Belladonna from Paradise Seeds

they've been pretty well fed right through, if overly so on occasion, but have also had 2 fresh water only feeds (wk 3 and 6) kinda balancing the equation and getting rid of excess salts in the medium i figured and i'm not one to feed, feed, feed as i want quality as well as quantity. we are only talking 2 weeks max so i think they'll cope ok without it.

i know it wont correct any fuck ups or def's but am i right in assuming that a longer drying period will enhance the quality whether fed til chop, flushed or ...... semi flushed (is what i would call what im about to do).
God damn man do those colas look tasty, a lot of people would say that drying the plant as slowly as possible is key to achieving the best possible smoke, thats why they just cut the whole damn plant and hang it with out manicuring...
God damn man do those colas look tasty, a lot of people would say that drying the plant as slowly as possible is key to achieving the best possible smoke, thats why they just cut the whole damn plant and hang it with out manicuring...

thanks dude, they sure have filled out, slow drying is the plan m8 although i was gonna take the large fan leaves off before hanging them and giving them 10-14 days or more if they need it drying time, they wont have had much of a flush so they'll need it. correct me if im wrong sum 1 plz about removing ONLY all the large fan leaves b4 hanging to dry.
I am sure that you will find many people who do it many different ways, i personally manicure every thing the day i harvest, there are advantages and disadvantages to this, But i believe the people who want it to dry as slowly as possible leave every thing intact but the roots because they want the water and chemicals to dissipate as slowly and naturally as possible, apparently the transpiration is still taking place even after harvested and leaving every thing intact allows the plant to transpire better which supposedly makes for a better smoke... Don't take my word for it I'm just regurgitating a bit of what i have read over the years but it sounds like it would be worth taking a look into, also if you try drying like this make sure you have your ventilation and humidity in check.
I am sure that you will find many people who do it many different ways, i personally manicure every thing the day i harvest, there are advantages and disadvantages to this, But i believe the people who want it to dry as slowly as possible leave every thing intact but the roots because they want the water and chemicals to dissipate as slowly and naturally as possible, apparently the transpiration is still taking place even after harvested and leaving every thing intact allows the plant to transpire better which supposedly makes for a better smoke... Don't take my word for it I'm just regurgitating a bit of what i have read over the years but it sounds like it would be worth taking a look into, also if you try drying like this make sure you have your ventilation and humidity in check.

i know, that's the problem, there's so many different ways and opinions on those ways its hard to differentiate sometimes, i too, until now have wet trimmed on harvest day but they'd always been flushed and i never had a problem with taste, yield (more woulda been good but hey!) or potency. now im in a position where 2 of my ladies got a week or less left and had no flush.... Canna Flush to the rescue????? lol. i welcome new ideas as much as the next serious grower but implementing them for the first time is always a bit hit n miss innit? I'll be brutally honest and confess i'm not one of the more chemist type growers who have or want everything perfect, i dont even ph my shit n never have. i just like a nice healthy garden and a clean end product. bettering what i already have or do is always a bonus tho, hence my interest in flushing/not flushing, etc. thanks for the input dude...
an update on the clones, have kept 7 WW x BB clones with a view to keeping 4 best for a scrog next grow, they are in the cups. out of the belladonna's 25 have rooted with 10 yet to show but its only day 10 or 11 so ill give them a cpl more days tho they all look as healthy as each other.

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rooted all together on left, unrooted in strip of 10, 1 cut and placed straight into water.. trial, still looks healthy but no roots after 5/6 days

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a look at the squidgy black under the scope, sorry bout the shit quality of the pic....
I never pre harvest flush...I close trim wet (have waited til dry before, was a major PIA with no better taste or smell..same with the flush, did a side by sdie and the not flushed was better) but the only way for you to know is do both and pick the method thats better for you
I never pre harvest flush...I close trim wet (have waited til dry before, was a major PIA with no better taste or smell..same with the flush, did a side by sdie and the not flushed was better) but the only way for you to know is do both and pick the method thats better for you

