World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, just posted this in the problems forum but thought you wonderful folk here might be able to offer me some (better) help too :)

Just finishing week 3 of flowering, all perlite hempy buckets, under a 600w hps.
Using FNB (tweaked Lucas formula) with PK13/14 and Rhizotonic sometimes

Is this a deficiency? Or is it a sign of over fert?

They heaviest feeders, have taken 950ppm, while the other 2 plants have been given 250-400ppm for the last 3 feedings as they were CLAWING on the new growth (sure over-fert)

Yet all the plants are affected by this, all seem to display it.


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I would add about 3mL of your grow, they look like they are screamin for some nitrogen. But that is from the picture you posted.



Well-Known Member
Ok so i'm thinking of using this method outdoors with
a 2.5 gallon bucket
and the 3 part flora nutes
can anyone give me info on how many inches deep should the reservour be and what a detailed feeding and watering schedule\
Fyi im a total noob to the hempty bucket method
but a pro at hydro
Well if you are going to grow outdoors why not grow in a bigger bucket? If you want to cut back on time spent water/feeding make your res deeper, say somewhere around 4 to 5 inches. What are you going to use as your medium to grow in? As far as your nutes they are good, may need to add some cal/mag at some point, I'd go with the "lucas formula" for feeding and as far as a schedual it will be dependent on the weather (Heat) as to how often. Depending on what you grow in will also determine how often you need to water/feed, you can go with a straight perlite, perlite coco mix or even a perlite res and cap with coco or soil. Some say the soil cap helps retain more moisture in the root zone longer. Either way keep us informed as to how your grow goes.



Active Member
[h=2]Gummy Worm Recipe Ingredients:[/h] - 1 Package Gelatin (any flavor)
- 2/3 cup Water (or Juice)
[h=2]How to Make Gummy Worms:[/h]

1. Boil the water / juice and add it to the gelatin.
2. Mix until the gelatin dissolves.
3. Pour into a square baking pan.
4. Let the gelatin cool until it is comfortable to touch.
5. Put drinking straws into the pan so that they fill up with the gelatin. You can put a spoon or knife on top of the straws to hold them down in the mixture.
6. Put the pan with the straws being held down, into the fridge until the gelatin is very firm.
7. Remove the straws from the gelatin.
8. Use a rolling pin to roll out the worm from inside of the straw by rolling from the end closest to you through to the opposite end of the straw.

I put the straws in a cup with a rubber band, and pour the jello in. Less messy


Well-Known Member
whocares is this a recipe for gummy worms only or is there a way to make weed gummy worms? im just curious because i wouldnt mind making some of these worms myself...with or without the weed...but def better if involves weed :joint:


Well-Known Member
I would add about 3mL of your grow, they look like they are screamin for some nitrogen. But that is from the picture you posted.


I dont use the grow, just the bloom as per the lucas formula. Would it be advisable to add in Nitrogen at this point? Worried about having to excessively flush to rid them of it?


Well-Known Member
whocares is this a recipe for gummy worms only or is there a way to make weed gummy worms? im just curious because i wouldnt mind making some of these worms myself...with or without the weed...but def better if involves weed :joint:
This is the BadKittySmiles recipe i followed. Thx to the Kitty.
Canna Gummies-

Recipe # 1 - non-vegans/vegetarians

You will need

- 3 x envelopes of Knox gelatin (3/4 an oz, or three Tbsp)

- 5 Tbsp sugar

- 2 Tbsp golden syrup, invert sugar (syrup), or corn syrup

- powdered sugar (for dusting; amount may vary)

- 3/4 cup water, or your favorite juice, divided

- glycerin tincture, or canna/hash oil, or citric-lecithin extract

- 1/2 tsp lecithin

- 1/8 tsp citric acid powder, just a pinch (if not using a citric extract)

- Your favorite flavor, added per the manufacturers directions
(Some flavorings are more concentrated than others, I use a few drops of Lorann concentrated oils.... or no extra flavor at all! Canna actually tastes pretty good, and almost 'fruity' in and of itself, in a sugary candy. But it could be an acquired taste


Mix your sugar, citric powder, lecithin and gelatin, with two Tbsp cold juice, or water. Add the canna tincture, or oil you're working with.

Boil the remaining juice or water in a separate container. Once boiled, pour over your gelatin, canna, lecithin sugar mix. Add your syrup, and your flavoring.

Stir until blended well, pour into lightly greased or powdered molds, or onto a small baking sheet well/entirely-dusted with powdered sugar. Place in the fridge until your gelatin sets up (a half hour, more or less depending on the size/density of the candy).

If poured onto a sheet with powdered sugar, cut into thin strips... you now have canna gummie worms.
If you'd like striped colors, make two or three batches, then pour them into the pan, one at a time, in a row, allowing one section to partially solidify before adding the next.
Otherwise, pop your candies out of your molds, and either immediately box or bag, or dust with powdered sugar, then bag.


Well-Known Member
Awesome Hydro! im looking forward to trying this out and doesnt seem to complicated. i just love edibles they give me such a great relaxing high.


Well-Known Member

I dont use the grow, just the bloom as per the lucas formula. Would it be advisable to add in Nitrogen at this point? Worried about having to excessively flush to rid them of it?
No it won't hurt them anymore than not giving it to them, certain strains are aggressive feeders and need alot of nitrogen in veg to bloom beginning. That is why I suggest going with 3mL of grow as it won't over feed but give enough nitrogen to carry through to flush. I use the lucas formula also but I modify it to keep plants lush and green to harvest, I do this by adding 3 mL of grow during veg at every feeding and back off to every other feeding during bloom phase.


Well-Known Member
Wicked! thank you for the help dude, after seeing the other pics, do you still think its N def? (I am not 100% certain myself, as the yellowing is on all growth, not older first)

My SLH is showing N def, and I do think these general mottled leaves look different.

I will however be purchasing FNG for my next grow.

I have some fertiliser for lawns and its NPK is 7-7-7, would that work for the time being?


Well-Known Member
If you had to rule out N def, what would be your next best estimate.. :) - apologies for all the questions, just you guys are the only ones who help on RUI so I am buzzed...


Active Member
Hello good day everyone. I have a question. I just had to seeds sprout in root riots plugs. I was wanting to when should someone start using nutes on your plants? I will be growing in a hempy bucket for the 1st time with the 2 plants. So since there is no soil with food, when should I use nutes. The plants are 3 days old. so what should I do now?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Hello good day everyone. I have a question. I just had to seeds sprout in root riots plugs. I was wanting to when should someone start using nutes on your plants? I will be growing in a hempy bucket for the 1st time with the 2 plants. So since there is no soil with food, when should I use nutes. The plants are 3 days old. so what should I do now?
I waited about 2 weeks before using nutes


Active Member
Another bum day today, I don't mean to be a bummer...Hubby was seen again today, and was given liquid morophine for his pain, it is so sad dealing with this, no one knows what they will do until they have to wear those shoes...Hospice does not expect him to survive the weekend :(


Well-Known Member
Hello good day everyone. I have a question. I just had to seeds sprout in root riots plugs. I was wanting to when should someone start using nutes on your plants? I will be growing in a hempy bucket for the 1st time with the 2 plants. So since there is no soil with food, when should I use nutes. The plants are 3 days old. so what should I do now?
Seedlings can last up to 3 weeks without nutes, however it is strain dependent. When you place them in there container to grow in you will want to give plain water till they reach the 3 week old mark, then start with 1/4 strength nute feeding. Gradually increase the strength of the nutes each week till you hit full strength.