Dumpster Dog


Well-Known Member
So what did you do with the dog?
As I was walking back to look for something else to try to get it out of the dumpster with, like a blanket so he could get some traction instead of that piece of drywall, he climbed up to the top corner and jumped out and pretty much nose dived right into this little block ledge at the base of the dumpster, I was like 10 feet away and I thought he knocked himself out, it looked bad, it was probably 5 1/2 feet from the hard ground, but he seemed fine. He walked toward my neighbors complex and got some water from a puddle that had collected on the ground then just left, that was the last I saw of him. He didn't have a collar and was dirty as fuck, so I assumed it was a stray, which was also why I was a little concerned with rabies


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You need to be treated at a proper medical facility.
If by chance he is carrying rabies the time for treatment is now.
If you wait for symptoms to show up it's too late.
Just my .02


Well-Known Member
Nice work but now you need to check your last tetanus jab. I'm on my 3 rd rescue cat and would always take off the street or go to a shelter first. Are you going to keep him?
Nah, not going to keep him

Hey you should check that ladder, it still looks good!
We got our building fumigated a couple weeks ago and the workers left that 4' ladder in my back yard, my dad said the same thing, I grabbed it to see if he could climb out but it was too slick so I laid that piece of drywall down on top of it. I'm keeping it for sure, it's in excellent condition

only cut thing about it was that he could dance to music.

You need to be treated at a proper medical facility.
If by chance he is carrying rabies the time for treatment is now.
If you wait for symptoms to show up it's too late.
Just my .02
You're right, I did a little research and every source said the same thing, you have to catch it before the incubation process begins, which is normally between 2-10 days

I'll have to call my doc to find out if there's any non invasive tests they can run to determine if all is good or not.. I'm not a huge fan of shots..

Other than that I'm keeping an eye on the bite, it barely broke the surface and I came in right away and washed it with soap and water for a few minutes then put some anti bacterial ointment on it. The dog looked healthy other than how dirty he was, nothing indicating it was rabid, I actually was scratching it's head for a few minutes before it happened in an attempt to gain a little trust, when I walked up and he saw me he instantly started barking, it took a couple minutes of standing there trying to look as non threatening as possible before he would even walk over to me. Then I gave him a handful of lunch meat to sort of maneuver him into the right position. I'm like 95% sure everything should be fine, but I think you're right, the smart thing to do would be to actually get it checked out by professionals.


Staff member
the chances of rabies is like really fucking slim not sure where you live but where i live we havent had a rabies case or report in like 45 years


Active Member
As I was walking back to look for something else to try to get it out of the dumpster with, like a blanket so he could get some traction instead of that piece of drywall, he climbed up to the top corner and jumped out and pretty much nose dived right into this little block ledge at the base of the dumpster, I was like 10 feet away and I thought he knocked himself out, it looked bad, it was probably 5 1/2 feet from the hard ground, but he seemed fine. He walked toward my neighbors complex and got some water from a puddle that had collected on the ground then just left, that was the last I saw of him. He didn't have a collar and was dirty as fuck, so I assumed it was a stray, which was also why I was a little concerned with rabies
You should go to the hospital to get checked out but they may treat you for rabies... the best thing to do when bitten by an animal is to catch the fucker so they can be tested for rabies so you don't have to be treated unnecessarily.


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The only test I know of involves putting the dog down & doing a pathological exam of the brain.
Short of that, I'd take the shots just to be sure, as the alternative (however slight) is freakin horrible.
Again, that's just me though.


Well-Known Member
We all mean well for you.
If we didn't have you around asking all those dumb personal questions all the time
what would we do then???


Well-Known Member
I found my wife in a dumpster. Couldn't believe someone tossed her. She bit me a few times while trying to get her out, but it was all worth it. A keeper for sure!


Active Member
LOL, only if I want to be beaten back. I'd like to think I have a good pimp hand (aka Black Hand), but the occasional scolding is more than adequate, as she is usually a pleaser.
hahaha was it like this?