Firearms Freindly Collective?

Better just hope and pray you don't get pulled over or stopped for any reason with your weapon and your weed. Read the law, the two CANNOT be together. Another major flaw in Michigan's law. No CCW or CPL if you are a "legal" user, not even hunting rifles or shotguns. It's pretty fucked up and I hope it changes, but I'm sure it won't happen anytime soon.

Cite please. If you make a claim to the law, then it is incumbent upon you to prove the citation to that law. Anything else, is internet talk.

As for perception regarding guns... contrary to popular belief - I, and many others like me do not carry because we feel we need or want power, or are looking for an issue. We carry because we wish to be left alone.
That's a fair point, but is it possible that a gun can escalate a situation unnecessarily? Isn't it possible that something could be peacefully resolved with no weapons involved instead of pulling a gun and someone gets shot instead?

What ever happened to the days where if you had a beef with someone you traded some left hooks and the issue was dropped? That's where I come from.

If a person has produced a gun, the situation at hand has been escalated to the point of being a deadly threat already. If shooting between the citizen and criminal ensues, then the bystanders are no longer helpless targets, they have a chance to run or cover. The citizen with the gun voluntarily and knowingly assesses and accepts that risk when he/she puts on the gun in the morning. Most do this with a sense of honor, respect and pride.

You're right, that possibility does exist. It's also possible that you could pull your gun and get shot for doing so when the guy trying to rob you had no intentions of doing that to begin with.

I'm not ever going to second guess the actions of someone unstable enough to pull a gun on someone like that. Nor will I bet my life on that.

Look Cashcrops, I support your right to own a gun. I support your right to carry a gun. We may disagree on some things, but your 2'nd amendment rights are something that I would not infringe upon. My bewilderment is over someone like prodigal who won't go in to a store, or won't even attend the hash bash because he can't pack heat. There's reasonable gun owners, and then there's paranoid gun owners. I'll let you figure out who's who.

It's not about paranoia, something I do not suffer from btw. It's about principal. Why would I patronize a business who respects my dollar above my safety? I do not feel like paying my money into places that infringe upon my rights, whatever their reasons may be. Paranoia, misinformation, mistrust, misguided fears, whatever. I prefer to deal with people who would treat me with respect until and unless I do something failing of that respect.
"It's not about paranoia, something I do not suffer from btw. It's about principal. Why would I patronize a business who respects my dollar above my safety? I do not feel like paying my money into places that infringe upon my rights, whatever their reasons may be. Paranoia, misinformation, mistrust, misguided fears, whatever. I prefer to deal with people who would treat me with respect until and unless I do something failing of that respect."

Will you not attend your kids wedding if it's held in a church that does not allow guns? Do you ever travel on airplanes? Do you ever go for a swim?

I understand your desire to want to carry a gun. I don't understand being so rigid in that desire.

Either way, different strokes. Shit would get pretty boring if we agreed on everything.
"It's not about paranoia, something I do not suffer from btw. It's about principal. Why would I patronize a business who respects my dollar above my safety? I do not feel like paying my money into places that infringe upon my rights, whatever their reasons may be. Paranoia, misinformation, mistrust, misguided fears, whatever. I prefer to deal with people who would treat me with respect until and unless I do something failing of that respect."

Will you not attend your kids wedding if it's held in a church that does not allow guns? Do you ever travel on airplanes? Do you ever go for a swim?

I understand your desire to want to carry a gun. I don't understand being so rigid in that desire.

Either way, different strokes. Shit would get pretty boring if we agreed on everything.

If a church told me that I couldn't carry, then I would be wondering how the service was being held in something that is not a church. The Bible teaches us to carry. My safety and rights are not worth less to me than an airplane ride, or a swim.
When you take then gun out of gun violence, you have...violence.



james holmes would have been even worse with a baseball bat instead of an assault rifle.

jared loughner with nunchucks would have dwarfed the body count he achieved with his 33 round mag.

adam lanza would have been unstoppable with a golf club instead of his XM-15 bushmaster.

turns out when you put the gun into violence, you get a hell of a lot more bodies in your body count.

