First experiences with Marijuana


New Member
Looks like we need some new threads , lets talk about the earliest memories you have and perhaps a story . I ll begin with mine :peace:

I grew up with parents that smoked pot and I have memories of it as a young boy back in the late 70's and 80's although back then I only knew it as smoke and nothing more .. I did not figure it all out until about 8 years of age lol ..

I decided at the age of 13 that I would sneak some of moms stash from her tray under the couch lol , I did this several times and nothing seemed to happen when I smoked it , well they say 3rd time is a charm and it was for me . I smoked a pipes worth that day and found myself standing in an alley with a bag of munchies with no recollection of the time spent in the store or going there lol .. Been smoking since then relentlessly lol :joint:
First go around was celebrated over a belly buster banana split fudge carmel everything in the cream parlor. Burned at a firepit at the community beach. However things really began to kick in a few years later. Recall having a psychedelic experience while staring at a pair of new downhill ski boards at an upscale ski joint, while an employee approached saying... "M a y I h e l p you"? I was standing there, twitching slightly while mesmerized by the glossy boards.
Not my first but I think it's a good one....was driving too fast, prob 16-17 yrs old. Put my car in a ditch, mi winter + crappy young driver = stuck in the ditch. So this was back when people used phone books. I went to the front door of the lady who owned the yard I was stuck in. She's old. Maybe 70.. on her way to grab phone book saw her hide her rolling tray! haha so I didn't say anything went back out to my car..was gonna be 40 mins or so for the tow truck got there. So I go back up to her door, and politely ask for a rolling paper,,,"saw your tray,,you don't have a paper.." blah blah she says come right in and roll one LMAO. I had a nice sack and we burned tough for about 40 mins, not really saying much...she had this asshole parrot that kept yelling randomly. After about 8 bowls she sorta freaked out was like ..ohmagawd my roommate will be home soon she doesn't smoke..I say ok..towtruck guys here..have a good this point the psychadelics were just kicking in.. and the night got wierder from there:blsmoke:
...what strange things have you done high recently? Lol. I do wierd shit all the time like an ocd and add thing.
Now they say you don't get high the first time...not me. I got really, really high. I was 13 and a friend brought over some of his dad's stash he had lifted and a pipe. It was in the winter and I felt like I was in a cartoon. It was great. Been blazing ever since. Found out my dad smoked when I was about 16 and been blazing with him ever since.
born in the 70's. parents sold ganja. It was a normal thing for the sacrament to be passed around and shared within a group. i always thought I could hang with the elders so I would sit in the circle with them starting at the age of 4 years old. I didn't understand the idea of taking a draw. I would simply put the doob to my mouth and cough (cuz everyone else would cough) no pull. All the adults thought it was the cutest thing.

fast forward a short amount of time and someone noticed little me was actually pulling smoke and getting high (and coughing for real). After that peeps would pull me out back and get me high to see the crazy shit I would say......

the rest is history... Actually it's not his story it's my story.
When I was in 7th grade me and the kids in the neighborhood were waiting for the school bus. One of my buddies brothers stopped and gave a few of us a ride to school. When the joint got passed to me I hit it, before that moment I had never thought I want to get high or I don't. The only major effect was that those first few hours of school were the longest ever. A week or so later at the same friend house again he burned one. That night I sat in a chair and tried my hardest to move objects in the room with my mind. I was pretty lit. I've been a huge fan ever since.
I was in highschool, first time didn't do anything but make me cough.

I didn't smoke much then, got caught by my family the summer I turned 16, and only smoked like 5x again until I was 21.

The time I got caught was quite embarrassing, easily as smoked out as I have ever been... I couldn't make it up the steps into my parents house (three whole steps).

I moved to CO in 2009, and have been smoking every day since, but I'm back in MI.
I remember smoking my first bowl when I was 13 or 14... me and two friends burned down out in the woods. after smoking, I remember running through the woods and all the trees and sticks I ran by were blurred and stretched, as though I was traveling at warp speed in star wars.... I couldn't help but keep running and smiling and laughing like an idiot. good times!
Man, you guys started blazing at a young age! I was late to the game due to hockey (drug testing in training camp) but I would have probably been the same otherwise. My first time included a lot of laughing (I couldn't stop) and a never ending pasta bowl with salad and bread sticks at Olive Garden. To this day I don't know how I ate that much food and didn't end up in the hospital??
Hahah..i think username has takes the cake for youngest. I was 14 I think. Lots of laughing..lots of food. Mom always could tell when we emptied out the fridge..'you must be using"(like it was herion lol)
yea we were 14 too. my buddies dad had a grow in the garage, and had bags of weed all over the place. we just helped ourselves to a handful when needed. my friend tried to roll a joint, and when he lit it, it engulfed in flames, and he ran and threw it in the

so a brother of one of us rolled it up, and it was blazed. he was so excited to learn of our un-ending supply that we were instant friends with all the older kids in HS, who helped themselves to smoking all the weed we had, and lots more of it.

friends with weed are friends indeed.

off to the races from that day on. stayed high for many many years.

jesus. that means I've been smoking for 22 years!!!!!! damn.
Like Snob, but ima bit older and started a bit younger. Not my rents, but brothers. I knew what it was by the time i was 5 or 6. stole a joint of panama red from my sister that was rolled up in a strawberry flavored paper as i recall for my 2nd time. without going into specifics, lets just say i was a good few years younger than Snob when I had my 2nd personal contact with it. lol but I didnt start smoking cigarettes until i was 12/13.

but with that said, I can remember being 3 and 4 yrs old and drinking my Dads beers (PBRs) or his mix drinks (so long as they weren't too strong) whether we were at home, or even at the bar. But those were way better times than we are in now.
Oh I miss the laughing! Might have to take a tolerance break. Lol.

I've been smoking for 20 years. We've come a long way.
They say scent is the strongest sense tied to memory and I recall vividly the first time I came in contact with the
"skunk". I was 4 years old and going with my Pop to visit a friend. We walked in as he was at the coffee table
harvesting a plant. I was ushered into the other room but, I knew I loved that smell.

First time smoking, I was 12, my cousin and I were visiting my Grandfather in eastern Washington. My cousin
was 16 at the time and blazed already. We were exploring my G.P's property and came upon some old hippy passed
out in his jeep, way out in the middle of no where. He got nervous by us being out there and came over to talk to us.
After talking to us for a while and telling him this was are grandpop's land he said "can you guys keep your mouth
shut ?" He showed us to a bunch of tarps made into a tent and 50 monster plants he was drying underneath.
I know now, wiithout question, it was absolute a+++outdoor. He gave my cousin about two onces and told us
please, please, please do not tell anyone, and we didn't. I spent the rest of that vacation fishing out in the mountains
getting reacquainted with the "skunk," in retrospect it was a very life changing moment in time and, I can still taste
and smell that sweet herb.
well, me and username are pretty close, though he has me beat by a few yrs not by too much... ahh the early 70s.
...what strange things have you done high recently? Lol. I do wierd shit all the time like an ocd and add thing.

i stare at my belly button a lot when I'm really stoned....:eyesmoke:

.I learned it from watching John Sinclair a lot at cannabis functions....
occasionally I try to pick shit out of there that really isn't there

kinda like a meth head picking bugs off their face.....

i smoked my first joint in 1970-71:joint:

mexican brick weed....compressed in a trash compacto

the next year I discovered columbian.....and LSD