Practicing Defoliation


Active Member
Hello growers of the world , CG is here

im currently growing fem BLUE MISTIC..
she's 3-4 months in veg , and today i repotted her and practice some defoliation
i want to flower her soon , and continuing on this technique .
this is pretty Controversial , but there are proofs of benefits from that.

Before plucking:

After plucking:

here's the guide for this method:

what do you guys think ?


Well-Known Member
In my experience it's actually been best to pluck all the leaves before going into flower.


Well-Known Member
I would pluck atleast a week before going into flower and i try to.rid only major big fan.leaves when i defoliate


Well-Known Member
our former mod in the Michigan forum defoliated as a test, and his results sucked. he was growing ak47, and had run that batch several times. the resulting yield was disappointing to say the least.


Well-Known Member
funny thing is I think he swore by it before doing the test

see fattie watched it happen with me.

lol. that was a tough one for him to swallow, huh. he swore up and down that it was the best way to go, and even talked a fair amount of shit over it......that ended upon the reveal. at least he was honest......


Well-Known Member
i like to lollipop right before flowering. after two weeks or so, i thin out the plant and remove any lower bud sites that will not produce well. then, 2-3 weeks before harvest, start taking off leaves that are yellowing more that 20%. while flushing, i like to hand trim the branches to get it down just to the buds. really focus the energy in the center of the bud while it tries to make its sweet sweet flowers.


Well-Known Member
hey at least we can all learn something from it. I had honestly forgotten until you mentioned it, I don't think I ever saw exactly how it ended.


Well-Known Member
Good luck talking about defoliation on this board, or as I prefer, trimming with care. I trim a couple of weeks into flower to allow more light to enter into the middle and to improve air flow. I grow my plants in pots that are touching in a small area and I really pack them in, and I feel it is needed in my grow. One argument that I have heard is that it will reduce bud size, but my buds are pretty big now and I get always good weight. But to each his own, and see if it works for you. It works OK for me, but that is not a popular opion. Anyway, have fun and keep on growing. Peace


Well-Known Member
i did a lot with this plant

i found large fans are only needed by the section of limb or branch its connected to
and are needed for growth and are not needed after stretch the (first 1/3 of flower)
is why sum genetcs discard after second 1/3 of flower
sum just turn them yellow sum turn them brown sum even purple when done with them
sum just leave them be green till the end no nutin
actually no need to support them

never touch the single leaves sticking out of buds and the small fans around buds the ones that sugar over
removing them will harm your yield

experiment on this for self never believe shit not even me
untill you have tried for self
you get so many diff answers is cause only a few know ress guess an say whut they heard or read

i have tried defol at all diff stages of flower

once again experiment

listen to all not spread till tried
an this place can once again be worth sumtin



Well-Known Member
There are so many variables when doing a ‘plucking’ test…
Your results may and will vary doing the exact same thing on two different plants grown in same area…
Your sample plant results are to minuscule to tell if there is any difference between a defoliated plant and one left alone with all it’s leaves… are you doing side by side ? No… and it wouldn’t matter if you were…
Do what works for you… however, it doesn’t mean, it will work for me… Not baggin on you, just saying, there is no way, to tell if a ’plucked’ plant grown next to your non plucked plant will yield any more of less?
That’s what it’s about… Right ? More yield?
Just so you know, I also pluck a few old leaves… I also grow crammed into a small space. Sometimes, I have found, that when I ’trim leaf’ [like a hair cut/not cut off] to fit the grow bucket, and not hang over onto another plant, I and plants like it… or at least they seem to like it…option for you, to cutting off a leaf…
So, good luck with the defoliated plants… Grow that weed easy…