get in...and take a few sleeping pills.

Please and thank self righteous asshole
The problem with this is that the person doing the robbery may not walk away once he or she(god forbid) gets what they want, right? Do you want to be the person who was passive and got smoked anyway when you could have defended your life?

Look Cashcrops, I support your right to own a gun. I support your right to carry a gun. We may disagree on some things, but your 2'nd ammendment rights are something that I would not infringe upon. My bewilderment is over someone like prodigal who won't go in to a store, or won't even attend the hash bash because he can't pack heat. There's reasonable gun owners, and then there's paranoid gun owners. I'll let you figure out who's who.
In case you haven't noticed bud...your opinion is not valued here in the MI forums. I don't know if you know this or not but people don't like you. You idolize a Mormon half wit and brandish his face with your avatar like that's something to be proud of. I've witnessed your liberal take on governmental issues. It makes me want to shit in my hand and jam it down your Romney cock sucker quite frankly. You most likely have posters of Al Gore in your bedroom and use Network news as a form of porno to get it up.

Leave the MI forum...are you even from here? People who share your views are short in numbers around my way.

Now go start your car in the garage...get in...and take a few sleeping pills.

Please and thank self righteous asshole

In case you haven't noticed bud...your opinion is not valued here in the MI forums. I don't know if you know this or not but people don't like you. You idolize a Mormon half wit and brandish his face with your avatar like that's something to be proud of. I've witnessed your liberal take on governmental issues. It makes me want to shit in my hand and jam it down your Romney cock sucker quite frankly. You most likely have posters of Al Gore in your bedroom and use Network news as a form of porno to get it up.

Leave the MI forum...are you even from here? People who share your views are short in numbers around my way.

Now go start your car in the garage...get in...and take a few sleeping pills.

Please and thank self righteous asshole

Obama did win Michigan.

Just sayin :-)
How does a guy like buck lather up in Romney anyway? 2nd amendment rights are a core fudamental of the GOP by the way. I'm just saying...Furthermore, a guy who carries 1 or even 5 guns legally is a guy I want to be around.
How does a guy like buck lather up in Romney anyway? 2nd amendment rights are a core fudamental of the GOP by the way. I'm just saying...Furthermore, a guy who carries 1 or even 5 guns legally is a guy I want to be around.

the point of the picture is to make people REALLY remember what an arrogant little cock sucker they almost elected.

i mean, just look at that smug smirk he is sporting. in case you don't know, he is sporting that smirk after hearing the news that americans just died.

Dude I can't help it. I dislike you every time I see your pic. Probably for the same reason you picked it but it works so well I rarely even read your whole post. I just assume your a fuckhead. Sorry.

the least they can do is respect your rights?

what about the rights of others to prohibit firearms on their property? i guess their private property rights don't exist, only your gun rights do.

and unless you stormed some beaches in europe or the south pacific about 70 years ago, quit saying you fought for our rights. you got duped into some unnecessary conflict and we footed the tab for you and are probably still paying for your healthcare.

so fucking selfish and arrogant. is it any wonder you gun nuts are becoming a laughing stock?

You didn't foot the bill for anything you mooching blowhard... Unless you're actively paying income tax your opinions mean absolutely jack & shit... So STFU and get off your high horse you silly cunt