BC99 at it again! Blue Cheese x LUSH , Peyote Purple x Tahoe Og, Chemband et al.


Well-Known Member
Sup fellas.

Today was a fun day. Went to pick up my final paycheck from the new/old job. I was let go on wednesday because apparently according to the owner of the bar, " I am a worthless, lazy piece of shit"
Never been called that until today.. but i can't put too much meaning it considering the source, an old alcoholic asshole..
To top it off, he is refusing to pay me my final paycheck...

So it is back to the job hunt again for now.

Glad i don't have to work for a drunk ass boss anymore.


Well-Known Member
Sup fellas.

Today was a fun day. Went to pick up my final paycheck from the new/old job. I was let go on wednesday because apparently according to the owner of the bar, " I am a worthless, lazy piece of shit"
Never been called that until today.. but i can't put too much meaning it considering the source, an old alcoholic asshole..
To top it off, he is refusing to pay me my final paycheck...

So it is back to the job hunt again for now.

Glad i don't have to work for a drunk ass boss anymore.
I had a job as a finisher.
I worked in a cabinet shop.
We built display cases from macys weinstocks etc...
Anyway I got hired by this drunk meth addict dude while I was a cashier at 7-11
Anyway I worked there for a few months when suddenly they fired me.
They told me my work was terrible
We had to sign the bottom of our work.
All mine were perfect, and I put out more than anyone else.
The would get like 16 done in a day
4 with my name
3 with each of 3 other guys
and 2-3 burnt ones with no name.
They blamed me for the bad ones since I was "The New Guy"
I was like so I put out more good work than all them, but I also fuck up 2-3 a day as well?

I, like you am/are better off somewhere else bro.


Well-Known Member
Sup fellas.

Today was a fun day. Went to pick up my final paycheck from the new/old job. I was let go on wednesday because apparently according to the owner of the bar, " I am a worthless, lazy piece of shit"
Never been called that until today.. but i can't put too much meaning it considering the source, an old alcoholic asshole..
To top it off, he is refusing to pay me my final paycheck...

So it is back to the job hunt again for now.

Glad i don't have to work for a drunk ass boss anymore.
That sux but it doesn't sound like it was a great situation anyway.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I figure the same as well. I will find something better. It's what i get for jumping at the first job i could. It made sense when i needed the job, but it was not going to work out in the long run. Luckily my monthly expenses are low, and once the rain stops pouring, i can work for the neighbor doing yard work for $15 an hour. Basic shit like pulling weeds, trimming trees, etc.. apparently mexican gardeners are a rarity up here, lol.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Fuck that I'd file for unemployment. Sue them if you don't get your paycheck. Milk as much out, chill on your ass and admire your plants(and get paid from it) pretty soon, the only American jobs there will be, is keeping guard on the streets and buildings with an AK-47... Shit I'm ready. I practice on my roof, I have multiple signs out front: No Soliciting, No Tricks Or Treats, and No Tresspassing... If any of these are broken, By law I can kill them.. and I do


Well-Known Member
post 211 - daaam dats fuckery dere boyee

im sorry to learn whut happened
but he has got to give up the cheese you earned bro

you werre so looking forward to new job - before you started
seems the boss was a terd and job went sour pretty quick
sounds like you better off away from around him
al least you got away without a manslaughter charge
which is whut it may have come to wit his attatude
an a kitchen full of knives

you can do better


Well-Known Member
Fuck that I'd file for unemployment. Sue them if you don't get your paycheck. Milk as much out, chill on your ass and admire your plants(and get paid from it) pretty soon, the only American jobs there will be, is keeping guard on the streets and buildings with an AK-47... Shit I'm ready. I practice on my roof, I have multiple signs out front: No Soliciting, No Tricks Or Treats, and No Tresspassing... If any of these are broken, By law I can kill them.. and I do
I was only there a couple of weeks, so unemployment is out of the option.
The guy had something against me because I am from California. I think the only reason he hired me was to steal my fish taco recipe. They have it as one of their daily specials now, even after i was let go.
Kinda funny actually, if i am such a worthless piece of shit, who doesnt know how to cook, then why take my recipe and keep it as your own?? LMAO