Dumpster Dog


Well-Known Member
So I heard a dog barking last night, I thought it was just one of the neighbors, I went outside to see if I could find it but it was dark. I woke up this morning and could still hear it barking, still couldn't find it though.. Just by chance, a water bottle was at the end of my yard so I picked it up and tossed it into the dumpster and heard something moving around, I peek in and find this dog. The height of the rim of the dumpster goes up to my chest standing, this dog is no more than a foot tall, so what kind of piece of shit puts a dog in a dumpster and leaves it for dead?

Oh! Second pic for my trouble!



Well-Known Member
that little dog looks like it will bite for sure. its sad what low lifes people do to animals, hope the little dog got a bite in on who ever trashed him.
years back, during a hurricane, i made a dog rescue, the damm dog ended up biting me too.


Well-Known Member
Weird, right? First off fuck people who abandon animals, ANY kind of animal. They didn't ask to be a pet, and as a pet owner I believe we have the responsibility to make up that animals freedom we have chosen to take by making sure said animal is happy as fuck and well taken care of at all times.

When I was in high school we had a flood, and one morning while going to the bus stop I heard a dog whimpering, so I look around and out in the middle of this flooded area is a black long haired dachshund, surrounded by water and sitting on a pile of sticks. So I waded out through the waist deep, cold ass water. Every step closer I took the happier the dog looked to see me, and then I got to it and it bit me, then jumped into my arms.

Never did find out who dumped the dog, but it wasn't the last dog that ended up living with us after being dumped in the woods. At one point we had 8 dogs...every one of them fed and cared for like we had picked them.


Well-Known Member
my buddy had a dog called dumpster once. never liked the fact he would fuck with his toy just ot get the dog pissed. it was the only thing in the world that dog cared about. but joey moved out so now the dog doesnt even flinch when joey does it.


Virtually Unknown Member
Had a dog once, the command when he went outside was "take a dump" to hurry him along. If anybody inside the house said dump, dog would glance at me with a WTF? look. Changed the command for future dogs.


Well-Known Member
Nice work but now you need to check your last tetanus jab. I'm on my 3 rd rescue cat and would always take off the street or go to a shelter first. Are you going to keep him?


New Member
Lucky Dog and I am sure he is happy it was not collection day as that would have been his demise if he survived the dumpster . People who do this shit make me sick and they are not even fit to live in my opinion .. You have to be really fucked in the head to do such an act of disrespect to another living soul ..

Karma comes around in mysterious ways we all know , but when is the question and how .. I can assure all that the guilty party will find themselves in even worse despair in due time and when it comes back ten fold perhaps they will remember there actions ..


Active Member
That's where I found our most recent dog dopey... The worst part is that I know the people who did it because they live next-door! Whenever we go out for walks they give us dirty ass looks too, its like WTF dude you THREW HIM AWAY! Long story short he's the perfect fit for the family so he got to stay! It amazes me how people can be so cruel, there are so many good options other than a dumpster! it took me less than 24 hours to get dopey's sister adopted via craigslist at the very least you owe your dog a good home if you just can't keep him.


Active Member
Whats sad is the ones that don't get found before its to late.

I wish all horrible pet owners a slow and painful death. :fire:
Karma's gonna getchu!

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
tbh, there where times when i wanted to throw my ex gf's chihuahua in the dumpster too. fucking yappy little snarling shits, only cut thing about it was that he could dance to music. treat them nicely and they think they run the place, napoleon complexes all of em.