When you take then gun out of gun violence, you have...violence.



james holmes would have been even worse with a baseball bat instead of an assault rifle.

jared loughner with nunchucks would have dwarfed the body count he achieved with his 33 round mag.

adam lanza would have been unstoppable with a golf club instead of his XM-15 bushmaster.

turns out when you put the gun into violence, you get a hell of a lot more bodies in your body count.


LOL libtard wants to argue MSNBC talking points... Fucking moron... I hope your put down by a home invader!
I love guns and bullets and violence and silly little liberals, and dummy repubs, I also love pizza and not having my neighbors dog shit piles smell drift in the wind and choke me out when I'm in my backyard trying to build a raised garden. Anyway, guns and weed because it makes sheeple mad! Anyway, I'm out! [video=youtube;sgpa7wEAz7I][/video]
Looking for a firearms friendly collective.

I don't like to go anywhere unless Im packing. Especially a place that has top grade drugs, money, (obv) a largely female staff, isn't in the greatest part of town, and a known weapons policy. facepalm. Really?!? a no weapons policy? Are you that frigging retarded? You imply that a person who is possibly willing to KILL YOU is going to stop when he finds out his weapon isn't allowed in the establishment? I fought for, and voted for your rights, the least you can do, is respect mine.

Anyhow, enough of the rant. Anybody know a good spot?

Your welcome to pack in the G3C. There are others that have the same concerns as you. We don't want it in the open but if you feel safer that's cool. We do have armed security on site but nobody really knows that. We try to keep it as secure as possible and make everyone feel welcomed not threatened
I don't know that I would want to have my gun on me while in the process of acquiring buds. Cops pull you over and your day may not end in a way that goes well. Just saying. Cops are like gay porn stars...Always looking for a way to fuck you in the ass. Lol
Really, a "Firearm Friendly Collective"...?

This must be a joke, for real.

Anyone who thinks guns have ANYTHING to do with Medical Marijuana needs to seriously reconsider their OWN mental health.

I bet your looking for a "Firearm friendly" bank too, right?

Id hate to walk into a bank without my gun, cause you know, banks get robbed by other people with guns sometimes...
Your welcome to pack in the G3C. There are others that have the same concerns as you. We don't want it in the open but if you feel safer that's cool. We do have armed security on site but nobody really knows that. We try to keep it as secure as possible and make everyone feel welcomed not threatened

Thanks. I dont have a license to conceal, but if what you are saying is true, then it's worth thousands to you in business, maybe more.

I don't know that I would want to have my gun on me while in the process of acquiring buds. Cops pull you over and your day may not end in a way that goes well. Just saying. Cops are like gay porn stars...Always looking for a way to fuck you in the ass. Lol

The MM laws prohibit that.

Really, a "Firearm Friendly Collective"...?

This must be a joke, for real.

Anyone who thinks guns have ANYTHING to do with Medical Marijuana needs to seriously reconsider their OWN mental health.

I bet your looking for a "Firearm friendly" bank too, right?

Id hate to walk into a bank without my gun, cause you know, banks get robbed by other people with guns sometimes...

It's for real, no joke. There is nothing wrong with the mental health of those who wish to exercise their rights, which may even extend into their religion too btw.

I have a firearm friendly bank. So, you find two places that are of exceedingly high value to serious criminals, and you think it's crazy to want to defend yourself there? And you imply that WE are mental? Really? You prolly want to keep people from carrying into schools as well?
Cite please. If you make a claim to the law, then it is incumbent upon you to prove the citation to that law. Anything else, is internet talk.

Here you go, illegal due to Federal law.