I'll take your word for it m8, never fancied dry trimming either, so this is the plan....... close manicure wet then whole plant hung to dry for 10-14 days.
big thanks to your good self and psilocybindude for your continuous help/guidance/assistance, it genuinely is appreciated.. some way to go til the bella's are ready so may need you again, hope you stick around. thought there'd be more people than this sub'd/commenting tho as i've come accross precious little info/photos about this strain, yet it seems to be quite popular.... Seedsman are sold out of it for 1 i know of hahaha
For not fucking with PH it looks like you are doing one hell of a good job lol, or wait you use AN self balancing PH stuff don't you? When i harvested my first grow i did the water cure on the blue cheese and i air dried the white russan it took a whopping 3 days to be ready for curing i attributed the short dry time to manicuring wet which seemed a lot better than manicuring dry when i read up on it, i jared them up for a few weeks and honestly i couldn't tell a difference between what i had, had curing for weeks and what i smoked a few days after it was harvested. The ash was light grey and burned very well and nether of the smokes seemed particularly harsh to me at all, i was also using pretty much organic super soil though, I've always wondered about the pros and cons between fertilizing all the way up until harvest and flushing but I've never gotten the chance to test the difference with chemically based fertilizers, i might try it out this run since I'm growing hydro, but hey man you have 2 plants of the same strain it sounds to me like its time to test the difference between the extra drying time and no extra drying time with no flush...
For not fucking with PH it looks like you are doing one hell of a good job lol, or wait you use AN self balancing PH stuff don't you? When i harvested my first grow i did the water cure on the blue cheese and i air dried the white russan it took a whopping 3 days to be ready for curing i attributed the short dry time to manicuring wet which seemed a lot better than manicuring dry when i read up on it, i jared them up for a few weeks and honestly i couldn't tell a difference between what i had, had curing for weeks and what i smoked a few days after it was harvested. The ash was light grey and burned very well and nether of the smokes seemed particularly harsh to me at all, i was also using pretty much organic super soil though, I've always wondered about the pros and cons between fertilizing all the way up until harvest and flushing but I've never gotten the chance to test the difference with chemically based fertilizers, i might try it out this run since I'm growing hydro, but hey man you have 2 plants of the same strain it sounds to me like its time to test the difference between the extra drying time and no extra drying time with no flush...
I haven't used my pH meter in over 2 years
For not fucking with PH it looks like you are doing one hell of a good job lol, or wait you use AN self balancing PH stuff don't you? When i harvested my first grow i did the water cure on the blue cheese and i air dried the white russan it took a whopping 3 days to be ready for curing i attributed the short dry time to manicuring wet which seemed a lot better than manicuring dry when i read up on it, i jared them up for a few weeks and honestly i couldn't tell a difference between what i had, had curing for weeks and what i smoked a few days after it was harvested. The ash was light grey and burned very well and nether of the smokes seemed particularly harsh to me at all, i was also using pretty much organic super soil though, I've always wondered about the pros and cons between fertilizing all the way up until harvest and flushing but I've never gotten the chance to test the difference with chemically based fertilizers, i might try it out this run since I'm growing hydro, but hey man you have 2 plants of the same strain it sounds to me like its time to test the difference between the extra drying time and no extra drying time with no flush...

oh i do love a little experiment and thankfully the 2 ladies to be tested first are the smallest in both crops.... RESULT! (the mutant and smallest ww x bb) ah, hold on, better do 2 that are the same phenos for a more accurate result..... the one thats ready is only 1 of it pheno, got 5 donkey dik phenos, 2 christmas tree phenos and 1 donkey dick x christmas tree pheno... hahaha. christmas tree pheno it is then.....
oh yeah, i dont use any ph'ing agents, etc. apparently its all in the A and B grow and bloom??????

I haven't used my pH meter in over 2 years

ive never even owned one. hahaha and i call myself a serious grower lmao.... too technical for me anyway ec's and ph scales and fk knows what else, grow, feed, flush, dry, smoke!! has been my way since i started..... i need to get modern me thinks lol...
That is pretty awesome, but god damn is that a lot of different bottles lol.

and that's my whole point about the flushing business, i put alot of nutes into my medium. hope you can see now why i was a little apprehensive as to not flushing them. seems like flushing is for really old people who havent embraced modern facts and findings yet... just like me. my side by side will show me the way to go tho.... for MYSELF.
just thinking, wouldnt i need 4 plants to do a true test 2 flushed v 2 unflushed tested at different stages/times of drying???

i think too much..... i think.
i say 1 vs 1 would be good enough for me lol if you really want to make an exact comparison you might want to go with more vs more but unless you are using clones of the same pheno i think it would be a bit of a moot point...
An update on the WW x BB now in their 9th week of bloom. Of the 9, one is showing signs of being nearly ready, 10% clear, 80% cloudy, 10% amber'ing'. I'll give her another another 4 or 5 days to get ther by which time, 1 other should be just about there, 3-5 days more maybe. Leaving the remaining 7 on course for a 10 week 12/12 period. I gave one in centre 'Everest' just canna flush today whereas the 1 to be chopped in a few days had plain water, fed until day 52, had a drink today (day 58 ) intend harvesting on day 62,63,64 so hardly a flush. all others had half strength everything and it will be their last feed, 1 more fresh water drink in 5 days time and ill leave go to finish, a further 5-7 days, i try to never water 4 to 5 days before harvest if i can help it, beneficial/detrimental, i dont know, its just what i've always done. not going to give them the 36/48 hr dark period as tried this on few different strains and doesnt seem to do anything for me (in my experience).


here is the first lady for the chop in about 4 days time... neeeaarly there!


this lady is 2nd in line for the chop in a week/10 days.... ah, come on will ya!!!


the rest..... gonna finish when they fkn feel like, balls to what i want, say or do...... 10-14 days would be good tho and looks about right to me

a few poor quality group 'Everest'


what's going on with the tops of these then? dont think it's foxtailing so ?????????


Belladonna will be updated tomorrow when i have chance to look meself, David Bailey took 6 pics but didn't turn the hps off (again) and they're all shit so no point posting em really.