Massively populated with deer, birds, and other wild animals, the state of Michigan has become a popular area for hunters to hone their skills. Ironically, in 2008, the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA) was enacted, allowing people to use marihuana for medicinal purposes only. However, under the laws governing the MMMA, people given the right to smoke marihuana are not permitted to purchase guns for hunting, target shooting or even for personal protection.
The Michigan State Appeals Court has ruled that those granted use of marihuana for medicinal purposes remain classified as “drug users” or “drug addicts”, barring them from purchasing a gun and ammunition, regardless of the permission given to them to use marihuana for medicine reasons. This is a big blow to the medical marihuana community since it treats those carrying an MMA card as criminals regardless if a criminal act was committed or not.
Here's more for you Prodigal Son. Not trying to start anything here, I've been a hunter and shooter for nearly 40 years so this upsets me bigtime.But, just like all states that have approved usage of marijuana, federal law trumps state law (which is actually unconstitutional), but is still the law. The federal statute numbered 18 U.S.C. §922(g) prohibits certain classes of individuals from shipping, transporting, receiving, or possessing firearms or ammunition. One of those classes includes people who are unlawful users of, or addicted to, any controlled substance. Under the federal drug scheduling laws, marijuana is classified as an illegal Schedule 1 controlled substance. Until recently, there was a question of whether this class of people who cannot ship, transport, receive, or possess firearms or ammunition under federal law includes those people who are legal medical pot patients in states like Michigan. But, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives answered this question in a memo sent out last September. The memo states, “Therefore, any person who uses or is addicted to marijuana, regardless of whether his or her State has passed legislation authorizing marijuana for medicinal purposes, is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance, and is prohibited by Federal law from possessing firearms or ammunition.”
Cite please. If you make a claim to the law, then it is incumbent upon you to prove the citation to that law. Anything else, is internet talk.

Here you go, illegal due to Federal law.

Massively populated with deer, birds, and other wild animals, the state of Michigan has become a popular area for hunters to hone their skills. Ironically, in 2008, the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA) was enacted, allowing people to use marihuana for medicinal purposes only. However, under the laws governing the MMMA, people given the right to smoke marihuana are not permitted to purchase guns for hunting, target shooting or even for personal protection.
The Michigan State Appeals Court has ruled that those granted use of marihuana for medicinal purposes remain classified as “drug users” or “drug addicts”, barring them from purchasing a gun and ammunition, regardless of the permission given to them to use marihuana for medicine reasons. This is a big blow to the medical marihuana community since it treats those carrying an MMA card as criminals regardless if a criminal act was committed or not.

Is that the BATFE memo again? It's a memo, not a law. Their opinion is worth zip in court. If it's a federal law, then the 10th amendment does override it. The tenth amendment is in the bill of rights, part of the constitution, which has the sole purpose of limiting federal laws within states who have passed laws on the subject.

Here's more for you Prodigal Son. Not trying to start anything here, I've been a hunter and shooter for nearly 40 years so this upsets me bigtime.But, just like all states that have approved usage of marijuana, federal law trumps state law (which is actually unconstitutional), but is still the law. The federal statute numbered 18 U.S.C. §922(g) prohibits certain classes of individuals from shipping, transporting, receiving, or possessing firearms or ammunition. One of those classes includes people who are unlawful users of, or addicted to, any controlled substance. Under the federal drug scheduling laws, marijuana is classified as an illegal Schedule 1 controlled substance. Until recently, there was a question of whether this class of people who cannot ship, transport, receive, or possess firearms or ammunition under federal law includes those people who are legal medical pot patients in states like Michigan. But, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives answered this question in a memo sent out last September. The memo states, “Therefore, any person who uses or is addicted to marijuana, regardless of whether his or her State has passed legislation authorizing marijuana for medicinal purposes, is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance, and is prohibited by Federal law from possessing firearms or ammunition.”

MCL 333.26424

4. Protections for the Medical Use of Marihuana.
Sec. 4. (a) A qualifying patient who has been issued and possesses a registry identification card shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for the medical use of marihuana in accordance with this act,